DiMora’s sees the future through Bible prophecy, prediction made on March 13 comes to pass again.


On March 13, 2008 I showed you how the dollar would fall. The day after I said, watch and you will see the dollar slip even futher, it did. For the first time the Swiss franc beat the U.S. dollar. Then on March 14, 2008 when people thought the dollar wouldn’t drop any futher, I said, watch, because it will continue to slip. Two days after I said watch the news and see, this report hit the headlines, "Dollar Drops on Trouble at Bear Stearns" When you read that report you will find that the once mighty dollar hit another low against the euro. The euro traded for an all-time high $1.5657 surpassing a previous peak of $1.5625. Links below will take you full reports.

Question you may have is this, will the dollar drop against the euro even more?  Yes! Once you understand that the European Union (reborn Roman Empire) is taking her place in prophecy you will come to understand America’s dollar will not only fade, but she will take back seat to the new world power, the EU. To fully understand what is about to take place, download my free book at this site. Read chapter 2 which deals with the last world power to rule at the time Jesus returns.

Dollar Drops on Trouble at Bear Stearns
Friday March 14, 10:38 am ET


Dollar falls below parity vs Swiss franc,    March 15, 2008


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