Oct. 7, 2016- Diphtheria returns to Venezuela/ Two million people fleeing Matthew

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Headline:   NY Times: UN Security Council should set Israeli-Palestinian peace terms

The New York Times, in an unusual move, has called on the United Nations Security Council to set the parameters for a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians.
“The best idea under discussion now would be to have the United Nations Security Council, in an official resolution, lay down guidelines for a peace agreement covering such issues as Israel’s security, the future of Jerusalem, the fate of Palestinian refugees and borders for both states,” the paper’s Editorial Board stated. The paper’s editorial, published Thursday, further called on US President Barack Obama to lead the charge at the UNSC. “The most plausible pressure would come from Mr. Obama’s leading the Security Council to put its authority behind a resolution to support a two-state solution and offer the outlines of what that could be. “That may seem like a bureaucratic response unlikely to change anything, but it is the kind of political pressure Mr. Netanyahu abhors and has been working assiduously to prevent,” the New York Times wrote. It issued its editorial just one week before the United Nations Security Council on October 14th is due to hold a public debate, known as an Arria Formula meeting, on Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank and Jewish building in east Jerusalem.
Oct. 7, 2016


Headline:  UN Security Council to discuss ‘settlements’

The UN Security Council will hold a special meeting next week on Israeli construction in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem, Haaretz reported Thursday. The Arria Formula meeting will not involve a vote and is expected to be open to the media, according to the newspaper. Foreign Ministry officials in Jerusalem fear it will turn into an international demonstration of condemnation of the Israeli government’s policy and set the stage for an “anti-settlement resolution” in the Security Council after the upcoming U.S. elections. The meeting will be held on October 14 at the behest of Egypt, Venezuela, Malaysia, Senegal and Angola, with a push from the Palestinians. Arria Formula meetings allow all council members to initiate debates on subjects of specific interest to them. While attendance is not mandatory, Jerusalem officials told Haaretz they believe all Security Council members will attend the meeting, stressing that the Palestinians and the host nations succeeded in exceptional fashion to open the session to the press.
Oct. 7, 2016


golan heights

Headline:      Rocket fired at western Negev towns

Warning sirens were sounded Thursday afternoon in western Negev towns near Gaza. Residents reported hearing explosions shortly after the sirens were activated. An IDF spokesperson later stated that the explosions appear to have been from rockets fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel that landed in an unpopulated area not far from Eshkol Regional Council communities in the area. No injuries have been reported. The IDF is conducting searches in the area to verify the cause of the explosion and ensure that no unexploded material remains at the site.
Oct. 6, 2016


Headline:     IDF responds to mortar shelling with artillery fire on Hamas targets in Gaza

Headline:     Israel not seeking escalation but will respond strongly to attacks: minister

IDF artillery shelled positions and facilities of the military wing of Hamas in northern and central Gaza on Thursday afternoon in response to a mortar attack on the Eshkol Regional Council area earlier in the day. The mortar strike did not cause any damage or injuries. Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Thursday evening at a ceremony in Tel Aviv that Israel is not interested in escalating the situation in the south, and that “The country has a responsible and level-headed leadership that is determined to defend the citizens of Israel. Shooting from the territory of the Gaza Strip towards Israel will be met with a strong response.”
Oct. 6, 2016




Headline:      Ghajar residents planned to carry out attack using weapons they smuggled from Hezbollah in Lebanon

Six people were charged Thursday for planning to carry out a terror attack in the northern Israeli city of Haifa using explosives they received from the Lebanese-based militant group Hezbollah, the Shin Bet security service said. Three brothers and a cousin are among the defendants, who are all residents of the village of Ghajar, an Alawite-Arab village on the Hasbani River on the border between Lebanon and the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights. Israel Police said that along with the Shin Bet it had prevented a terrorist attack after revealing the infrastructure that was used as a route to smuggle drugs and weapons from the Lebanese border into Israel. “An investigation began in late July after a farmer found a bag containing two explosive devices in an open area off Highway 90 near the northern town of Metulla,” police said. The explosive devices were examined by the police and it was revealed that the origin of the bag was from the other side of the border, which indicated that Hezbollah was involved. Part of the investigation showed that the bag had been smuggled from Lebanon by a number of suspects from Ghajar. All of the suspects are currently in custody, and on Thursday they were indicted of the following crimes: espionage, aiding the enemy during war, import and export of weapons, contacting a foreign agent and drug dealing.
Oct. 7, 2016




