E.U. and Israel become closer- Importance in prophecy- June 17, 2008


Prophecy Signs from Daniel chapter 9, and 1st Thessalonians chapter 5::3 concerning the Antichrist, the E.U. and peace talks.  When you read my book you will learn I warn that Israel may become a member of the E.U.  Yesterday the news from the Middle East was that Israel has just taken another step closer to this taking place. The headline from J. Post report read,  “Israel wins EU upgrade – over Palestinian, Egyptian objections”.  According to their report Despite intense lobbying by Egypt and the Palestinian Authority, the European Union on Monday – in a sign of vastly improved European-Israeli relations over the last few years – agreed to a significant upgrade of relations.” “Israeli-EU relations will be upgraded in three areas: increased diplomatic cooperation; Israel's participation in European plans and agencies; and examination of possible Israeli integration into the European single market.” Let me connect the dots for you.  Why is this important?  First of all we see that the E.U. is getting very close with Israel.  Daniel tells us in the chapter 9 that a man who comes from the new Roman Empire will confirm a  covenant (peace agreement) with Israel for 7 years.  We are also told that the one who makes this covenant come from Rome Italy and that it will be from the city of 7 mountains that this man of sin will have his seat, see chapter 17 of the book of Revelation or read chapter 2 of my book.  First thing of importance here is that Israel was taken into the first Roman Empire and it would stand to reason that they would become part of the New Roman Empire.  Right now the E.U. is very busy with the peace talks so this part of Daniel’s prophecy is also lining up as well.  Take notice what this part of the J. Post had to say, “Israeli diplomatic sources said that the Arab world was increasingly concerned by the growing friendship between Israel and many of the governments in Europe, including France under Nicolas Sarkozy, Britain under Gordon Brown, Germany under Angela Merkel and Italy under Silvio Berlusconi. In addition, the inclusion of eastern European countries into the EU such as Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic has vastly improved Israel's status in the EU.  It is a fact that Silvio Berlusconi is one of Israel’s closest friends and he is currently ruling from the city of 7 mountains, (Rome). 


