China is flooded-Midwest crops lost-Peace talks-E.U’s future on the World stage-Crime-Last days church.


Before I start my up-date I want to share a blessed message from my Son for Fathers Day.  What would you say to our Father Jesus on Fathers Day?  Would your message be the same as mine son's message to me?


International A.M. Radio show posts DiMora's Free book information. Click to link.  I will be doing several interviews in the coming months on this A.M. Radio station.  Turn into A.M. site and keep watch for times I will be speaking. Details are coming soon.



Prophecy Signs: Luke 21:25 

Seas and waves roaring.  Major storms alert millions across the world.  Today more news about the floods in the Midwest.  The headline today read, “Flooding in the American Midwest threatens crops”  As you know one of the things I have been warning you to watch for is the price of food to increase because of what would happen when these storms moved in.  I also showed you that Jesus stated just before He returned millions would go hungry. This of course is just one of the signs. In any case “Last week, the price of corn rose above $7 a bushel on the commodities market for the first time, and soybeans rose sharply, too, reacting to the harsh weather hampering crop production across the Midwest.”  Today we read, “In addition to Iowa, the farming states of Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Minnesota have suffered an unusual level of flooding this year.” “Beyond that, agriculture experts estimate that 2 million acres of soy beans have been lost to water, putting the state's total grain loss at 20 percent so far, with the threat of more rain to come.”  “Meanwhile, the price of oil has jumped, raising the cost of producing crops and feeding livestock and causing an increase in grocery bills here and abroad, sparking riots and protests in at least two dozen countries.”  This is a small glimpse of what is in store for this globe.  As the news report stated, more rain is on the way.  The Midwest in the U.S. isn’t the only nation under water, China has been hit with some major storms since their major earthquake and now according to the news millions of people are on the move again.

Form the East, the headline for today reads, “China warns of fresh floods after a million flee”  “Floods triggered by torrential rains have killed dozens of people across China, as officials struggle to move thousands of victims of last month's earthquake to escape the threat of landslides caused by downpours.”  “Already reeling from the May 12 quake centered on southwest Sichuan province that killed more than 70,000 people, floods in southern China have killed at least 57 people in recent days and forced 1.27 million to move to safer ground, the Ministry of Civil Affairs said.  In the book of Daniel chapter 12:4, Daniel tells us that not only will this generation be known as the generation to increase knowledge but that they would be traveling back and forth.  Ask all the Midwest states and China what they thing about Daniel’s warning.  People are being forced to move back and back by the millions because of major disasters.  These are all major signs that this generation will see Jesus Christ come for His Church soon.

“Worries Mount as Farmers Push for Big Harvest” “ In a year when global harvests need to be excellent to ease the threat of pervasive food shortages, evidence is mounting that they will be average at best. Some farmers are starting to fear disaster. American corn and soybean farmers are suffering from too much rain, while Australian wheat farmers have been plagued by drought”  Not on has Australia’s heat cut down the amount wheat making its way to the market place but a new wheat fungus that hit in the Middle East especially Iran’s crops is going to cut down how much wheat will be sold.  The outcome of all these recent disasters is many will go hungry and the prices of food will skyrocket.  These are all the signs (the exact) signs Jesus said to watch for.

Prophecy sign: 1stThessalonians 5:3 Paul tells us in the last days when Israel is calling for peace and safety that would be the time sudden destruction would come.  Ezekiel 38:11 tells us Israel will be attacked when they are living in what they believe is safety, or living confidently.  In other words they may sign some type of peace agreement but it will be broken very soon, Israel may even be attacked while they are still talking peace and safety. I wanted to give you an up-dated on this because it is very important to end time prophecy.  We know for a fact  that Israel and their neighbors must be engaged in peace talks during the days just prior to the return of Christ.  This is the case today.  Right now in all Middle East parties are working on a new peace plan and it is just as Paul warned us it would be. Today CNN News told us that Israel and the PLO leadership for the first time are putting the new details to this new peace plan on paper. “Israeli and Palestinian negotiators have agreed to start drafting elements of a proposed peace accord, the chief Palestinian negotiator said Friday. Ahmed Qureia, the veteran negotiator heading the Palestinian team, made it clear the decision did not necessarily reflect agreement on major issues. But this would be the first time since negotiations resumed more than six months ago that anything would be committed to paper.” You can click to the link below for the complete details. .

