Droughts-Fire-Floods-E.U.-U.S. Economy-Peace calls-Earthquakes-Melting Glaciers- June 26, 2008



My end times interview on the radio show called “The Edge” will be played today.   Click to the following link below.

 Link :  http://www.theedgeam.com/thursdays.htm.  Once at this link look for the screen, just below it you will see “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth”.  You will see what time you can hear my interview.  All the material I will be talking about comes from my book and the recent up-dates since May of this year.  Help me reach others by telling others about the interview.  Thanks.

Revelation 16:8-9 says, “And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.  And men were scorched with great heat”  Matthew 24 warns of droughts.  A few days ago I talked about the sign in the sun and how Jesus warned the earth would see droughts and fire.  This past weekend a usually storm hit California which at first set off 400 fires.  Major drought conditions helped spread the fires. Last night the B. Syndication News reported “Lightning from a thunderstorm this last weekend sparked fires throughout northern California, and 1,026 of them are still burning according to an update from CAL-FIRE as of 12pm today”  Much of California is on fire and we haven’t even enter the worst part of summer yet.  People have asked me do I think Jesus is punishing California for passing same sex marriages a few weeks ago?  It is possible, California economy economy is tanking,  thousands of people are losing their jobs, the are in a major drought, fires are burning everywhere, and hundreds of thousands in the state are working away from their homes in the forecloser crisis.  I know that cites and nations come under judgement.  In the book of Jonah we see Jonah was sent to Nineveh to have them repent or God was going to destroy them.  We saw they the people in Nineveh did repent and God stopped the judgement before it came.  We also see the sins of Sodom and  and Gomorrah. Sodom and Gomorrah have been used as metaphors for sinfulness and sexual deviation. The story has therefore given rise to words in several languages, including English: the word "sodomy", meaning acts stigmatized as "unnatural vice".  We know that this city did not repent of their sins and God sent fire on them and destroyed everyone except for Lot and his daughters.  I know one thing for sure, if the people of California turn to God and repent California will be change in a hurry.


In Matthew 24 Jesus warned we would see droughts, flood, heat, famine, while Daniel warns the Roman Empire would return to be the most powerful world power at the time Jesus returned.  We see everyone of these signs again in the news this week.   For example from Chicago a  (Reuters)  report stated, “From the worst floods in the Midwest grain belt in 15 years to drought in California, damage to crops from inclement weather has topped $8 billion so far this year, the largest U.S. farm group said on Wednesday. The damage could rise or contract, depending on weather conditions for the rest of the growing season in the United States, the world's top exporter of corn, soybeans and wheat, the American Farm Bureau Federation said.”  America is being beaten down with many disasters and her economy is falling to give way to the new Roman Empire, which as you know now is the European Union. 


For months I have warned you to watch for all these events to come not only on America but for the world and we are seeing these signs being fulfilled daily now. As with America she has just begun to see the hardships.  The faster she turns away from Christ the faster she will fall to make way for the last world power, the E.U.  More bad news just came in today as we read, “Severe thunderstorms rattled northern Missouri early Thursday, threatening to add even more rain to the swollen Mississippi River and complicate efforts to keep the river from engulfing this community. Even before the latest storms, crews had long labored to strengthen the earthen levee at Winfield from dirt slides and spots where water soaks up through the sandy soil”  Go back and read what I stated about the rise in food prices!  These are all warnings from Christ and the news is reporting the very Word Jesus warned us. 


America is hurting so bad that even the 4th of July parties have been affected. “Citing a downturn in the economy, Cocoa Beach officials on Wednesday announced that the city will not host a Fourth of July fireworks display this year. Cocoa Beach city manager Charles Billias said the display, which costs up to $70,000, was too expensive.”  A nation once known for her wealth is slipping away. If you are new to my site turn to chapter two of my book and read all the details as to why the E.U. is taking over on the world scene. The down load is free, just click to link at the end of this post.


Americans are finding out they are no longer top dog and even Mexico is moving on the U.S. now.  “The peso has gained 5.9 percent against the dollar since the beginning of the year. The Mexican currency today was little changed, slipping less than 1 centavo to 10.2952 pesos per dollar at 9:43 a.m. New York time. The economy, which rose 2.6 percent in the first quarter from a year ago, is expected to grow 2.6 percent this year, according to a central bank survey of 31 economists in May. The U.S. economy is forecast to grow 1.4 percent in 2008, according to a Bloomberg survey of 57 economists.”  When you click to the link below you will see many Mexicans are finding it much easier to buy property in America since the fall of the U.S. dollar.


