Who is going to attack Israel? The signs are in our face.March 3, 2008 Special Report, What will happen next!


It’s to bad more people don’t read the Bible. If you knew what we are to look for you would understand current events are pointing to a national friendship between Iraq and Iran.  Ezekiel chapter 38:5 warns us Persia would unite with other nations to attack Israel. At the time this passage was written Persia is what we now call Iraq and Iran. Steps are now being taken which will forge a close relationship between these nations. Today March 2, 2008 the President of Iran made his first trip to Iraq. This is the first time a President of Iran has visited Iraq since the 1980s when Iraq and Iran were at war with one another. Now they are becoming the best of friends. Why is this taking place now? The Bible told us these nations would join forces to attack Israel.  President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran has been telling the world he is going to destroy Israel. They will try to wipe out Israel, but in the end the Bible tells us, Israel will not be destroyed. As a matter of fact, the Word of God tells us that 5/6 of the army that invades Israel will be destroyed. These two nations are among the last nations to form this friendship. The rest of the nations mentioned in the 38th chapter of Ezekiel are all ready allies, and are now being armed by Russia. The links below will take you to the breaking news concerning the President of Iran’s visit to Iraq. If you would like to help speed up prophecy vote for Clinton or Obama. Both of these candidates promise to reduce the number of U.S. troops in Iraq, which in the end will cause Iran and Iraq to become much closer. At that point the extremists will move on Israel and fulfilled Ezekiel chapter 38-39. Who do you think is suppying Iraq with men and weapons to fight the U.S. and Israel? It is Iran. Iran has been sending rockets to the PLO and these rockets have been used to hit targets inside Israel, near the Gaza boarder. News today inform us that, "The Israeli army on Monday said that all the long-range rockets fired by Gaza militants against southern Israel during the latest round of violence were manufactured in arch-foe Iran" (Breitbart.com March 3, 2008). Many of you will not believe this this coming attack on Israel can or will happen, that I understand. Only those who receive Jesus as their Savior will be safe from the events that will soon fall on Planet Earth. All I ask from those who at this point don’t believe is that you keep coming to this site. I will tell you the things of the future before that occur so that when you see these specific events come to pass you will turn to Christ. It is Christ who has given us all the details of the future, all I am doing is connecting the dots for you with current events. I welcome your questions and comments. If you want a detailed look at what will happen in the Middle East, just download my free book and read chapter 10. War is coming to the Middle East soon! By the way, if you like corn, bread, and wheat I would buy a lot of it now! You will see the prices of all these continue to rise.  If you eat a lot of chicken, I would buy a lot of frozen chicken now becasue the price of these birds is going to climb as well. Just watch the news, it may take a month of so but you will come back to this site and read how the prices have gone up.

Long-range rockets fired from Gaza ‘are Iranian’… 


Jesus said watch for you will see nation rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, Matthew 24:7. Watch South America it appears this will be the next hot spot.   USA could intervene… 

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