Syria Headline:      Russia posts provocative tweet warning US on Syria, mocking Earnest

Syria Headline:    Russia’s troop presence in Syria now officially open-ended

Syria Headline:     UN to vote on Aleppo truce, face Russian veto

The Russian government is ratcheting up warnings – on Twitter – to the U.S. government not to interfere with its military operations in Syria, even suggesting American aircraft could be targeted by its “air defense systems.” In a provocative tweet Wednesday, the Russian embassy in Washington posted a side-by side photo of White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest and the Russian S-300 missile system. With the military apparatus pointed toward the image of Earnest, a caption says Russia wants the system because they “never really know what kind of assistance terrorists might get.” The tweet says Russia will take “every defensive measure necessary” to protect their personnel in Syria. The tweet comes after the U.S. and Russia suspended direct talks over Syria operations — and amid heightened tensions between the two countries over the bloody civil war in which Vladimir Putin’s forces are backing Bashar Assad while the U.S. tries to focus on taking out ISIS.
Oct. 7, 2016




Syria Headline:  German official calls for sanctions against Russia over Syria

Syria Headline:     Kerry Calls for War Crimes Probe Into Russian Activity in Syria

German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Russia on Friday to use its influence with the Syrian government to end the devastating bombardment of Aleppo, as her government opened the door to possible sanctions against Russia for its role in the conflict. In some of her harshest comments to date, Merkel said there was no basis in international law for bombing hospitals and Moscow should use its influence with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to end the bombing of civilians. “Russia has a lot of influence on Assad. We must end these atrocious crimes,” Merkel told party members in Magdeburg. She did not address sanctions directly, but said the international community needed to do all it could to bring about a halt in the fighting and get supplies to civilians. Merkel’s chief spokesman Steffen Seibert, speaking at a regular news conference, declined to rule out possible sanctions against Russia for its part in the conflict, but said Berlin’s top priority remained a ceasefire to allow the delivery of humanitarian aid to the civilian population. Seibert said Western officials discussed the Syrian conflict in Berlin on Wednesday and those discussions were continuing.
Oct. 7, 2016



Syria Headline:    Syria opposition calls for UN envoy to resign

Syria Headline:     Syrian Jihadists rebuff UN envoy’s proposal to leave Aleppo under escort

The Syrian Interim Government has called on Staffan de Mistura to step down, saying that the UN envoy has sided with the Bashar al-Assad regime’s narrative on the critical situation in Aleppo. “We demand the resignation of the UN’s envoy [to Syria]… and we declare that we have stopped all forms of communication and cooperation with him and his staff,” the political body, which was formed in 2013 by the Syrian National Coalition, announced in a statement. “Instead of condemning the aggression [against Aleppo], he sided with the story of the [regime] in Damascus and the Russian occupier,” the Interim Government said, claiming that de Mistura’s recent remarks “gave them justification to continue their aggression.” On Thursday, de Mistura offered to personally accompany all fighters from Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, the rebranded version of the Al-Nusra Front, from Aleppo, saying that the Islamist group was, in effect, holding “hostage” the civilian population of east Aleppo, which has come under intense aerial bombardment following the collapse of a US-Russia brokered cessation of hostilities in late September. The UN envoy’s proposal was predicated on his hope that the Syrian regime would cease bombarding the encircled rebel half of Aleppo if Jabhat Fatah al-Sham fighters left the city. De Mistura also warned that eastern Aleppo could be “totally destroyed” in the coming weeks if the regime shelling of the city continues.
Oct. 7, 2016




