Oct. 17, 2016- Islamic Dabiq Prophecy Has Failed

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index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct. 6, 2016 Edition written by Frank Dimora

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Burdensome stone
Headline:     UN chief rejects UNESCO resolution on Temple Mount

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon distanced himself on Sunday from a recent UNESCO resolution which failed to acknowledge the ties between the Jewish people and the Temple Mount. Israel suspended its cooperation with the United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), claiming the draft resolution it adopted on Thursday denies the deep, historic Jewish connection to the holy sites in Jerusalem. The resolution refers to the holiest site in Judaism—the Temple Mount—only by its Muslim name—Al-Haram Al Sharif.   “The Secretary-General reaffirms the importance of the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls for the three monotheistic religions and stresses the importance of the religious and historical link of the Jewish, Muslim and Christian peoples to the holy site,” said a statement read by the UN Spokesperson on behalf of Ban.
Oct. 16, 2016


Headline: Israeli Ministry Presents “UNESCO Revised Bible” [VIDEO]

Following the vote on Thursday in which the United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) erased all connection between Judaism and Jerusalem, the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs released a video featuring a reading of a revised “UNESCO Bible”. The video targeted Christian supporters of Israel, as it featured a verse from the New Testament that was altered from the original, replacing the Jewish Temple with Al Aqsa Mosque. It should be noted that Al Aqsa Mosque was built at least 1,200 years after the death of Jesus.
Oct. 17, 2016



Headline:    Report: Hamas launches long-range rocket into Mediterranean Sea

Headline: Officer wounded in attack near Jerusalem

The Gaza-based terror organization Hamas on Monday reportedly test-fired at least one long-range missile, launching the weapon into the Mediterranean Sea, according to a Channel 2 report.
Residents situated in Israel’s southern communities reported hearing an explosion following the event, the report added. No injuries or damage were reported in the incident. Hamas frequently launches rockets into Mediterranean waters, honing its technological capabilities for a possible future confrontation with Israel. Palestinian terrorists continually shoot rockets into Israeli territory, as well, with a number landing in residential areas located primarily in the South.
Oct. 17, 2016






Headline:    Suicide bomber kills three at refugee camp on Syria-Jordan border

A suicide bomber believed to be from ISIS killed three people and injured at least 20 others in an attack on Sunday on an outpost manned by a Syrian rebel group at a refugee camp on the border between Syria and Jordan, a rebel official said.  The attack targeted the Jaish al-Ashair rebel group at the Rakban camp, said Said Saif, spokesman for the Forces of Martyrs Ahmed al-Abdo Brigades, a Free Syrian Army rebel group fighting against ISIS.
Oct. 16, 2016



Lebanon Arsal





Headline:    Three Egyptian soldiers killed during air, ground raids on Sinai militants: Army

Egypt’s army said three of its personnel were killed and two wounded during air and ground operations against militants in the restive North Sinai region on Sunday. Military air forces pounded 16 militant hideouts while ground and special troops simultaneously raided a number of other targets, killing 18 militants, military spokesman Brigadier General Mohamed Samir said in a statement. Three military personnel were killed and two others wounded in the Sunday dawn fighting, he added. The raids came two days after militants attacked an army checkpoint in the Bir Al-Abd area west of El-Arish, the provincial capital of North Sinai, killing 12 soldiers and wounding at least six more. The attack was claimed by the Egyptian affiliate of the Islamic State group. The army said it killed 15 militant fighters in response when Egyptian jets bombed Islamist militant targets for three hours on Saturday.
Oct. 17, 2016




Headline: European Union condemns Russia bombing of Aleppo, says may be war crime

The European Union condemned on Monday Syrian and Russian air strikes on the rebel-held part of Aleppo, singling out Moscow for deliberately targeting hospitals and medical personnel. “Since the beginning of the offensive by the regime and its allies, notably Russia, the intensity and scale of the aerial bombardment of eastern Aleppo is clearly disproportionate,” said the statement agreed by the EU’s 28 governments. “The deliberate targeting of hospitals, medical personnel, schools and essential infrastructure, as well as the use of barrel bombs, cluster bombs, and chemical weapons … may amount to war crimes,” EU foreign ministers agreed in Luxembourg.
Oct. 17, 2016



Headline:    Syrian Army, Hezbollah continue massive southern Aleppo assault

Headline:   Russian & Syrian military to organize 8-hour ‘humanitarian pause’ in Aleppo on Oct. 20