Syria and Israel have also been engaged in these peace plans however, we see some handwriting on the wall if you will by what the Syrian leaders are saying about what will happen if they don’t get their way in the peace plan.  Here is the headline to a recent report. “Syria warns Golan ‘can be freed through means other than peace’ “Deputy foreign affairs minister says all option on table for Damascus if Israel refuses to cede Golan Heights. ‘The settlers should not be raising their children in the Golan, since this is not their place. They should bear in mind that we will defend our land at any time,’ he says Syrian Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Faisal al-Miqdad said on Saturday that Damascus retains several options to reclaim the Golan Heights, including options of a less-than diplomatic nature – the Jordanian daily ‘al-Dustour’ reports.”  Now let me remind you what God has in store for this nation in the near future.  In Isaiah chapter 17:1 tells us that Damascus will be destroyed and left in a  “ruinous heap.”  What may more than likely will take place very soon is that the Syria will not get what they want from the peace process and try to take the land back they lost from precious wars.  When they attack Israel, Israel will send the army in that God has raised during these last days and take out Syria just as God warned.  If you don’t believe my message to make yourself ready, just watch what happens to Damascus in the very near future.  Once you see this take place you had better drop to your knees and ask Jesus to forgive your unbelief and receive Him as your Lord.  Jesus is a loving God and as soon as you ask Him in He will save you.  After all, the reason why Jesus told us all these events before they took place is to prove He can be trusted and to encourage you to enter into His arms.,2506,L-3555488,00.html

While Paul warns about the call for peace and safety Ezekiel fills in all the details concerning the coming attack on Israel when Israel thinks they are living in safety.  During this time Ezekiel warns that one of the nations to join in on this attack  will be Libya.  For the past 20 years I have been trying to warn people to watch what happens to Libya because they will make an alliance with Russia in the end times and join Russia when they attack Israel.  I give you complete details in chapter 10 of my book how just recently Russia and Libya have once again joined forces in many new treaties which, one of those treaties is a military treaty.  Recently the European Union (E.U.) has been trying to join closer ties with come of the Arab states but the subject of ties with Israel is a sticky point.  “Libya's Gaddafi calls EU plan an insult” Libya called the meeting to seek a common stance on the proposed union and discuss Israel's role. Arab governments fear that joining the union alongside Israel might imply a normalization of their relations with the Jewish state.”  Gaddafi hates Israel and has been waiting for the past twenty years to remove Israel as a nation.  All the pieces to the last days attack on Israel are just about all in place and soon Russia will be forced to attack Israel, and of course Libya will be number in this attack. of the European Union which is actually the reborn Roman Empire Daniel warned us about, Ireland which is an E.U. member state just voted no to ratify the E.U. treaty that would have passed the proposed E.U. Constitution.  Many people are saying that the E.U. will never finalize a Constitution but I want to show you what Daniel told us about this issue.  Let me set the stage for you so you get a clear understanding what is being said here.  Daniel was told the toes represent the new Roman Empire that would arise just before Jesus was to return.  Daniel was told that this new Roman Empire would not mix well but that in the end it would be the last world Empire to reign when Jesus returned.  This is what Daniel said about this kingdom not mixing well.  “And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.  And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.”   The Irish no vote is a great example of what Daniel was talking about, but this no vote is not going to stop the Union from completing their gold to having one man rule the entire empire.  In the very near future the E.U. will sign the final document and install their full time president just as Jesus has warned. Remember the E.U. said last week that will go ahead with the ratification process no matter what.  “The European Commission has called for ratification of the Lisbon treaty to continue, despite the No result in Ireland's referendum.”  This is what you will see in the near future from the E.U.  They may lose a member state and they have some states that are very strong and some weak but they will sign their Constitution.  What Daniel saw about this kingdom has already come to pass and the rest will follow.

Jesus told us the Old Roman Empire would return, one of the things most people remember about the Roman Empire was they ruled the world with their military.  Jesus told us that the Antichrist would also try to rule the world and that just like the Old Roman Empire the new reborn Roman Empire the (E.U.) would have a military that would also be just as strong and more so.  You you read chapter 2 of my book you will see how this E.U. military is now coming together.  I want to quote what Frances leader just stated to the E.U.. “A confidential five-page document, detailing France’s enthusiasm for common EU funding of military operations, has been circulated to European governments, it was reported last night.”  The E.U. has already put a strike force together and have made it known they want to take more action in troubled spots around the world.  Every Word spoken by God is taking place now and that is why I am pleading with anyone reading this to make yourselves ready to met Jesus soon.  We have already entered into the final days. Speaking about the E.U. treaty German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier stated, ""Of course we have to take the Irish referendum seriously. But a few million Irish cannot decide on behalf of 495 million Europeans,"  Maybe the proper thing to say is a few million Irish cannot stop the fate Jesus has already laid out.

The latest news today points to what I stated about the E.U. moving on past the irish no vote. "France's European affairs minister told a newspaper on Monday that the EU treaty rejected by Irish voters can be saved even if the process of overhauling the bloc's institutions is delayed". Like I said, nothing will stop Jesus' Words from being fulfilled.



The European Union already sees themselves moving into a time when they will be the major power in the world.  Just recently the E.U. Parliament met and talked about this subject. “The European Parliament is seeking to bolster its role in the bloc's common foreign and security policy (CFSP), with senior MEPs saying it is time for Europe to become a "player and not just a payer" on the world stage. Polish centre-right MEP and head of the foreign affairs committee, Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, says that EU foreign is moving "from one era to another" with the new Lisbon Treaty, due to kick in next year.” What they see for the future of the E.U. is exactly what Jesus warned us about.

