War, Storms, Hunger, sliding economy, Noah’s signs, Pestilence, Famine, and Signs of Ezekiel’s prophecy coming soon. June 10, 2008


Prophecy Signs: Ezekiel 38-39 the coming attack against Israel. A complete look at this prophecy can be seen in chapter 10 from my free book which can be downloaded at the end of my post.  What are am giving you now are signs and warnings to prepare for war in the Middle East.  First of all “Russia says preparations for Iran nuclear reactor startup set for autumn” “Russian news agencies said Saturday that preparations for the startup of a nuclear power plant in Iran will begin this autumn. The agencies quoted Russian nuclear agency chief Sergei Kiriyenko as saying builders are in the final stages of work on the plant near the city of Bushehr.”  In my past posts I quote the Prime Minister of Israel telling the world they will attack Iran to destroy Iran’s nuclear power plant.  Israel knows Iran wants atomic power to destroy Israel and Israel can not let that plant fire up.  What is important here are several things. Second, we see there are not plans to stop building and completing the power plant.  This shows us the U.N. is and will remain powerless to halt Iran’s plans.  What this points to is this, Israel will have to make good on their promise to take out the nuclear site.  Israel has been backed up in a corner and if they do not act soon, Iran will have the nuclear power to wipe Israel off the map as the Iranian President has stated he would.  Third,  what is the importance of autumn?  September 29, 2008 in the (autumn), will be the feast of trumpets.  In Leviticus 23 you see these feast are Appointed times established as yearly rehearsals that taught both historically and prophetically the whole plan of God.  This plan included the coming of Christ (Messiah) and how Messiah would bring the redemption to all who received Him.  In short, God has given us His Biblical Calendar.  Out of the 7 Biblical holidays the only ones left to be fulfilled are the Fall feasts which are Rosh HaShanah (Feast of Trumpets), Yom Kippur which is the (Day of Atonement), and (Tabernacles). Read my May 21, 2008 post to fully understand how important the Feast of Trumpets is.  The next Feast to be fulfilled in prophecy will be the Feast of Trumpets, this is a time when Jesus comes to meet His bride the church and removes the bride (church) to heaven to dwell with him in heaven for 7 years.  If Israel attack Iran’s nuclear plant in the autumn it could start Ezekiel prophecy to be fulfilled and it may be the appointed time on God’ calendar to remove the bribe of Christ, the church.  I am not saying this will happen for sure, but Jesus told us to remain on the watch for this event to take place.  Since every sign Jesus gave us in now taking place and Israel is talking about attacking Iran we need to pay very close attention to what is going on between Israel and Iran.  Russia has I have stated, has warned that an attack on Iran will be the same as an attack on Russia.  Once Israel strikes Iran, or America jets hit Iran, Russia will launch an attack on Israel with all her allies that are listed in Ezekiel chapter 38.  If you love Jesus you had better be ready for the Lord to come, and anytime we are in the autumn months there is a special alertness for Christians because we know all the feasts are fulfilled during the feasts.   One of the nations listed in the attack on Israel with Russia is Turkey.  I have told you to please keep your eyes on news concerning Turkey because they will join forces with Russia and Iran to attack Israel.  He is some news that shows the handwriting on the wall.  Turkey as God has already shown us in prophecy will swing on the side of Russia.  “Today, the ideologues and provocateurs leading each camp are passionately pulling Turkey apart. The West often makes matters worse by statements that it believes would be in support of Turkish democracy, yet end up having the opposite result.” “Consequently, Turkey is sadly headed toward an illiberal democratic rule regardless of which camp wins”  In one of my June posts I posted a news report showing us that Turkey and Iran just joined forces to attack the Kurds in Northern Iraq.  You can see where Turkey is headed!  Turkey has already made moves to strengthen their ties with both Russia and Iran.  I will outline all these details in chapter 10 of my book.  Please read this chapter if you can because I know this war is coming soon and you will need to be prepared for what is coming.