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), backed by Hezbollah, continued their large-scale assault in southern Aleppo on Monday, targeting several districts and hilltops under the control of both Jaysh Al-Fateh and Fatah Halab. The southern Aleppo assault began last night, when the 800th Regiment of the Republican Guard established full control over Tal SyriaTel and the Air Defense Base near the strategic town of Khan Touman. Following the capture of these southern Aleppo sites, a large Hezbollah force stormed the southern sector of the 1070 Al-Hamdaniyah Housing Project, seizing almost 90 percent of this district before dawn on Monday. Despite initially overrunning Jaysh Al-Fateh’s positions at the 1070 Housing Project, Hezbollah was forced to withdraw from a number of buildings inside this district; this was due to the jihadist rebels maintaining control over the Hikmah School. Meanwhile, at Salahiddeen, the Syrian Armed Forces managed to capture several buildings inside the Sheikh ‘Ali area, giving the latter a large presence inside this strategic district in southern Aleppo. Intense clashes are still ongoing at several axes, as the Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah press the jihadist rebel defenses around southern Aleppo.
Oct. 17, 2016



Headline:   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights




Headline:       Attacks including suicide bombing by IS kill 46 in Iraq

Attacks killed at least 46 people in Iraq on Saturday, including a suicide bombing claimed by the Islamic State group that was the deadliest to hit Baghdad in months. A suicide bomber targeted a funeral tent where mourners were gathered to pay their respects in the Shiite-majority Shaab area of north Baghdad, killing at least 34 people and wounding least 36, officials said. IS issued an online statement claiming the attack, saying it was carried out by a man who detonated an explosive vest. A witness said the bomber entered the funeral tent and blew himself up as lunch was being served. “I saw with my eyes 20 martyrs on the ground,” the witness said. Blood stained the ground at the scene of the attack, which was littered with the remains of plastics chairs mourners had been seated on. IS, a Sunni extremist group, considers Shiites to be heretics, and frequently carries out suicide bombings and other attacks against them in Baghdad and elsewhere in the country. Today’s bombing is the deadliest to hit the Iraqi capital since early July, when a suicide bombing in central Baghdad sparked infernos in a crowded shopping area, killing more than 300 people.
Oct. 16, 2016


Headline:    Iraq Launches the Campaign for Mosul

Headline:    Kurdish Soldiers Report Initial Success in Battle to Re-take Mosul

Headline:    Ankara-Baghdad Tensions Escalate as Mosul Operation Begins

Headline:    Mosul assault – a military Tower of Babel

Headline: Uprising in Mosul begins as civilians attack ISIS

Iraqi and regional actors are preparing to assist with or spoil the Iraqi Security Forces’ (ISF) operation to retake Mosul and its environs from ISIS. Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi announced the start of operations to retake the city on October 17. The ISF began shelling ISIS-held villages south of Mosul, Iraqi Army armored units and Federal Police advanced towards Mosul near Gwer, southeast of Mosul, and Peshmerga units began advancing towards Mosul from Khazar, east of Mosul. The ISF’s operation against ISIS will require security forces to isolate Mosul before it can begin a block-by-block clearing operation in the city itself. The ISF recaptured Shirqat, the last major ISIS-held city on the Mosul-Baghdad highway, on September 22, thereby setting the operational conditions to launch operations for Mosul. The ISF will need to continue its line of effort up the highway while also encircling the city from the north and northeast. ISIS will seek to conduct attrition warfare against the ISF before it arrives in Mosul, leveraging its remaining lines of communication in Anbar, Ninewa, and Syria to shift people and supplies. ISIS will also use the sparsely populated areas on both the eastern and western sides of the Tigris River to launch attacks against recaptured areas and the ISF.
Oct. 17, 2016