Syria Headline:  Assad offers rebels amnesty if they surrender Aleppo

Syria Headline:  All eastern Aleppo hospitals reported to be damaged in attacks

Rebels holed up in Aleppo can leave with their families if they lay down their arms, President Bashar al-Assad said on Thursday, vowing to press on with the assault on Syria’s largest city and recapture full control of the country. The offer of amnesty follows two weeks of the heaviest bombardment of the five-and-a-half-year civil war, which has killed hundreds of people trapped inside Aleppo’s rebel-held eastern sector and torpedoed a U.S.-backed peace initiative. Fighters have accepted similar government amnesty offers in other besieged areas in recent months, notably in Daraya, a suburb of Damascus that was under siege for years until rebels surrendered it in August. However, rebels said they had no plan to evacuate Aleppo, the last major urban area they control, and denounced the amnesty offer as a deception. “It’s impossible for the rebel groups to leave Aleppo because this would be a trick by the regime,” Zakaria Malahifji, a Turkey-based official for the Fastaqim group which is present in Aleppo, told Reuters. “Aleppo is not like other areas, it’s not possible for them to surrender.” Washington was also skeptical of government motives: “For them to suggest that somehow they’re now looking out for the interests of civilians is outrageous,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest said, citing the heavy civilian toll from air strikes and bombardment.
Oct. 7, 2016




Syria Headline:  Syrian Army fights off ISIS offensive at the gates of Palmyra

Just six months after the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) liberated Palmyra, Syrian government troops now find themselves under increased ISIS attacks as the Islamic State leadership hopes to recapture the ancient city and score a symbolic victory. On Friday morning, just a few kilometers southeast of Palmyra, SAA forces repelled an ISIS assault, destroyed two technicals (light vehicles) and inflicted approximately 10 casualties upon jihadist fighters at the Al-Talilah zone. Furthermore, Syrian government soldiers managed to kill an ISIS driver who unsuccessfully tried to reach a SAA checkpoint and detonate a car bomb at Qasr Al-Habr, south of Palmyra.
Oct. 7, 2016


Syria Headline:    Syrian Observatory for Human Rights



Iraq Headline:      Upset with Turkey, Iraq seeks UN Security Council session

Iraq Headline:    Turkish troops in Iraq are not invaders: Pentagon

Iraq Headline:    Iraq ready to battle occupying Turkish forces near ISIS-held Mosul

Iraq has requested an emergency UN Security Council session over the presence of Turkish troops in northern Iraq, a foreign ministry spokesman said Thursday, a development that highlights increasing tension between the two neighbours. Turkey, however, remained defiant, with Prime Minister Binali Yildirim vowing on Thursday to maintain Turkish troop presence “no matter what Baghdad says”. Turkey-Iraq relations became strained after Ankara sent troops late last year to the region of Bashiqa, northeast of Mosul, to train anti-Daesh fighters there — a move Baghdad labelled a “blatant violation” of its sovereignty. Iraq has demanded a Turkish withdrawal but Ankara has ignored the call.
Oct. 7, 2016




Iraq Headline:     Control of Terrain in Iraq: Oct. 7, 2016


Kurdish Headline:  Kurdish group close to PKK claim Istanbul bombing: website

A radical Kurdish group with ties to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) claimed responsibility on Friday for a motorbike bombing near an Istanbul police station. The claim by the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (TAK) for Thursday’s bombing came after Turkish police detained a suspected female militant from the PKK, who is believed to have perpetrated the bombing. At least 10 people were wounded when a bomb which authorities said was attached to a motorbike exploded in the Yenibosna district of Istanbul, close to the city’s main international airport. Television pictures showed several cars wrecked and glass scattered across the ground after the blast.
Oct. 7, 2016



Kurdish Headline:  Turkey is reportedly restoring a railway leading into a Kurdish region of northwest Syria

Kurdish Headline:  EU report expresses concerns over increasing racist violence against Kurds in Turkey

A media outlet affiliated with the ruling Kurdish authorities in northern Syria has raised concerns over recent Turkish military activity across the border from a de-facto autonomous Kurdish region in the northwest of the war-torn country. In an article entitled “Unprecedented Turkish military movements along Afrin’s border,” the ANHA news agency claimed Thursday that Ankara was undertaking unusual maintenance work on a railway leading into Syria that has been out of service since 2012. Local sources in the Afrin Canton told ANHA that the Turkish military for the pays three days has been working to “restore” the railroad outside the Syrian border village of Meidan Ekbis, which was once one of the stops along the train routes that stretched from Istanbul to Damascus as well as Baghdad. Meanwhile, a source in Turkey said that the Turkish army “conducted full maintenance on the railway” running from the town of Islahiye,  adding that a “number of concrete panels” in a wall running across the railroad tracks were removed “at the border near the village of Meidan Ekbis.”
Oct. 6, 2016




