End Times Interview on “The Edge” with Frank DiMora is today June 26, 2008


This past Sunday Gina Romano, the host of radio show, (The Edge) interviewed me for one hour and fifty three minutes.  If you want to know or had any doubts that we have already entered the last days events Jesus warned about than you will want to turn to hear this interview.  Go to the following link, under the screen that shows up you will see a list of shows for Thursday June 26, 2008.  You will see my interview listed as “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth”. They will tell you what time you can listen to my interview today.  I am slated to start  at 8pm Eastern time.  Don’t worry if you miss the show, I was informed you will be able to hear it on the site as they keep the interviews for those who want to hear a show they may have missed. When you click to the Link, the first screen you see will be the screen you will click on to hear the interview.  If I were you, I would tell as many of your loved ones and friends about this as you can.  I will be giving hard facts concerning Jesus warning of the last day events, and I will be giving proof we are living in the last days Jesus told us to watch for.  I want to take this time to thank Gina for allowing me to speak the truth in Christ.  The Edge link -  http://www.theedgeam.com/thursdays.htm 



Please return today I am in the process of writing todays post.

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