May 6, 2008 Jesus is going to send a strong delusion, are you ready?


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In my prophecy post of Feb. 15, 2008 I warned you that the price of food would continue to climb.  This is a quote from that post. “If you don’t believe the warning made by Christ, just keep your eyes on your food bills in the coming years, then I am sure you will think twice about what Jesus told you.”  One thing that is really important is the understanding of the book of Revelation.  There we see a complete picture of what things will be like on this earth. Part of the big picture that is painted for us is the extreme costs for food.  When Jesus placed me in this ministry back in 1977 it was made clear to me that millions of people would die due to the lack of food.  I new from studying the book of Revelation, during the tribulation the prices of everything was going to be outrageous. The prices are just beginning to rise now, but compared to what we see in Revelation these prices are low!  The reason they are climbing now is that we are moving closer to the 2nd coming of Christ.  The closer we get the faster food prices are going to climb. The AP today reported on what we can except..  “Americans may be getting another helping of food inflation, and it seems likely to come from higher prices for chicken and pork.”  As the price of oil and gas keep climbing so will the cost of not only food but everything!  Yahoo today released a reports that stated, “Oil hits record above $121 on supply woes” Usually I tell the people to keep on the watch, but this time there is no need for me to say that.  Why?  Because in the coming months when you start paying for your food, gas, and everything you buy, you will remember what I told you here. Jesus is close.

"Oil passes $122 on $200 oil prediction, supply concerns". Before I could finish this post oil went up again.

"Oil Rises Above $122 to Record on Nigeria Attack, Demand Growth"

Superpower shift coming! Daniel and Jesus told us in the end the Roman Empire would take over as the last World Empire.  This would take place prior to the Antichrist coming on the scene and it would be the Antichrist who would take controll of the reborn Roman Empire. The European Union is the fulfillment of the revived Roman Empire.  The U.S. has started to fall away as the number one Superpower. Please refer to chapter 2 of my book for complete details.  If you go back and read my previous posts you will read what signs we see that points to America moving over to the (EU) European Union.  One example is the fall of the dollar.  If you want to see what we are really in for please click to the video below, this is a must see video!  God said it would be the new Roman Empire in power and ruling this world at the time of the end, this video will show you how America may fall.

The U.S. Economy is Unsustainable

Luke 21: 25 — And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Yesterday I reported on the damage the cyclone did when it went through Myanmar.  News sources reported that 243 people had been killed.  Today after counting the dead we found out that over 22,000 people had been killed and there are now 41,000 people missing.  As Watchmen on the wall, sometimes the news is really hard to report, but Jesus told us to watch for these signs and therefore I must report what I see in relation to prophecy. I hope you join with me in prayer today for these people.

“Myanmar cyclone death toll soars past 22,000: state radio”

The sign: War and rumor of war, Matthew chapter 24.  This sign can be anywhere on this planet. We see war and rumors of war in the Middle East, Africa, China,  South America

and many of the nations who are rioting over the lack of food.  Today the rumour of war comes and deals with Russia and Georgia.  In the headline today we read, “Georgia says ‘very close’ to war with Russia, and a section of the report says, “Russia’s deployment of extra troops in the breakaway Georgian region of Abkhazia has brought the prospect of war "very close", a minister of ex-Soviet Georgia said on Tuesday.”  I can stress enough to keep your eyes on the Middle East.  There is a major conflict coming there soon.

In Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:25, Christ warned us to look for earthquakes in divers places, and signs in the sky. Yesterday I stated, “It has been impressed on me to keep your eyes on the ring of fire.  I believe we are going to see a lot of activity reported there soon”. Read the post of May 5.  Today as I was writing this post I had the impression I needed to check the Internet. I wanted to see if there was anything going on, what I found was a confirmation of what the Lord had impressed upon me to write about yesterday.  My warning to watch for more Earthquakes was reinforced by the experts in the field.  The title to this report is, “Earth Changes in April 2008 – Earthquakes Are Shaking the Pacific Northwest” “While I usually post on Astrology and metaphysics, major global events also warrant attention. In the past 2 weeks an abnormal number of earthquakes have been clustered off the coast of Oregon, with many more along the San Andreas fault line in California. Other areas recently hit include islands off NE and SE Australia, Japan, Taiwan, Guam, and other areas including the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. This is important for all of us, since it would seem the Ring of Fire is heating up drastically. There are quite a few of these earthquakes over magnitude 5, which are some serious shakers! From the April 13 MSNBC news story: Scientists listening to underwater microphones have detected an unusual swarm of earthquakes off central Oregon, something that often happens before a volcanic eruption — except there are no volcanoes in the area…. There have been more than 600 quakes over the past 10 days in a basin 150 miles (240 kilometers) southwest of Newport, Ore. The biggest was magnitude 5.4, and two others were more than magnitude 5.0, Oregon State University reported. “In the 17 years we’ve been monitoring the ocean through hydrophone recordings, we’ve never seen a swarm of earthquakes in an area such as this,” Dziak said…. On the hydrophones, the quakes sound like low thunder. Some of the quakes have also been detected by earthquake instruments on land.

“Volcano in Chile spews lava and blasts ash 12 miles into sky”

“The Chaiten volcano spewed lava and blasted ash more than 12 miles into the sky on Tuesday, prompting a total evacuation of the provincial capital and other settlements.” May 6, 2008

Those of you who have been coming to my site know that I warned that more violence would come over the food shortages.  I am sad to report this has already happened. The following is one example of what kinds of problems nations are currently facing because of the lack of food.  While watching ABC News last night I saw clips of how bad the situation is getting. ABC news reported that, “Troops fired into tens of thousands of rioting Somalis on Monday, killing two people in the latest eruption of violence over soaring food prices around the world.”   I don’t want to leave you without any hope!  It is a promise from Jesus that if you received Him as your Savior, you will be taken from the things, which are soon to come on this planet.  Some of those things are, hunger, starvation, and violence!  Since Jesus has given everyone free will, it is up to you where you will go when the 7 year tribulation begins.  You can go to heaven and miss these things, or be left behind to face even more violence, hunger, and starvation.  Your answer please?

In 2nd Timothy it says the following: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears, And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”  Oprah has done exactly what Timothy said they would do.  Just click to the video below and you will learn how she is turning people away from sound doctrine and the Truth. In Ephesians 6:12, it say this about spiritual war far.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” 
2  2:11-12 Thessalonians you read this, “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."  We can see the spiritual warfare increasing around the world as many people make tons of money trying to convince Jesus lied while He was on earth, and that everything Christian believe about Christ is a lie.  As true born again believers in Christ we know that a strong delusion is coming, but we do not know exactly what is will be.  For anyone not walking in Christ a very strong delusion for them could be that they believe what the Da Vinci Code and now the movie “Bloodline”, is trying to prove.  In a nutshell both these movies are trying to make the point that Jesus had been married and had children.  Worlnetdaily stated, “A controversial new documentary, following in the footsteps of the popular, if heretical, " The Da Vinci Code,” asks the brazen question: "What if the greatest story ever told was a lie?" Coming to theaters later this month, “Bloodline” seeks to prove the conspiracy tale that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had a child whose bloodline continues today.  I am warning you, if you aren’t grounded in the Word of God you will be wide open to these lies.  Many have already fallen away from the faith because of these lies.

“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."  Think about this for a second.  What if, after the rapture of church takes place, the Antichrist comes out and tells the world that all the people missing were the wicked, and now we are going to enter into a 1000 years of peace without any wicked.  This would be the strongest delusion of them all.  People would think that they are entering the 1000 years of peace and there God, who is really the (Antichrist) has come to save them all.  What the people will not realize is that they just stepped into the 7 year tribulation and it isn’t Jesus Christ at His second coming but the Antichrist.  How is your faith right now?  Soon you will be tested; I pray you do not fall from the real truth.

FREE : Download the_last_chronicles_of_planet_earth_2008_update.pdf  copyright 2008

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