Kurdish Headline:  Kurdish security chief calls for deal on post-ISIS administration of Mosul

Masrour Barzani, the Chancellor of the Kurdistan Region Security Council, said on Wednesday that a post-ISIS management deal for Mosul should be completed “before it’s too late.” The Kurdish security chief, met with the US Deputy Head of Mission in Baghdad Stephanie Williams on Wednesday to discuss Iraq’s challenges ahead of major offensives planned against ISIS in Hawija and Mosul. After the meeting, Barzani warned of future problems in Mosul. “[We] must contextualize Iraq’s war as part of ethnic, religious and political differences, and address root-causes of problems to win the peace,” Barzani said. “Problems will resurface once Mosul’s liberated. It’s easier to reach a post-management deal now whilst the parties need each other.” Barzani’s statement indicates that although a military plan might be ready for Mosul, there is no concrete plan yet for the post-ISIS administration of the city.
Oct. 6, 2016



Headline:   Turkey, Europe, Saudi Arabia in joint effort against JASTA: Minister

Headline:  Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA)

The Turkish government is working with Saudi Arabia to examine measures to face the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), that was voted in by the US Congress last month, Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper has reported. In an interview with the Saudi newspaper, Turkish Development Minister, Lutfi Elvan, said his country was looking at the legalities to respond to the controversial JASTA legislation, through the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and with the support of some European countries, the report added. “We cannot accept this law, which contradicts international principles and values,” Elvan told the newspaper, adding that a whole country “cannot be accused of terrorism because of some attempts perpetrated by terrorists during the events of September 11, 2001.” Elvan pledged Turkey’s support for Saudi Arabia on the matter, and said such a law would directly harm the United States. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, he added, had already described JASTA as a big mistake and announced his support to the Kingdom. The Turkish minister said he believed Saudi and turkey were targeted because they both supported peace and ‘contribute to the establishment of security and stability in the region’ the report added. Elvan has been in Saudi where he arrived earlier in the week on an official visit, the newspaper added.
Oct. 7, 2016





Headline:       Afghan forces still struggling to push Taliban out of Kunduz

Headline:    Army Base Attacked In Kandahar’s Maiwand District

Afghan officials say the Taliban are still managing to hold out in the northern city of Kunduz as fighting there continues for the fifth day since the insurgents launched an all-out assault. Gen. Qasim Jungalbagh, provincial police chief, said on Friday that government forces advanced overnight, pushing Taliban insurgents from residential areas in the east and west. Jungalbagh says five members of the security forces were killed and another seven wounded. He says three civilians were also killed. The head of the provincial council, Mohammad Yusouf Ayubi, says people are continuing to leave for neighboring provinces. The U.N.’s humanitarian agency has warned of a looming humanitarian crisis as food and water run short. The attack began Monday, a year after the insurgents overran the city.
Oct. 7, 2016




Headline:         Ethiopian protesters attack factories in Africa’s rising economic star

Protesters in Ethiopia damaged almost a dozen mostly foreign-owned factories and flower farms and destroyed scores of vehicles this week, adding economic casualties to a rising death toll in a wave of unrest over land grabs and rights. The violence has cast a shadow over a nation where a state-led industrial drive has created one of Africa’s fastest growing economies, but where the government has also faced rising international criticism and popular opposition to its authoritarian approach to development. The flare-up followed the death of at least 55 people in a stampede on Sunday when police fired tear gas and shot into the air to disperse demonstrators in the Oromiya region near the capital. It raises to more than 450 the number of people rights groups and opponents say have been killed in unrest since 2015. A U.S. researcher was killed on Tuesday when her car was attacked by stone-throwers near Addis Ababa.
Oct. 7, 2016








Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:      At least 22 Niger soldiers killed in attack on refugee camp