Headline:       Three killed in suicide attack in Turkey’s Gaziantep

A suspected Islamic State (ISIS) suicide bomber blew himself up during an anti-terror raid in the Turkish city of Gaziantep on Sunday, killing three police officers, officials said. A few hours later, a second suicide bomber — identified as the chief of ISIS group “bomb cells” in the city near the Syrian border — detonated his explosives, killing himself but without causing any further fatalities, according to AFP. The blasts took place shortly after Turkish-backed rebels captured the northern Syrian town of Dabiq from ISIS, dealing a major symbolic blow to the jihadists. In the first attack in Gaziantep, the bomber set off his explosives to avoid being captured by Turkish police, local governor Ali Yerlikaya said in televised comments. Turkish media had initially spoken of more than one attacker but the governor and the local prosecutor’s office said the body of just one bomber was found at the scene. The governor said five police and four Syrians were also injured. Acting on a tip-off, special police used armored vehicles to block the road where the suspected jihadists were holed up in a house, the state-run news agency Anadolu reported. Witnesses told private NTV television they heard sound of gunfire and clashes in the area, which is mostly populated by university students. Video footage released by the private Dogan news agency showed several suspects with their hands tied behind their backs as they were taken to a police car. Yerlikaya said the raid took place after Turkish authorities gathered intelligence about a possible suicide bomb attack by a suspected ISIS sleeper cell in Gaziantep against an Alevi cultural association.
Oct. 17, 2016



Headline:       Latest Taliban offensives kill dozens, displace thousands in Afghanistan

The Taliban’s latest offensives in the north and south of Afghanistan have killed dozens of people and displaced tens of thousands, officials said Monday. Earlier this month the militants launched a full-fledged attack on Kunduz, briefly entering the northern city and triggering fierce fighting with Afghan forces that forced thousands of residents to flee. Last week the militants also launched a new attack on Lashkar Gah, the besieged capital of volatile Helmand province in the south. They killed dozens of security forces personnel before being pushed back when government reinforcements arrived. “Due to hostilities in Kunduz and intensified fighting across the south we have seen a jump of 37,000 IDPs alone — more than ten percent of the year total in just one week,” Danielle Moylan a spokeswoman for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, told AFP. The total number of internally displaced people due to fighting since the start of the year stands at 323,500. In Helmand, which has seen some of the worst fighting since the Taliban began their insurgency against the western-backed Kabul government in 2001, authorities reported dozens of troops had been killed and more captured. “Around 50 Afghan security forces were killed, and the same numbers went missing in Helmand province over the past two weeks,” Tooryalai Hemat, the Helmand governor’s adviser, told AFP.
Oct. 17, 2016



Headline:      Ethiopia Government Unveils Rules for State of Emergency

The Ethiopian government has unveiled stringent rules for its state of emergency which the opposition says is meant to curb a wave of protests, sometimes deadly, in the Oromia region and other areas.
Hundreds have been killed in anti-government protests in the past year, according to human rights groups and opposition activists. The protesters have been demanding wider freedoms in one of Africa’s best-performing economies The rules announced late Saturday restricts the movement of diplomats 40 kilometers (25 miles) outside of Addis Ababa without official permission. The emergency prohibits anyone from making contact with groups that are labeled as terrorist and from watching media channels like Oromia Media Network and Ethiopian Satellite Television and Radio, according to a statement issued by Siraj Fegessa, Ethiopia’s minster of defense and head of the Command Post set up to oversee the state of emergency law. Those who break the terms of the emergency risk jail terms of three to five years. The emergency also outlaws rallies and public meetings without permission from authorities and gives security forces the right to detain and search suspects without a court order.
Oct. 16, 2016



Headline:     U.S. air strikes pound Libya’s Sirte to oust Islamic State militants

U.S. aircraft hit Islamic State targets with more 30 strikes over the last three days on the Libyan city of Sirte as pro-government forces push into its last militant-held districts, the U.S. military said on Monday. Libyan forces are close to ending a six-month campaign to liberate Sirte from Islamic State, which took over the city more than a year after taking advantage of factional infighting that emerged after the fall of strongman Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. Forces mostly from nearby Misrata city are pushing ahead street by street, facing snipers and suicide bombers. They are helped by U.S. air strikes since August and coordination with small teams of Western special forces on the ground. On Sunday, Libyan forces recaptured the city’s Cambo area, and swept out tunnels used by militants to hide and prepare ambushes, and seized a field hospital. They found charred bodies of militants hit by air strikes. A Reuters reporter at the scene said they also came across booby traps using grenades and rocket shells. “At the moment, the forces are preparing to enter Ghiza Bahriya district,” Rida Essa, media official with the pro-government forces, said. U.S. aircraft carried out 36 strikes from Friday to Saturday mostly on enemy fighting positions but also on a car bomb, according to a U.S. Africa Command statement on Monday. The loss of Sirte would close down Islamic State’s main stronghold in North Africa and its only base outside Iraq and Syria, just as the militant group comes under pressure in the Iraqi city of Mosul.
Oct. 17, 2016









Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:    North Carolina GOP office burned by suspected firebomb, vandalized

Authorities are investigating after a local Republican Party office in Hillsborough, North Carolina was set on fire in what a state GOP official called an act of “political terrorism.” The GOP headquarters was vandalized with graffiti and damaged with a flammable material thrown through the front window. It happened at 347 Ja-Max Drive and was discovered Sunday morning by another business owner. Officials said it happened between 9 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. Sunday. The graffiti included a swastika and the words “Nazi Republicans leave town or else,” which was spray-painted in black on the side of an adjacent building. This is the country of freedom & liberty- not of hate & violence. The orange co gop will rebuild and be renewed. #ncpol @NCGOP pic.twitter.com/fiYvFC5Mvx — Kami Mueller (@kamimueller) October 16, 2016 Authorities said the flammable substance ignited inside the building, burning furniture and damaging the interior of the building. It was contained in a bottle thrown through the window. The window had lettering on it that said, “Freedom Speaks.” Dallas Woodhouse, executive director of the North Carolina Republican Party, called the attack “political terrorism,” and said the party will not succumb to it.
Oct. 17, 2016


Headline:    At least 9 dead after Brazilian prison mutiny

Police say at least nine people have been killed at a Brazilian penitentiary in a clash between rival gangs of inmates in the northern state of Roraima. The state’s justice secretary Uziel Castro says in a statement that seven bodies were piled up and burned after the Sunday prison mutiny. Two other bodies were found in a different part of the Monte Cristo prison. Castro says at least three of the bodies were beheaded and efforts to identify them have been slow. Officers said Monday that about 50 people who were visiting the penitentiary in the state on the border with Venezuela and Guyana were released unharmed after being held hostage.
Oct. 17, 2016


Headline:  Pakistan Says 3rd Chinese-built Nuclear Reactor Goes Into Operation

Pakistan has connected its new, largely Chinese-built nuclear reactor to the national grid as part of broader plans to overcome long-running crippling power shortages. The facility is located at Chashma, a town in the central province of Punjab, where China has constructed two other nuclear reactors, known as Chashma-1 and Chashma-2. They went into operation in 2000 and 2011 respectively, supplying 600 megawatts of electricity to the grid. The so-called Chashma-3 project, with an installed capacity of 340 megawatts, was inaugurated “on trial basis” this past Saturday, according to a spokesman for the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC). “After performing various safety and functional tests, the plant will attain full power in first fortnight of December 2016,” Shahid Riaz, told VOA Monday.
Oct. 17, 2016


Headline:    Kuwait ruler dissolves parliament, opens way for elections

Kuwait’s emir ordered the dissolution of parliament on Sunday, opening the way to fresh elections, saying “security challenges” in the region could best be addressed by consulting the popular will. A ballot would be the seventh since 2006 in the Gulf Arab state, where political strains have long held up economic development and the government is trying to introduce painful cuts to longstanding welfare benefits. Political stability in the major oil producer has traditionally depended on cooperation between the government and parliament, the oldest legislature in the Gulf Arab states. KUNA reported the decree as saying the move was linked to regional developments and “security challenges and their different impacts and risks, that require returning to the people – the origin of authority – to choose its representatives to express its directions, ambitions and contribute to facing these challenges.” A report on the official KUNA news agency about Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah’s decree gave no date for fresh elections for the 50-seat chamber but under constitutional rules a ballot should be held within 60 days.
Oct. 17, 2016


Headline:    Rebel leader in eastern Ukraine killed in bomb blast

Arsen “Motorola” Pavlov, a pro-Russian rebel commander in eastern Ukraine, died in a bomb blast in his apartment building, both sides confirmed. Pavlov had been an active participant in the conflict between Ukrainian troops and pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine. The Russian-born Pavlov, head of the rebel military group known as the Sparta battalion, was accused by Ukraine of war crimes. In September, the newspaper Ukrainskaya Pravda said Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko accused Pavlov of shooting and killing a Ukrainian prisoner of war, adding “The monster will answer” for that crime, the BBC reported. In April 2015 Pavlov bragged to the Kiev Post he had killed 15 Ukrainian soldiers captured by rebels. Rebel leader Alexander Zakharchenko, who calls himself the “prime minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” called the killing of Pavlov “terrorism” and added, “As I understand it, Petro Poroshenko has violated the cease-fire and declared war on us.” It remains unclear who killed Pavlov. On Sunday,; a bomb exploded in the elevator of his Donetsk apartment building. His personal guard also died. A Ukrainian neo-Nazi group claimed credit for the bomb in an Internet video, but is being discounted by analysts.
Oct. 17, 2016