News from (Reuters) today also gives us signs this prophecy in Ezekiel will take place very soon, “Iran's defense minister was quoted on Tuesday as warning Israel of a "very painful" response if it launched a military strike over the Islamic Republic's disputed nuclear program. On Friday, Israeli Transport Minister Shaul Mofaz told an Israeli newspaper an attack on Iran looked "unavoidable" given the apparent failure of United Nations sanctions to deny Tehran technology with bomb-making potential. "Israel cannot do it on its own," London-based defense analyst Andrew Brookes told Reuters. "It is beyond the capability of the Israeli air force to do it because of the distance involved and the dispersed nature of all the sites." "The only way it can be done is with the full assistance of the United States," said Brookes of the International Institute for trategic Studies (IISS) think-tank. Iran, which says its nuclear work is solely for generating electricity, has threatened to retaliate if it is attacked. Its Shahab-3 missile, with a range of 2,000 km (1,250 miles), is capable of hitting Israel and U.S. bases in the Gulf, Iranian officials say.” When you click to link please watch the video at the left marked Mideast Turmoil.   After you watch this video I hope you remember the words spoken by Paul when He warned us that in the end times when they are taking peace and safety an attack would come!  We are just about there and I pray for your sake you are on the Watch as Christ asked you to be.  Keep you  eyes open and watch the news.



I hope you understand that all these things we are told will take place when our generation has increased knowledge. Daniel in Daniel 12:4 told us our generation would understand his book, and it would be understand by the generation of increased knowledge.  This is a major sign we have already entered into the final days just prior to Jesus return.  Here is another example of our generations increased knowledge.  “The Department of Energy (DOE) and IBM announced Monday that scientists at the Los Alamos government weapons lab have developed the world's fastest supercomputer, a in IBM machine capable of 1,000 trillion operations per second. Codenamed Roadrunner, the supercomputer was built with components designed for Sony’s PlayStation 3 (PS3).  


Another important sign of the last days would be homosexuality, and people marrying in the same sex. In Matthew chapter 24 you see Jesus telling us straight out when, this generation did these things that it would be this generation that He would return to pass His judgment just the way He did during Noah’s generation when, they were doing the exact same things.  Over the past few weeks we have seen the news reports which show us same sex marriages have become legal.  In today’s news we now see gay parades in different nations. The title to this next report is called, “Gay pride celebrated in Europe”, and the reported said, “TENS of thousands took to the streets of Athens, Rome and Warsaw for Gay Pride parades today, drawing attention to the fact that many homosexuals in Europe still do not enjoy the same rights as heterosexuals.”  It is a fact the gay movement is pressing for not only legal right for same sex marriages but that anyone saying anything negitive about them should be screened.  Right now there nations who are making it a hate crime to say anything about gays.


Here is a prime example of what I am talking about. In the next report entitled “Government to pastor: Renounce your faith!” we see the Canadian government is now banning people from expressing moral opposition to homosexuality.  A Canadian human rights tribunal ordered a Christian pastor to renounce his faith and never again express moral opposition to homosexuality, according to a new report. In a decision handed down just days ago in the penalty phase of the quasi-judicial proceedings run by the Alberta Human Rights Tribunal,evangelical pastor Stephen Boisson was banned from expressing his biblical perspective of homosexuality and ordered to pay $5,000 for "damages for pain and suffering" as well as apologize to the activist who complained of being hurt.”  I suggest you read the entire report because in the near future you will begin to see more reports like this one.  Jesus warned us that we would be taken before judges in the end times to give account of our witness for Christ, much in the same way Peter and John did as recorded in Acts chapter 4.  In Acts 4:17-20 Peter and John were threatened and told not to preach Jesus anymore. Acts 17-20 says, "But so that it will not spread any further among the people, let us warn them to speak no longer to any man in this name." And when they had summoned them, they commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said to them, "Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge; for we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard."  There response to this threat was they would continue to teach in the name of Jesus.  The point here is this, we have reached the exact point in time that Jesus told us would come, and it would be during this time Jesus would come back.  Mark Jesus’ own Words and His warnings because they are all coming true and they are pointing to the fact we have almost run out of time to witness.  

This week I have been giving you signs on the U.S. and world economy.  I gave you details on things that would cause the European Union to rise while the U.S. falls.  This is all to take affect because Jesus in the book of Revelation as well as in the book of Daniel warned us the Old Roman Empire would return just before Jesus came back.  I am not going to go into detail here to prove the E.U. is that Old Roman Empire reborn.  You can make your way through my previous posts for read chapter 2 from my free book.  What you need to know is that the E.U. is the fulfillment of that prophecy.  There are major issues taking place around the world that will bring out one man who will seem to have all the answers to the world’s problems including the world economy.  In the end Jesus shows us there will be one world government which will be controlled by the Antichrist who is seated in the city of 7 mountains, which is Rome Italy. See Revelation chapter 17.

