Signs of Ezekiel 38 April 2, 2008


The future can be seen in signs today.  If you go to chapter 10 of my book there is a list of nations that God warned us would join together and attack Israel. This attack has not taken place yet. Three of the nations on that list are Libya, Sudan, and Iran.  If you have watched the nightly news anytime during the past 4 months you would know for sure Iran has already stated they want to wipe out Israel.  Libya, understand the direction of Muammar Gadaffi has been low key since President Regan bombed them. But just this month there are signs that Gadaffi is turning his anger once again toward the Middle East peace process and many of his Arab neighbors.  At the present time Gadaffi is getting ready to buy billions in weapons from France, and possibly Russia. The news links below will give you the full details as to what is happening.  Just a few days ago Gadaffi walked out of the Arab summit yelling that “the peace initiatives touted by some Arab leaders, saying the return of Palestinian land and refugees should be non-negotiable” BBC News May 2008. Gadaffi’s real hatred for Israel is beginning to surface again.  Knowing what is written in Ezekiel I can tell you this, the weapons Gadaffi is now buying will be used in the near future against Israel.  On April 1, 2008 it was also reported that a new deal between Sudan and Iran has been made.  Iran is now going to begin sending arms to Sudan.  One by one, every nation on the list that will soon attack Israel are coming together.  Those of you who know nothing about bible prophecy are blind to this, but it is all in God’s Word.  As I said before, just watch the news, soon all prophecy, including this attack on Israel will be played out!  I pray you are ready!

Exclusive: Israel orders bio/chemical warfare masks redistributed, Damascus raises war alarm

Gaddafi condemns Arab leaders

The French Connection: Libya Seeking Arms Deals

Iran Gains African Foothold up to Chad through Pacts with Sudan

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