It is wise to keep tract of what is happening in the E.U. and Israel. In my May 20th, post I explain the importance of watching what Silvio Berlusconi does because he is showing signs that Jesus told us to watch for.  These signs are traits of the Antichrist and what he will do in the end times.  Since Israel has now up-graded into the E.U. and Berlusconi is again mentioned as a favorite sun of Israel you had better watch what Berlusconi does. I want to quote what I wrote in my May 20th post.  The facts will help you see why the importance to watch what Berlusconi does.  Do you want to know who the antichrist is?  Just keep you eyes on the news and follow the Word of God.   When you hear or see a man sign a 7-year peace agreement with Israel, that is the man God said would be the man of sin, or Antichrist.  I cover this subject in detail in chapter 9.  Jesus gave us signs of what the Antichrist would be like.  He told us what to look for. In 2nd Thessalonians 2:4 it states, "He opposes and exalts himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, and even sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God."  We know from Revelation chapter 17 that the false church will sit on the beast (Antichrist) in Rome. This means that the Antichrist will come from Rome, which is in Italy.  Daniel saw all the kingdoms from his time all the way to the last kingdom, which he warned would be the reborn Roman Empire. The European Union is that reborn Roman Empire and Italy has been a major player in the EU since it started. One of the major signs of the end times is the rebirth of the Roman Empire, so watching the signs concerning the political climate within the EU should be taken with special interest.  Right now you should pay special attention to Silvio Berlusconi, and you will see why.   In April of 2008 Berlusconi was reelected as the Prime Minister of Italy.  Why is this so important?  Jesus said when the man of sin, (Antichrist), comes he would exalt himself?  Let me give you some quotes Berlusconi has stated about himself. Here they are.  1. "I am the Jesus Christ of Politics. I am a patient victim, I put up with everyone, I sacrifice myself for everyone” 2. “The best political leader in Europe and in the world.”  3.”There is no-one on the world stage who can compete with me" (BBC News May 2, 2006).  4. In the Guardian report Jan. 18, 2004 they reported that Berlusconi calls himself 'monarchist' which means (he being the king).  Now let me ask you a question, does this sound like the warning Jesus gave us about the personality of the Antichrist?  You bet it does, but there is more.  “All hail Berlusconi” is the title to a report on Berlusconi by the Guardian news.  A Writer for the Guardian news profiles Berlusconi like this, "Silvio Berlusconi, a Roman emperor for the 21st century.” Jesus told us Rome would return and there would be one last emperor over all of the reborn Roman Empire.   In 2009 the European Union will elect that emperor. Some think the first to take the position will be Tony Blair, but time will tell.  As it stands now the gang of 3 is again on the move and they have already started to block Tony Blair from becoming the first full time president of the EU.  The euobserver.com had a report entitled, “Secret deal between EU-3 blocks Blair as EU president”.  The euobserver reported that, “UK prime minister Gordon Brown has agreed to a secret deal with Germany and France which effectively rules out Tony Blair as a new EU president but the British ex-leader is also interested in the new role of Europe’s foreign chief” (April 21, 2008).  The more I read about this gang of 3 the more I am convinced this is the group that the Antichrist will subdue when he first comes on the scene.   All I know is a man from Rome will end up in this position just as Jesus stated he would.  So far when you compare scripture and the signs of the Antichrist's personality with Berlusconi they all run parallel.  Berlusconi already says he is the king!  Now that Berlusconi was reelected as Italy's new Prime Minister on the 14th of April, this is what you should watch for.  Watch and see if he reenters the Middle East peace talks. We know from Daniel chapter 9 that the Antichrist will confirm a covenant (peace and safety, or peace agreement) for Israel and the Arabs.  The agreement that will be signed will be for a 7-year period.  If Berlusconi is the man who confirms that 7-year agreement with many, then you will know he is the man Jesus warned us about.  Pay attention to what I have stated.  I am not saying Berlusconi is the Antichrist but, so far he is fulfilling all the requirements of the Antichrist as laid down in scripture.  What I found to be interesting is this, Berlusconi himself announced that his first state visit would be to Israel.  As soon as Berlusconi got elected again he also stated, “he would help the European Union regain some of the influence in international affairs that he said it had lost since he was last in power” (Reuters Africa April 16, 2008).    One of the things I told you to watch for is if Berlusconi gets involved with the Middle East peace process. If he does we all had better pay attention because it is the antichrist who confirm the 7 year agreement.   Today news reported that the Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has asked Berlusconi for his support.  Here is a section from today’s report. “Sharm el-Sheikh, 19 May (AKI) – Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayyad has said that he expects the new conservative government of Silvio Berlusconi to continue supporting the Palestinian cause. "Historically, Italy has always supported the Palestinian cause, and we expect the same from the current Italian government," said Fayyad in an interview with Adnkronos International (AKI) on Monday. "Berlusconi has always worked with us. I talked to him personally in Rome when I was treasury minister. They have helped and supported us totally." When Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was in office he favored Italy as a possible venue to hold the peace talks.  Let me  quote from the Netscape report that came out on May 15, 2002. “Arriving in Rome for a weekend visit, Foreign Minister Shimon Peres also said Italy would be a good venue.  Italy can and may be, “he said in response to a reporter’s question about whether the country could host the conference.  Italy is a good place.  We meet here from time to time with the Palestinians to discuss things and we enjoy the hospitality of Italy to the highest extent,  “Peres said.” In 2007 Shimon Peres was elected as the President of Israel.  I find it interesting that both Peres and Berlusconi are back in office, they both like each other and now that the PLO wants Berlusconi’s support, you may see Israel asking Berlusconi to start taking part in the peace process.  If that happens watch very close what Berlusconi does. If he gets Israel to sign a agreement with the PLO and that agreement is for a period of 7 years, then you know he is the man of sin Jesus spoke about in Daniel chapter 9.  It is worth paying close attention to.  People ask why would Israel join the E.U. anyway.  Israel may join thinking that if they were a member of the E.U. they would be protected by the E.U. from the Arabs enemies and there is a lot of truth to this. 