America used to be the major superpower but in the last few years the E.U. has begun to take over as the power to deal with. I cover all this information in my book.  Let me show you some of the things that is going to help bring out the Antichrist as well as cause America to lose her power even more.  The report from Mortgage Matters June 9, 2008: “First came the news that people are losing their homes at the highest rate on record in the first quarter of 2008. About 2.5% of home mortgages are in foreclosure, while another 6.4% of home mortgages are delinquent, but not yet in foreclosure, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. Aggregated, that means that almost 9% of mortgages nationally are in trouble.”  More news showing us we are going to fall even faster.  “(Reuters) – Some 27.88 million Americans received food stamps in March, up 1.5 million from a year earlier, according to the latest U.S. government figures which antihunger experts pointed to on Monday as a sign of economic distress. “Enrollment totaled 27.88 million in March, the latest month for which figures are available, up by 219,000 people from February and up 1.5 million, or 5.7 percent, from March 2007. The Agriculture Department, which runs the program, made the figure public late last week.”


As I said the world economy will take a hit and what happens to America causes a wave effect that threatens world stability.  In the news, I quote, “Thousands of European truckers join fuel protests” “Tens of thousands of truckers in Spain, France and Portugal on Monday stepped up protests against rising fuel prices, causing mayhem on highways and blocking border crossings.” “EU fisheries ministers meet on June 23-24 tackle the fuel crisis. Marine diesel prices have leapt by around 30 percent since the start of 2008, triggering protests in European ports as well as warnings that fishing boat owners face bankruptcy without higher subsidies.”  Jesus told us that these signs would come upon us and they are all here


Not only is our economy going to get worse but nations of the world will begin to go hungry according to Jesus in Matthew 24:7. Jesus told us to watch for famines.  In Mark 13: 8 he says that “there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of birth pains.”  These signs have also begun to intensify.  We are watching storm after storms cause billions of dollars in damage.  I warned you about two months ago you will see reports about our crops being destroyed because of all these storms and this is what is being reporting in the news right now, and it is only the beginning.  Read what was reported today, “ In a year when global harvests need to be excellent to ease the threat of pervasive food American corn and soybean farmers are suffering from too much rain, while Australian wheat farmers have been plagued by drought. The planting has gotten off to a poor start," said Bill Nelson, a Wachovia grains analyst. "The anxiety level is increasing."


You want more signs that will cause you to reflect on the Words and warnings of Jesus?  Take a look at this next news from Yahoo. “Unprecedented food scarcity is beginning to dictate the rules of a new political order where individual countries are scrambling to secure their own food supplies with little concern for the rest of the world, says the founder of the Earth Policy Institute. Recent manifestations of national food insecurity like export restrictions imposed by some grain-producing countries are the troublesome portents of an "entirely new chapter in the book of food security," Lester Brown told foreign correspondents in Beijing on Tuesday. To protect their domestic consumers, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, and China have all taken steps to restrict exports. This year has seen China's first grain trade deficit in decades. It has scrapped export rebates for wheat, rice, paddy, maize and soybeans, and it will start imposing export duties of 5 to 25 percent.



“Sens. Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Mel Martinez (R-Fla.) authored a bill (with 11 co-sponsors, including Sen. Barack Obama) that was incorporated into a housing bill passed by the Senate Banking Committee 19-2 before the Memorial Day recess — a bill that creates a national fingerprint registry.” Little by little this and other governments are finding ways to keep tract of their civilians.  This is just another step to bring about the one world government which Jesus told us would be run by the Antichrist.  When the Antichrist tell everyone to take his mark of 666 they will have in place bills like the one Barack Obama  just pasted.  Christ pointed to the mark in the right hand or forehead.  Today it is fingerprints but shortly it will be the mark in the hand. Anyone who wants to speed up this one world government and help bring down America can vote for Obama, Feinstein and Mel Martinez.  Just this past week we have seen the feds call for a one money system, one banking system, and across this globe nations are coming up with new laws that will put their citizens under their watch. 


Link to 8 Videos which will prove the U.S. government wants America to fall. These are a must see.