note-from-frankAs you can see from the Lord’s prophecies not only are we to keep on the watch for rumors of war but, Jesus tells us nation will be against nation.  For the past few years the rumors of war have no doubt increased and there is no doubt now our world will find itself in another major war. When will it start? We can not say for sure but one is coming so don’t be shocked when you see it. Some think the current war in Syria that is drawing in Russia and the U.S. could be the match that lights the next war.


Headline:  US nuclear war fears see American military drills brought forward as Russia tension rises

Headline:  FAA Warns Pilots: No Flying Parts of Montana on Saturday

The Obama administration is contemplating an unprecedented cyber covert action against Russia in retaliation for alleged Russian interference in the American presidential election, U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News. Current and former officials with direct knowledge of the situation say the CIA has been asked to deliver options to the White House for a wide-ranging “clandestine” cyber operation designed to harass and “embarrass” the Kremlin leadership. The sources did not elaborate on the exact measures the CIA was considering, but said the agency had already begun opening cyber doors, selecting targets and making other preparations for an operation. Former intelligence officers told NBC News that the agency had gathered reams of documents that could expose unsavory tactics by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

note***the 2nd story is from RedFlag news (2nd link) showing the FAA order above (3rd link).  While this is important information to have and continue watching, at this time Live Track FlightRadar is showing air craft activity over Montana (4th link). There were no large storms over the weekend and this week’s forecast shows only drizzle (5th link). Further investigation showed that the issuing authority 14 CFR 91.143 is flight limitation in the proximity of space flight operations (6th link).  This could include, according to retired military sources, the launching of a satellite. 
Oct. 17, 2016







http://www.faraim.org/aim/aim-4-03-14-147.html (Aeronautical Information Manual)


Headline:   U.S. warship targeted in failed missile attack from Yemen: official

Headline:  Saudi says prepared for ceasefire in Yemen

Headline:  Houthis launch missiles into Saudi Arabia

A U.S. Navy destroyer was targeted on Saturday in a failed missile attack from territory in Yemen controlled by Iran-aligned Houthi rebels, the third such incident in the past week, U.S. officials said. Multiple surface-to-surface missiles were fired at the USS Mason sailing in international waters in the Red Sea but the warship used on-board countermeasures to defend itself and was not hit, one defense official said, citing initial information. The latest attack could provoke further retaliation by the U.S. military, which launched cruise missiles on Thursday against three coastal radar sites in Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen in response to the two previous failed missile firings against the Mason. “The Mason once again appears to have come under attack in the Red Sea, again from coastal defense cruise missiles fired from the coast of Yemen,” Admiral John Richardson, U.S. chief of naval operations, said during a ship christening in Baltimore on Saturday. Another U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters: “We are assessing the situation. All of our ships and crews are safe and unharmed.” Thursday’s U.S. counter-strikes, authorized by President Barack Obama, marked Washington’s first direct military action against suspected Houthi-controlled targets in Yemen’s conflict and raised questions about the potential for further escalation.
Oct. 17, 2016










Headline:    Russian Broadcaster RT Says UK Bank Suspends Its Accounts

Tense relations between Britain and Russia came under further strain Monday as Kremlin-backed broadcaster RT accused the U.K.’s NatWest bank of shutting down its accounts without explanation. The editor of the government-funded television channel, Margarita Simonyan, tweeted: “They’ve closed our accounts in Britain. All our accounts. ‘The decision is not subject to review.’ Praise be to freedom of speech!” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova posted on Facebook: “Looks like, while leaving the EU, London has left all its freedom of speech obligations there.” RT, formerly known as Russia Today, published what appears to be a letter from NatWest informing the broadcaster that “we have recently undertaken a review of your banking arrangements with us and reached the conclusion that we will no longer provide these facilities.” The letter said the firm’s bank accounts would be “cancelled and closed” on Dec. 12. Royal Bank of Scotland Group, which owns NatWest, said such decisions “are not taken lightly” — but indicated it might not be set in stone. “We are reviewing the situation and are contacting the customer to discuss this further,” RBS Group said in a statement. “The bank accounts remain open and are still operative.” Britain’s Treasury — which was not told of the bank’s decision in advance — declined to comment. Britain has imposed economic sanctions on a number of Russian individuals, but has not introduced any new measures since February 2015.
Oct. 17, 2016