Also in today's news we are told, "France will propose launching a European Union aircraft carrier group and a joint fleet of military transporters as part of efforts later this year to boost the EU military, French defence officials said.

Prophecy Sign: “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:37).   Let us not forget that Jesus also said all these things would take place at the time that generation would be a copy of Noah’s generation living in sin and marrying in the same sex while homosexuality is  running ramped.  Jesus in His letter to the churches in the first chapters of the book of Revelation warned us the last church living just prior to His return would turn from the ways of Christ and become the kind of church He would spit out of His mouth.  The Lord call this last Church age “wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked”.  This Church Jesus tells us will think they are rich and in need of nothing but as you can see from what Jesus said they really are not.  All around the world today we see mega churches who claim they are close to good and are blessed with all types of riches.  There message to their people is you have to be gain wealth from Christ or you are not walking right with God.  How many Christian TV programs do you see with supposed men of God sitting in their Golden chairs healing their prosperity doctrines.  Churches all across this earth are now loaded with people who don’t even read the Word anymore.   This modern Laodicean church has allowed false doctrine to take it over and the message and teaching of Christ have been water down even to the point to tolerate sin such a same sex marriages.  Jesus calls this type of church “neither cold nor hot”.  In other words they have become indifferent to Christ and are far from abiding in Christ.  One must now examine ones self to see if you are part of this type of church.  If you are I warn you to repent and turn back to Christ.  Start praying, reading the Word, fast and walk close with Jesus and become (HOT, on fire) for Christ).  Many people will be very unhappy to find themselves left behind in the tribulation who do not come out of this type of church.  Let me give you a few example of what I am talking about.  In the current headline you read the following: “Male priests marry in Anglican church's first gay 'wedding”  “An Anglican church has held a homosexual "wedding" for the first time in a move that will deepen the rift between liberals and traditionalists, The Sunday Telegraph can disclose.”'s-first-gay-'wedding'.html

When you read chapter 6 of my book you will see all the details concerning Churches allowing all types of sin into their churches.  It isn’t uncommon to see homosexual churches any longer and it is becoming common for homosexuals to attend homosexual churches in almost all parts of the world.  New laws being pasted in many nations are making it easier for these types of churches to grow and to except the homosexual life style.  This of course is the world’s teaching but, Jesus warned His following do not be of this world.  In other words Christians are to following the Kingdom of Heaven and Jesus Words.  Today in California the (AP) reports that, “City worker Eileen Shields usually spends her days answering questions about West Nile Virus, bed bugs and other health concerns, but next week she'll be one of hundreds of volunteers at City Hall helping same-sex couples tie the knot. Shields, who works in the communications office at the city's Department of Public Health, was inspired to help pronounce couples "spouses for life" because her daughter married a woman in Massachusetts last year and she wanted to help others share the same joy”  Starting today what God warned to stay away from,  thousands will not listen to His voice and be married in same sex marriages.  As people who love Christ and are not part of this world how should we react towards these people?  Jesus wants us to love everyone and that includes all homosexuals.  We are to pray for them that somehow they open their eyes and see the truth in Christ.  We are not suppose to call them names and cause them any harm as many are now doing.  This is not what Jesus teaches.  These are the lost sheep of Christ and I ask you to join me in praying that Jesus goes after these lost sheep in His love for them.  When I mean go after them, I am talking about convicting them of their acts which appose God Words.  In the meantime if you live in California I ask you to take the peaceful path on this issue and in November on God’s behalf.  Californians will vote in November on a constitutional amendment to restrict marriage to one man and one woman.  We as God’s children can do what we can to slow up this process of making same sex legal, but if you know prophecy these types of sins will only increase as we move closer to the return of Christ, but for now, VOTE.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:12  Crime (lawlessness).  If you were to take one prophecy by itself it would mean very much. But if you take everything Jesus listed and understand they everything He stated is happening, then you come to realize the importance of making yourselves ready to meet the Lord.  Lets add the signs of lawlessness.  Here is an example. CRIME: June 15, 2008 ‘The Italian government has defended its decision to use soldiers to patrol cities in an effort to curb crime, rejecting criticism that it will "militarize" the streets.”

The warnings (prophecies) from Christ are not just words, they are Truth!  What to expect soon.  More nations in conflict, more major storms and flooding and high winds, more earthquakes and disease being reported.  These are the things Jesus said was coming and soon you will watch this things being reported in the news. 


Free documentary book on Bible prophecy and current events entitled: “

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” By Frank DiMora. Newest edition just out on May 13, 2008. You can download it here for free or, just come back each day and read a little at a time.  

Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf  FREE

Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed. DiMora's youtube Video outlining some of these signs.

Part 1 how Ministry started:

Part 2 how Ministry started:

F. DiMora's Video showing Jehovah's Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words.

If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the intoduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements

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