Headline:    Suspected jihadists attack Nigerien refugee camp

At least 22 soldiers were killed in Niger on Thursday when unknown assailants attacked a camp for Malian refugees, the West African nation’s Prime Minister Brigi Rafini said. The attack targeted a camp in the village of Tassalit in Niger’s Tahoua region, around 525 km (326 miles) northeast of the capital Niamey. “We received information of an attack on the camp in Tassalit. For the moment we are told there are 22 dead, but that is not a total death toll,” he said in comments broadcast on state-run television TeleSahel. “The death toll could increase.” Rafini gave no further information concerning the suspected identities of the attackers or whether any civilians had been killed or wounded. Niger’s small army is currently battling Boko Haram militants who launch raids across its southern border from Nigeria while seeking to prevent an overflow of attacks from Mali.
***Boko Haram has pledged allegiance to ISIS
Oct. 7, 2016




Headline:  2 Bombs hit train in southwestern Pakistan, killing 6 people

Two bombs struck a passenger train minutes apart in southwest Pakistan on Friday, killing at least six people and wounding 19, officials said. The first bomb exploded on the train and the second device, which was planted on the railway track, struck the moving train near the village of Mach in Baluchistan province, according to railways official Tufail Ahmad and local police official Mohammad Sajid. Ahmad said the train was heading to the garrison city of Rawalpindi in the eastern province of Punjab from Quetta, the provincial capital of Baluchistan, at the time. He said the casualties were taken to nearby hospitals and that some of the wounded were in critical condition.
Oct. 7, 2016



Headline:     Germany moves to run its own EU army – leaving both Brussels & NATO in new crisis

Despite Britain’s move to block an EU army, a growing number of experts believe a recent German defense paper shows Berlin has ambitions to run an EU army, and has a plan to cut through Brussels red tape and create one by itself. But at what cost to NATO? While EU defense ministers openly discuss with NATO chiefs how to create an EU army, many might think the haste for the EU to go ahead with such a grandiose plan stems from its own credibility being at an all-time low in the wake of Brexit. For EU federalists in Brussels, there is indeed some truth in this. But Brussels is also worried about being left behind or dwarfed by Germany’s own plans which would leave the EU in a weak position to negotiate who gets to call the shots in an official EU army, when it is finally created. And the EU has good reason to worry. Germany is impatient and is looking to position itself as the military leader of a coalition of EU countries which would no longer take orders from NATO, but also would not necessarily even be part of an official EU army.
Oct. 7, 2016



Headline:       Philippines tells US no joint patrols in South China Sea

The Philippine defense chief said Friday he told the US military that plans for joint patrols and naval exercises in the disputed South China Sea have been put on hold, the first concrete break in defense cooperation after months of increasingly strident comments by the country’s new president. Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana also said that 107 US troops involved in operating surveillance drones against Muslim militants would be asked to leave the southern part of the country once the Philippines acquires those intelligence-gathering capabilities in the near future. According to Lorenzana, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, who in recent weeks has become increasingly outspoken and hostile against the US, also wants to halt the 28 military exercises that are carried out with US forces each year. Duterte has said he wants an ongoing US-Philippine amphibious beach landing exercise to be the last in his six-year presidency, as he backs away from what he views as too much dependence on the US. “This year would be the last,” Duterte said of military exercises involving the Americans in a speech on Friday.
Oct. 7, 2016


Planet Earth and religious symbols







The Coming One world government & religion

Revelation 17:3-8
Revelation 17:12-13
Revelation 17:18
Daniel 7:24-25a
Daniel 2:36-44

Headline:   Facebook is talking to the White House about giving you ‘free’ Internet. Here’s why that may be controversial.

Facebook has been in talks for months with U.S. government officials and wireless carriers with an eye toward unveiling an American version of an app that has caused controversy abroad, according to multiple people familiar with the matter. The social media giant is trying to determine how to roll out its program, known as Free Basics, in the United States without triggering the regulatory scrutiny that effectively killed a version of the app in India earlier this year. If Facebook succeeds with its U.S. agenda for Free Basics — which has not been previously reported — it would mark a major victory for the company as it seeks to connect millions more to the Web, and to its own platform.
***research this carefully please; the below article never mentioned the fact that Free Basics is listed under the ICANWiki page.  This is the same ICAN  that the US government just gave up control of the Internet to. See ETRM 10-3 post
Oct. 7, 2016