Other signs of America’s troubles came from Citigroup which is one of the biggest banks in the nation.  We were told that, “Citigroup faces a $8.9 billion writeoff, capital need” “ Goldman Tanona's forecast suggests deeper problems for Citigroup Chief Executive Vikram Pandit, who is trying to turn the bank around after nearly $15 billion of losses in the last two quarters, and more than $46 billion of credit losses and write-downs since the middle of 2007.”


Was Daniel right will the last power really be the E.U.?  God’s Word has never failed and the decline of the once mighty super power the U.S.A. is in the process. More bad news about our falling came today in an article entitled,  “Stocks tumble as more bad economic news piles up”. The report stated, “Stocks tumbled Thursday as Wall Street contended with a barrage of bad news: another surge in oil prices and warnings of trouble in the key financial, automotive and high-tech industries. The major indexes showed losses of more than 1 percent, including the Dow Jones industrial average, which shed more than 200 points and dropped to its lowest level of the year.”



Other signs that show America is headed for more troubles came today when oil prices jumped above $140.  Here is a quote from today’s news. “Oil futures shot above $140 Thursday after OPEC's president said oil prices could rise well above $150 a barrel this year and Libya said it may cut oil production.”  We are told that “Interest rates affect the dollar; many analysts believe the Fed's rate cutting campaign, which began last September, had much to do with weakening the dollar against the euro and sending oil prices skyrocketing. Investors buy commodities such as oil when the greenback is falling. Also, a weaker dollar makes oil less expensive to investors dealing in other currencies. The dollar slid against the euro after the Fed's comments Wednesday, and was down again on Thursday.” Since January 2008 I have been trying to get you to pay attention to how the dollar would fall to the European euro.  The euro is killing the U.S. dollar and for good reason, it is all part of the plan to rise the E.U. to the lone superpower Daniel warned would take place.  The second thing to keep in mind is what Libya is doing by cutting the flow of oil production.  This will add more burdens to the American economy. Remember Libya is one of those nations God said would attack Israel in the end times.  Libya is taking a stand to help weaken America before Russia, Libya, Iran, Turkey and some of their other allies invade Israel.  Libya was primarily out of the news for 20 years after President Regan bombed Libya which killed Muammar Gadhafi’s son.  In the beginning of the year I warned that Libya was going to come out on the international scene again and they would show signs of lining up with Russia, that is exactly what has happened.  These are behind the scene signs that tell us the attack on Israel will take place very soon.



Prophecy sign: Peace and safety as outlined in Daniel and 1st Thessalonians 5:3. When Jesus placed me in this ministry in 1977 I was told to warn as many as I could that people must pay attention to the sign of Israel calling for peace and safety. I knew that when Israel called for peace that it would soon be followed by destruction as outlined in Ezekiel chapter 38-39.  We see the signs of this call for peace and safety at least 3 or 4 times a week in the international news.  We are getting closer to some peace agreement with Israel’s enemies.  Today we learned that “Assad says Syria working to achieve peace entailing return to 1967 borders”.  Please keep in mind Assad real goal is not to work for a lasting peace but to say they want peace into to take land back that will put them that much closer to Israel when they attack her.  We know the outcome of Syria’s actions against Israel as recorded in Isaiah 17:1. Syria will be destroyed. By the way, this peace and safety sign is a major signs signifying we have entered the final days just before Jesus come to take His believers out of the earth. 


The Apostle Paul told us destruction would come as the time Israel was calling for peace and safety.  Israel keeps trying to make peace but these short truces keep falling apart.  Today we are told “A rocket fired from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip hit southern Israel on Thursday, the fourth to do so since a truce between Israel and the Islamist movement took effect a week ago. The rocket caused no casualties or damage when it struck an open field near the southern Israeli town of Sderot, which before the truce had weathered near-daily attacks since Hamas seized power in Gaza a year ago.”  What we see taking place right now in the Middle East as far as the call for peace and safety is concerned  is the prelude to the fulfillment of the destruction to follow.  Soon Israel’s enemies will be brave enough to launch an all out assault on Israel.  Then you will see Ezekiel 38-39 fulfilled.  You should keep on the watch for these war to come soon!