Prophecy Signs: Matthew chapter 24:7 Famines, Mark 13:8 Famines and troubles. Revelation: signs of intense heat, drought, and price of food so high a person will work all day for one small meal just for himself.  I want to turn your attention to some hard facts that are in the process of fulfilling the warnings of what this generation would face.  Jesus said that we would be faced with global troubles that would stem from lack of food, droughts, famines, hunger, storms, and the unrest that would follow all these signs.  Jesus drew a picture of the future for his Apostles and showed them by the time we entered into the tribulation period people wouldn’t even be able to afford food. It is not a pretty picture to say the least, but with all the doom and gloom we were left with hope.  Jesus told all that would listen to Him that He would remove any believer in Him before this 7 year tribulation begins.  What then is your hope.  We can and will escape the droughts, intense heat, famines, hunger, and anything else found during the tribulation.  This is the promise of Christ, read this a think about this and place it in your heart. “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.”  After Jesus listed all the signs of judgements that will fall on the unbelievers he made the above promise.  Jesus wouldn’t tell you to pray for something that He wouldn’t deliever.  In this case it is your way out of everything that is soon to come upon this earth.  If you receive Jesus as Lord and are doing what He asked, WATCH, and pray that you are worthy, you will be removed out to heaven with Christ before the 7 year tribulation begins.  Every WORD Jesus warned about these signs and times is now unfolding before us.  Soon all those who are abiding in Christ and are watching for His return will see Jesus promise come to pass as well.  The church will not escape some of the things taking place during the tribulation but as Jesus said, “escape all these things that shall come to pass.”  Now is the time to examine yourself and ask yourself this question, am I worthy?  Are you living for Christ?  Are you spending time in His Word,  Do you pray at all?  Are you fellowshipping with the believers? Are you watching the signs Jesus told you to watch for?  Do you love Him and do you even know Him?  Only you can answer these questions.  We know that all the signs Jesus warned us about are already here.  All these signs are beginning to intenseify just as He said they would.  We know by these events Jesus will be coming soon to remove all those who are accounted worthy to escape.  The days for the lazy, uncommitted, lukewarm christian  are coming to a close.  This is why I ask you to examine your walk in Christ.  If you find yourself not ready for what is about to befall this world I say turn for your ways and come home to Christ now!  This is a warning to all people who refuse my Lord’s message for these end times, and it is a warning for any believer not walking and abiding in Christ.  Now is the time to dress yourself in white garments washed in the forgiveness of our Lord.  Please join me today and ask Jesus to lite your life on fire for Him.  For those who will refuse lets see what is instore for you.  Think things are bad now? We have only now just begun to see all these signs intensify.  More droughts are on their way and more hunger and higher prices for food.  Click to video below and watch some of the things Jesus has warned you about.

Drought and high fuel costs have farmers facing major losses

This next report is entitled “A 'perfect storm' driving up Middle East food prices” This report shows you where we are headed.  'In what is being seen as a perfect storm of food scarcity, global warming, the collapsing dollar, population explosion and even alternative fuels are all being blamed for plunging the world into the biggest crisis of the 21st century,' said Jim Meltz, Show Director for AGRA Middle East, that takes place at the Dubai International Exhibition Centre from 8 -10 April 2008.

The World Bank says international food prices have risen by 75% since 2000, while wheat prices have increased by 200%. The cost of staples such as rice and soya bean has also hit record highs, while corn is at its most expensive in 12 years. The increasing cost of grains is pushing up the price of meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products.  Remember the warning Jesus gave us in the Revelation about working all day for a small meal for one person?  What you are seeing take place now is just the beginning and by the time the tribulation begins all of Jesus warnings will have been completed!  Do you want to see yourself living on earth with these conditions?  If not just give your life to Christ and free yourself from the judgements.http://www.ameinfo.com/150457.html

Here is more news concerning the signs.  This report is entitled, “Food Crisis in Guyana”. “The crisis is already being experienced in Guyana as we see the prices of basic items like rice, flour, milk and meat going up almost daily. In fact since the introduction of VAT in January 2007, Guyanese have been grappling with the rising cost of living. Between January, 2007 to January, 2008, the average cost of food in Guyana has risen astronomically. The global food shortage is making an already bad situation worse. More recently there have been street protests over the rising cost of living. 


Do you remember that Jesus said troubles were coming?  When you read the following news you will see that this planet troubles have just begun. In a report entitled, “Medium and long term implications of the global food crisis” they report,

“Famine and Civil Unrest: In the developing world, rising food prices have combined with famine to produce the proverbial “perfect storm,” in the words of development economist Jeffrey Sachs. “These places aren’t on the brink. They’ve gone over the cliff.” Sachs was referring specifically to the Horn of Africa, where the situation is especially dire because of continued civil war and political instability. Unfortunately, the same story is playing out in the darkest corners of the globe, sucking in a flood of aid experts and volunteers. Theoretically, the effect of rising food prices could be neutral on the developing world, where a significant portion of the population is still employed in the agricultural sector. Unfortunately, this has not been born” out by reality.


Look, I don’t want to scare anyone but facts are facts and we are living in the generation who will see our Christ return and it will be soon.  I know Jesus is calling many to Himself.  You maybe one of those people who have heard His call in these last days.  Listen to that His and come to Christ, He is waiting for you.


Free documentary book on Bible prophecy and current events entitled: “

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” By Frank DiMora. Newest edition just out on May 13, 2008. You can download it here for free or, just come back each day and read a little at a time.   

Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf  FREE

Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed. DiMora's youtube Video outlining some of these signs. 


Part 1 how Ministry started: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcWK_qezFxY

Part 2 how Ministry started: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qZuXGFIvhE

F. DiMora's Video showing Jehovah's Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words.http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=506f09075f6ab891e865

If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the intoduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to http://christianspeaker.net/, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements


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