Headline: Debt Under Obama Up $9,000,000,000,000

The federal government passed a fiscal milestone on the first business day of fiscal 2017—which was Monday, Oct. 3—when the total federal debt accumulated during the presidency of Barack Obama topped $9,000,000,000,000 for the first time. On Jan. 20, 2009, when Obama was inaugurated, the total debt of the federal government was $10,626,877,048,913.08, according to data published by the U.S. Treasury. As of the close of business on Friday, Sept, 30, the last day of fiscal 2016, the total federal debt was $19,573,444,713,936.79. At that point, the total federal debt had increased under Obama by $8,946,567,665,023.71. On Monday, Oct. 3, the first business day of fiscal 2017, the total federal debt closed at $19,642,949,742,561.51. At that point, the debt had increased under Obama by $9,016,072,693,648.43 from the $10,626,877,048,913.08 it stood at on the day of Obama’s inauguration. As of the close of business, on Wednesday, Oct. 5—the latest day for which the Treasury has reported—the total federal debt was $19,663,411,497,797.40. That means that so far in Obama’s presidency, the federal debt has increased $9,036,534,448,884.32.
Oct. 7, 2016


Headline:  Pound-Dollar Parity Is Now a Possibility for Options Traders

What was close to unthinkable for the pound before the Brexit vote is now firmly on some traders’ minds. They’re betting sterling will tumble to parity with the dollar, a level unseen in the U.K. currency’s history. In recent days, a number of wagers were put on for a one-for-one exchange rate, according to Depository Trust & Clearing Corp. data. The pound, which had already been struggling this week amid growing talk of a so-called hard Brexit, plunged 6.1 percent in Asian hours on Friday to a 31-year low of $1.1841. The slump has made the possibility of a historic $1 level more real: a Bloomberg forecasting model, based on implied volatility, shows about a 7 percent chance of it happening within a year, compared with 3.2 percent yesterday.
Oct. 7, 2016


 famine 1





Matthew 24:7
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

 Headline:    UN: Emergency Hunger Levels Likely in Madagascar by Year-end

Hunger is expected to reach emergency levels by the end of the year in drought-hit southern Madagascar, where many families have already been forced to sell their homes or land, or migrate, the World Food Program (WFP) has warned. At least 1 million people need food and cash aid, and some 200,000 pregnant women and children under five need treatment for acute hunger, the U.N. agency said. Four out of nine districts in the southern tip of the country are likely to fall to emergency hunger levels by the end of the year, according to preliminary results of a food assessment carried by out by WFP and other agencies. The survey also showed that three more districts could follow unless swift action is taken. The districts are currently in phase three of a five-point scale used by food agencies, where five is famine.
Oct. 7, 2016



Headline:      Venezuela doctors sound alarm on reported return of diphtheria

Venezuelan doctors on Thursday warned of a diphtheria outbreak in the crisis-stricken country, calling on the government to boost availability of scarce vaccines and antibiotics to stem the disease which local media and the opposition report has killed some two dozen people. Last seen in Venezuela in 1992, diphtheria has been spreading in the southern jungle state of Bolivar, according to a statement by two local public health associations on Thursday. “We’re very worried because there could be an epidemic in the rest of the country,” infectious disease specialist Doctor Ana Carvajal, one of the authors of the report, told Reuters. The statement said 17 people had died from diphtheria in Venezuela, citing local media. Opposition lawmaker and oncologist Jose Manuel Olivares earlier this week put the number at 22. Reuters could not independently confirm the reports.
Oct. 7, 2016



Matthew 24:7
Luke 21:11
Luke 21:25 

Headline:    Hurricane Matthew: Haiti storm disaster kills hundreds

Headline:     Two million people in southeastern US ordered to flee from mega-storm

The death toll in Haiti as a result of Hurricane Matthew – the most powerful Caribbean storm in a decade – has soared to more than 400, officials say. Some 50 people were reported killed in the town of Roche-a-Bateau alone. The nearby city of Jeremie saw 80% of its buildings levelled. In Sud province 30,000 homes were destroyed. Category Three Matthew, with sustained winds of 120mph (193km/h), is battering the coastline of the US state of Florida but has not yet made landfall. It remains unclear whether it will do so. At 11:00 local time (15:00 GMT) Matthew was hugging the Florida coast, about 35 miles east of Daytona Beach and moving north-west at about 13mph, the National Hurricane Center said.
Oct. 7, 2016



earthquakesindiversplaces~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

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