If you have been coming to my site these past few months and have read chapter 9 in my free prophecy book you would known what the importance of this news headline is?  “Mideast Quartet Urges Israel, Palestinians to Fully Respect Gaza Truce”.  Here is a short quote from the voanews, “World powers have urged Israel and the Palestinians to fully respect a truce in the Gaza Strip as violence in the region threatens to undermine the deal. Diplomats from the "quartet" of Mideast peace brokers made the appeal Tuesday after meeting in the German capital, Berlin. The quartet includes the United States, the European Union, Russia and the United Nations.”  In 1st Thessalonians 5:3. we see the call for this peace, and the prophet Daniel showed us a man who comes from the new Roman Empire will confirm a agreement of peace or covenant with Israel.  One of the major players in this peace process in the European Union or the new Roman Empire.  Keep your eyes on this peace process because when it is all side and done the man who confirms this agreement with be the one from the E.U..  In the past few years we have seen the E.U. increase their activity in this peace process.  Jesus Words will be fulfilled and if you watch the news you will see this come to pass shortly.  There is one problem.  If you see the man from the E.U. or reborn Roman Empire confirm this agree you know you have been left behind to go through the tribulation. All I can say is, God help anyone left behind!


Prophecy signs: Matthew, Mark, and Luke’s books all warn of earthquakes, and strange fearful sights and Luke warns us about the waves and seas.  You have seen many of these signs in the news just this past month alone but more are on there way.  Even the geologists are warning the same things Jesus told us to look for in the end times.  I quote, “Climatologists have been raising alarms about global warming for years, and now geologists are getting into the act, warning that melting glaciers will lead to an increasing number of earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions in unexpected places.”  In another section a recent report the subtitle reads, “New Seismic Events Already Happening” The report stated, “Wu said melting ice in Antarctica is already triggering earthquakes and underwater landslides. These events aren’t getting much attention, but they are early warnings of the more serious events that scientists believe are coming. According to Wu, global warming will create “lots of earthquakes.”  Pay attention to the geologists warnings because they are telling you exactly what Jesus has warned.  If you don’t want to listen or believe, just wait, you will see all these signs begin to accelerate. 


Prophecy Sign: Last generation will be just like Noah’s generation where homosexuality and same sex marriage ran ramped. Matthew 24:36 “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark”. Yesterday I wrote about how the world has plunged into the same exact sins as in the days Noah’s generation. Today’s news reported on this same issue. “Police on Thursday afternoon detained a haredi man in Jerusalem for holding an insulting sign against the gay pride parade, some two hours before the scheduled start of the event in the capital. The parade, which has repeatedly riled religious city residents, was set to begin at 5 p.m. under tight security. The annual march, which is organized by Jerusalem's gay and lesbian center, the Open House, was approved by the High Court of Justice this week over the opposition of City Hall”. This is serious news which is a warning to all those walking in Jesus that He is going to remove His church soon, and you should be ready and standing on the watch.  This is the final sin that brought down Noah’s generation and I believe as Jesus warned us, It is the one of the last signs that tell us Jesus is coming soon.

http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1214132688020&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull.  If you don’t except Jesus, and receive Him as your Lord then welcome yourself to the great tribulation!  Welcome yourself to the Antichrist, and welcome yourself to every plague that is coming during that 7 year tribulation.  If you like to be without food, on the run from the Antichrist, living in massive drought conditions, lack of water, intense heat that will burn your skin and destroy all the crops, if you like to be stung and suffer for 5 months, if you like living in fear and not being able to trust anyone, not even members of your own family then you will love being in the tribulation.  What I just described is just the tip of what will happen during the tribulation.  Why place yourself in this position when Jesus wants to remove you from it because He loves you and doesn’t want you to have to go through it?  Receive Him today and be free from this worry of being left behind.



Free documentary book on Bible prophecy and current events entitled: “

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” By Frank DiMora. Newest edition just out on May 13, 2008. You can download it here for free or, just come back each day and read a little at a time.   


Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf 


Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed.  In blue, DiMora's youtube Video outlining some of these signs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eMPhti-cEQ

Part 1 how Ministry started: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcWK_qezFxY

Part 2 how Ministry started: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qZuXGFIvhE

F. DiMora's Video showing Jehovah's Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words.http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=506f09075f6ab891e865


If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the intoduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to http://christianspeaker.net/, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements



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