Aug. 22, 2017- Can Putin keep Hezbollah from Israel’s borders?

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20th Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Headline: Can Putin keep Hizballah from Israel’s borders?

Our sources report that he left Washington empty-handed for three reasons:

1. The White House was inundated in political crises on the home front.

2.  President Donald Trump had resolved to cut to the bone any US military involvement in the Syria conflict outside of the war on the Islamic State.

3.  Trump refused to hear of any compromise on his deal with Putin for cooperating in Syria, especially in the creation of de-escalation zones for gradually winding down the conflict.
Israel, like Jordan, repeatedly put forward objections to this arrangement, especially in relation to its Golan border with Syria. Neither Washington nor Moscow was interested.

Even if a Russian guarantee against Syrian and pro-Iranian forces reaching the Golan border is offered by Putin to calm Netanyahu’s worries, it will be of limited value – first, it was refused by Washington and second, it is unlikely to be respected. Although Russia is in a dominant position for determining Syria’s agenda, it is not the sole arbiter in Damascus. Iran and Hizballah – and even Bashar Assad – are quite capable of taking matters in their own hands and embarking on a limited expedition for heating up the border with Israel – if only as a reminder to Putin, Trump and Netanyahu that Israel will not be permitted to determine the situation on that border, only their own interests.
Aug 22, 2017

Headline: Gunmen attack Hamas posts in Gaza

Masked gunmen Monday opened fire at a Hamas post, a police station and a Hamas checkpoint in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, local source said. No casualties were reported. The series of attacks were apparently a response from Salafist Jihadist groups to Hamas crackdown on its supporters. Gunmen first attacked a Hamas post, and within an hour an attack was reported against the Rafah police station. Shortly after four people in a car threw five hand grenades at a checkpoint to the west of Rafah. The attacks, which reflect decline in the security situation in Gaza, came after a member of the Jihadists blew himself up in a group of Hamas operatives in Rafah after he and another member were stopped for inspection when they apparently attempted to sneak into Egypt to carry out a military operation there. One Hamas member was killed in the attack.
Aug 21, 2017



Headline: Jordan, Turkey set to boost ties, sustain coordination

His Majesty King Abdullah on Monday met with the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan over bilateral ties and regional developments, a Royal Court statement said. During the meeting, at Al Husseiniya Palace, His Majesty and the Turkish leader stressed the importance of continued coordination between Jordan and Turkey over issues of mutual concern and ways to boost economic and investment cooperation. In remarks at the expanded meeting, King Abdullah welcomed the Turkish president in his “second home”. His Majesty thanked Erdogan for the strong positions he has taken on the challenges involving Al Aqsa Mosque/Al Haram Al Sharif and Jerusalem, and his support for Jordan in the face of challenges.
Aug 21, 2017


Headline: Lebanon army says in final stage of border battle with Daesh

Lebanon’s army said Tuesday it had captured most of a mountainous area on the border with Syria during an operation to clear Daesh group jihadists from the region. The army began its campaign in the Jurud Ras Baalbek and Jurud Al-Qaa areas on Lebanon’s eastern border on Saturday, capturing more than two thirds of the 120 square kilometers held by Daesh jihadists in the first two days. “We have captured around another 20 square kilometers, so we have about another 20 square kilometers to go,” said army spokesman Brigadier General Ali Qanso. He declined to be drawn on how much longer it would take the army to finish the operation. Four Lebanese soldiers have been killed since the campaign began, including one on Tuesday when a land mine detonated under his vehicle. The other three were killed when they drove over a land mine at the weekend.
Aug 22, 2017

Saudi Arabia

Headline: Yemen blames Iran for war, says it can’t be part of solution

Yemen’s foreign minister blamed Iran and its support for Houthi Shiite rebels on Monday for causing the country’s civil war and said it can’t be part of the solution. Abdulmalik Al-Mekhlafi said at a press conference that Iranian weapons are still being smuggled into Yemen. Saudi Arabia’s U.N. ambassador, Abdallah Al-Mouallimi, whose country supports Yemen’s internationally recognized government, said Iran isn’t a neighbor or part of the Arabian Peninsula and he had a more direct message: “Iran should get the hell out of the area, period.” The Saudi and Yemeni officials spoke to reporters after a presentation to U.N. diplomats on the path to peace and humanitarian aid to Yemen.
Aug 22, 2017


Headline: Analysis– In Blow to Iran, Egypt Becomes Surprise New Player in Syria

A new and surprising player has recently entered the Syrian arena and has already contributed to establishing local cease-fires: Egypt received Saudi and Russian “permission” to conduct negotiations between the rebel militias and the regime, both in Ghouta al-Sharqiya (east of Damascus) and the northern neighborhoods in the city of Homs. In both cases, it managed to get a cease-fire deal signed – in the former on July 22, in the latter in early August. Both areas are part of the de-escalation zones on which Russia, Turkey and Iran agreed in May, in consultation with the United States. But this is the first time Egypt has played an active role in diplomatic negotiations between the warring parties that produced positive results. From Israel’s standpoint, Egypt’s involvement is important. Any country engaged in blocking Iran’s influence in Syria serves Israel’s interests. But that’s especially true when said country is Egypt, which is Israel’s partner in the war on terror in Sinai and an ally (together with Saudi Arabia and Jordan) with whom it sees eye to eye about both the Iranian threat and the danger of Syria disintegrating into cantons.
Aug 21, 2017