The prophecy signs in Luke 21:25 concerning storms, floods, and the sea and waves has been as of late reported in the news on a daily bases.  The news from WSBT2 today had the following as their headline, “This Flooding breaks records set in 1913 flood”. The report stated, “Flooding that's swamped cities across central and southern Indiana is breaking records set during the state's most devastating flood in modern times — a deluge that became known as The Great Flood of 1913. That March 1913 flood inundated dozens of Indiana communities along the state's major rivers, causing widespread destruction. Floodwaters even swamped parts of Indianapolis, destroying bridges over the White River and homes in some of the capital city's neighborhoods.  Crops by the thousands across the world are being destroyed by these storms and more are on the way.


In my May 22nd post I talk about watching what happens in Ethiopia.  Back in 1977 I warned that in the end time Ethiopia would join forces with Russia, Iran, Turkey and the rest of Russia’s allies to help attack Israel.  I warned that it may be because of food that Ethiopia will join in on the attack against Israel.  Current events point that this may be the factor that causes this African nation to join up with Russia.  In the news today, “The U.N. children's agency has characterized this year's food shortage — in which an estimated 4.5 million people are in need of emergency food aid — as the worst since 2003, when droughts led 13.2 million people to seek such aid. In 2000, more than 10 million needed emergency food. Aid groups say the older victims suggest there is an escalation in the crisis in Ethiopia, a country that drew international attention in 1984 when a famine compounded by communist policies killed 1 million people. This year's crisis, brought on by a countrywide drought and skyrocketing global food prices, is far less severe. But while figures for how many adults and older children are affected are not available, at least four aid groups interviewed by the AP said they noticed a troubling increase. Ethiopia is not alone in suffering through the worldwide food crisis, which is threatening to push the number of hungry people in the world toward 1 billion. Last week, a U.N. summit of 181 countries pledged”  As you can see the prophecy signs of Jesus 2nd coming soon are everywhere if you know what to look for. 


Prophecy Sign Matthew 24:7 pestilences:  Earlier this year I warned that you would see new disease outbreaks and they have also been in the news as of late.  In last night news we see “A salmonella outbreak linked to raw tomatoes serves as a reminder to take extra care with summer fruits and vegetables. More than 20 people have been hospitalized as the government investigates the source of the tomatoes responsible for the illnesses, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention”


One of the first signs Jesus warned us to watch for was for false christs, false prophets, and those who would deceive many because of their signs and wonders.  Sweeping the U.S. right now is one of these false prophet.  I have given you information on this man and his angel Emma O who suppose to be directing these healing.  I wanted to give you a link that will provide you evidence that what Todd Bently is doing is not from God.  For the past 3 or 4 years Todd has told people how his ministry started, when it started, and who was the person who started it.  When you do the search you will see his story changes from year to year.  There is a tone of info on this man and if you want to see why he is called a false prophet you will need to check out this information.   I do want to say that one of the people who was which Todd when it started tells us of his dream.  You will see this video when you click to the link.  He says Jesus gets off His throne, gets on His knees, and gives a ring to the church.  Let me tell you here and now, Jesus will never get on his knees, He is King of King and Lord of Lords.  The only time Jesus every humbled Himself was when he was on earth restoring what Adam had lost, which was ever lasting life.  During Jesus ministry we see him washing the Apostles feet, but when Jesus was risen from the dead He was again God in His fullness and will never ever get on his knees.  Anyone who teaches this is a deceiver and a liar, or is unlearned in scripture.  The link below will take you to detailed expiations about everything that Todd is doing.  God help you if you believe Todd’s work is from God!


I pray my posts will do two things.  First, if you are a person who calls yourself a Christian and doesn’t read the Word of God, I pray my work will encourage you to start reading God’s Word so you will be prepared when He comes.  Second, I pray my work will also encourage you to begin to witness for Christ.  How many of your own families haven’t given their life over to Christ yet?  If they haven’t they are not ready to meet Jesus, and we are to close to be messing around.  I cannot and I will not water down my Lord’s message.  You can have God’s peace even in these uncertain times, all you have to do is ask Christ to take over your life.  If you have given your life over to Christ please let me know. I want to pray for you to keep you strong.

Free documentary book on Bible prophecy and current events entitled: “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” By Frank DiMora. Newest edition just out on May 13, 2008. You can download it here for free or, just come back each day and read a little at a time. 

Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf  FREE

Frank' Video on youtube concerning all these signs:


Frank DiMora's Video showing Jehovah's Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words.http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=506f09075f6ab891e865

If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the intoduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to http://christianspeaker.net/, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements

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