Headline:  Iceland and Norway could LEAVE European Economic trade area for new deal with Britain

According to a newly-adopted foreign policy from the governing Progressive Party, the time has come for Iceland to consider whether the EEA and Schengen deals are working for them. The new policy, adopted at the party’s national conference earlier this month, states the EEA agreement formed the basis for the state’s cooperation and positive relationship with the European Union as a whole. It also claims Icelanders “should continue to seek cooperation with European nations, inside and outside the EU, on grounds of free and fair agreements and cooperation based on equality and mutual benefits.” But the policy also looks into Iceland’s membership of the EEA – and questions whether it is necessary for the future of the Nordic country. One reason to quit the allegiance is the UK’s vote to leave the European Union. the report claims. The Progressive Party claims that due to “fundamental changes” to the EEA that include Britain opting to leave the bloc, the government must look into alternatives. The foreign policy read: ”The United Kingdom is Iceland’s largest trading partner, both regarding trade in goods and services. Iceland should initiate talks with the British government with the aim of securing at least the current level of trade between the two countries.”
Oct. 17, 2016


Headline:  The stock market is turning into a sloppy, ugly mess—and it could get worse

It is getting dicey out there for Wall Street investors, although stocks eked out a modest rise on Friday. U.S. equities have been bouncing around lately. And the trend has been predominantly lower. Although it hasn’t been the sort of dizzying tumble for equities that would elicit an instant spike in fear, it has been, however, the kind of plodding descent that has the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, -0.07%  down nearly 300 points since the end of July. In fact, the Dow and the S&P 500 index SPX, -0.11%  are on the verge of tallying three straight months of declines, with October shaping up to be the ugliest monthly fall since January—the month after the Federal Reserve raised rates for the first time in a decade. (Friday’s jump on better bank earnings will have to be factored after the close.) But, if the Dow posts a loss in October it would be the first time the blue-chip index logged three consecutive monthly declines since the period ended in September 2011. The S&P 500 notched three consecutive monthly loses earlier this year, ended February.
Oct. 17, 2016








Oct. 12, 2016- 1.5 million fish have died ‘due to pollution’ in fish farms on Buyuk Menderes River, Turkey

Oct. 13, 2016- 20 tons of fish ‘died suddenly’ in fish farms in Paminggir, Indonesia

Oct. 13, 2016- Millions of chickens dead from flooding in North Carolina

Oct. 15, 2016- Hundreds of dead fish wash up on a beach in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Oct. 15, 2016- Thousands of dead fish washing up on beaches in Ceredigion and Gwynedd, Wales

Oct. 15, 2016- Whales have washed up dead during the last weeks in Taipei, Taiwan


14563474_1114109941992208_3499075828482125133_n 14657367_1115788921824310_3526141740073123110_n

Headline:    Thousands flee as typhoon lashes Philippines

Typhoon Sarika lashed the main Philippine island of Luzon on Sunday, flattening homes and toppling trees and power pylons as more than 12,000 people fled to safer ground, officials said. Minor landslides and flooding were also reported a day after the cyclone brushed past the remote eastern island of Catanduanes and left one person drowned and three others missing there. “We were told roofs were ripped off houses and there were fallen trees but that’s about the extent of damage that we know of,” Ricardo Jalad, head of the government’s National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, told reporters. Nelianto Bihasa, the mayor of the town of Baler where Sarika made landfall before dawn, told ABS-CBN network the typhoon destroyed at least 20 houses and left one person injured there. “Many trees and power pylons were toppled,” Bihasa said, adding the coastal town of 36,000 people some 145 kilometres (90 miles) northeast of Manila was without electricity. “This was no ordinary typhoon,” Bihasa added. Government crews and utility workers immediately went to work clearing roads blocked by landslides, toppled trees and posts and other debris. Some towns began sending people in shelters back to their homes as the danger passed.
Oct. 16, 2016


earthquakesindiversplaces~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

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