Headline: Two North Korean Chemical Arms Shipments Intercepted en Route to Syria

Two North Korean shipments to a Syrian government agency responsible for the country’s chemical weapons program were intercepted in the past six months, according to a confidential United Nations report on North Korea sanctions violations. The report by a panel of independent UN experts, which was submitted to the UN Security Council earlier this month and seen by Reuters on Monday, gave no details on when or where the interdictions occurred or what the shipments contained. “The panel is investigating reported prohibited chemical, ballistic missile and conventional arms cooperation between Syria and the DPRK (North Korea),” the experts wrote in the 37-page report. “Two member states interdicted shipments destined for Syria. Another Member state informed the panel that it had reasons to believe that the goods were part of a KOMID contract with Syria,” according to the report.
Aug 22, 2017


Headline: Iraqi forces enter outskirts of Tal Afar

Headline: Iraq forces take first two Tal Afar districts from ISIS

Iraqi forces have fought their way into the outskirts of the city of Tal Afar, one of so-called Islamic State’s last remaining strongholds in the country. Counter-terrorism units entered the south-western Kifah district on Tuesday, the military said. IS militants responded by firing rockets and deploying suicide car bombs, according to one commander. Iraq’s prime minister launched the assault on Tal Afar on Sunday, a month after declaring victory in Mosul. In the first 24 hours of the operation, pro-government forces captured 235 sq km (90 sq miles) of territory from IS, according to the US special envoy to the multinational coalition against IS that is providing air and ground support. By the second day, the troops and militiamen had reached the edge of the city. On Tuesday, they shelled IS defensive lines along the edges of the Kifah area before storming it from the south and east, commanders said.
Aug 22, 2017


Headline: Trump’s Afghanistan plan set to spark fresh congressional debate

Headline: Afghanistan hails Trump support in ‘joint struggle’

Headline: Rocket strikes downtown Kabul

President Trump’s decision to announce expanded U.S. military operations in Afghanistan but disclose few details is set to spark fresh congressional debate about the future of the United States’ longest war and whether it is time for lawmakers to approve a new use-of-force law. Senior Republicans voiced support for Trump’s decision to endorse a Pentagon plan to boost troop levels and said it will be reviewed during public congressional hearings when lawmakers reconvene next month. But Democrats and some Republicans blasted Trump for not disclosing more information and said they will redouble attempts to pass the first use-of-force resolution since the 2001 act that authorized military action against terrorist groups in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks. Meanwhile, a rocket struck the heart of Kabul’s government and diplomatic area on Monday night, setting off alarms and sirens at foreign embassies, but there were no immediate reports of casualties. Police said the rocket landed on a secure road just outside the presidential palace and near an area housing other Afghan government offices, foreign embassies as well as the headquarters of the international military coalition.
Aug 22, 2017,7340,L-5005965,00.html


Headline: US Commanders To Issue “Rare Warning” To N.Korea As Kim Threatens “Merciless Revenge”

As the Ulji Freedom Guardian joint military drills begin near the Korean Peninsula, North Korea’s Kim has threatened “merciless revenge” against the “US Imperialists and South Korean war maniacs” for ignoring his warnings. North Korea’s state-run Korean Central News Agency reports that: The US imperialists and the South Korean war maniacs launched the Ulji Freedom Guardian joint military drills aimed at a preemptive attack on the DPRK. Despite the repeated warnings of the DPRK, they have kicked off the war in the pretext of resolving “countering” the “provocation by the north.” This is aimed at igniting a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula at any cost. What is more serious is the fact that on the eve of the war exercises, American troops, including US Pacific Commander and Strategic Commander, flew to the South, contributing far more US troops from overseas, as well as seven vassal states including Australia and Britain. The Korean peninsula has plunged into a critical phase due to the reckless north-targeted war racket of the war maniacs. As Bloomberg notes, KCNA further cites an unidentified military spokesman as saying it would be a misjudgment for the U.S. to think that North Korea will “sit comfortably without doing anything” during the U.S.-South Korea joint military drills. Ongoing drills and visits of U.S. military officials to South Korea create the circumstances for a “mock war” on the Korean peninsula, KCNA says. U.S. can’t avoid “merciless revenge” by North Korea. U.S. should never forget North Korea is watching its moves closely with “fingers on triggers, ready to pour a fire shower of penalties at any time” Additionally, adding further tension, Yonhap reports that three top U.S. military commanders plan to issue a “strong warning message” to North Korea in a rare joint press availability here later Tuesday, officials said.
Aug 21, 2017


Headline: Earthquake kills 2 on Italy’s Ischia island

A 4.0-magnitude earthquake on the Italian resort island of Ischia killed two people and injured at least 39 others, police said. The earthquake on the island on the Bay of Naples struck on Monday evening, with the most serious damage in the village of Casamicciola.Hundreds of frightened people panicked and ran into streets when the earthquake struck. Cracking walls at a hospital caused its evacuation, and some of those injured were airlifted to hospitals in Naples. Additional ferry boats carried survivors to the Italian mainland. Some emergency crews, already on the island fighting a series of wildfires, also assisted. Italy’s National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology put the earthquake’s magnitude at 4.0 but both the U.S. Geological Survey and the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center measured its magnitude at 4.3.
Aug 22, 2017

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