Aug. 24, 2017 A believer in major car crash!

To all of the people who come to my site!  Jason and his family are good friends of mine and, they are in need of any help you can provide for them. Jason is a youth pastor who loves Jesus. This car accident has rocked this family however, they have not given up the faith. Jason’s daughter is now on life support but all of us who know Christ know that things change when believers go to the Lord in prayer. Please go to the (go fund me) site;  pray for the family and please help us help them in this time of of need.

Yesterday morning a good friend Jason was in a car accident while taking his three children to school. He was hit by on oncoming driver which resulted in his car crashing into a light pole. His wife Sarah was at work during the time of the accident.  Jason spent the first full day away from his family being treated at a nearby hospital for a partially ruptured spleen and other broken bones has finally released and is at the Children’s hospital with his family. Tim & Janet Johns have arrived safely from Colorado along with Jason’s sister Alissa from Indiana. Jason and Sarah are now surrounded by their entire family and are hopeful for full recovery for their children. 

Kaden (the oldest child) has just been released from the ER with a broken arm/wrist and is staying at his Grandparents home in KC for the time being. He’s in a state of shock, recalls what happened in the accident and is hopeful for his sisters. 

Hope (5) is still in critical condition but is doing better! She had surgery to remove a ruptured appendix and has damage to her esophagus. She’s able to breath on her own and is on a ventilator only to assist her with her breathing. She is in a chest brace for multiple fractures to her spine – the spinal halo has been removed. She is responsive to yes and no questions and is able to lightly squeeze the doctor’s hands and has no apparent brain damage. At this time she is showing minimal responses in her arms and is still showing no signs of mobility in the lower extremity of her body. HOPE NEEDS PRAYER FOR FULL MOBILITY!  **She was able to finally open her eyes and see Jason and welcomed him this morning with a smile. Thank you Jesus!!

Elise (8) was resuscitated twice and is still alive! She is in the ICU and in critical condition. Her heart is beating on its own, but is still on life support for her breathing. During the impact, teeth managed to get into her lungs and are causing irritation.  Elise recently had an MRI and is still showing no brain activity. The eye twitching/blinking was a result of multiple seizures she was having. The doctors have now found a medication that has stopped them both from happening. She’s also on blood pressure medication to help keep her blood pressure up. Elise is a warrior and if there’s any child that can fight through this, it’s her! PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL WARRIOR CHILD. SPECIFICALLY FOR HEALING OF THE SWELLING IN HER BRAIN AND FOR NATURAL BREATHING!

For anyone who doesn’t know the John’s family, Jason has been serving as the pastor of a inner-city KC church and is currently receiving no salary. He has been making a tremendous impact in the lives of urban youth and families. He just started college this week to gain more competency as a counselor, teacher, and leader. Meanwhile, Sarah has been providing income as a fitness instructor. They will need financial support during this crisis to focus on the healing of their family and to find replacement transportation. Anything you can do to help this family would be a blessing as they are in need of immediate financial help. I will do my best to post updates as they come.

At the time the family has asked for no additional visitors outside the immediate family. If you want to do something special for the family besides praying/donating, please feel free to send balloons, flowers, cards, stuffed animals, etc. to Hope and Elise Johns who are in the ICU department of Children’s Mercy Hospital in Downtown KC. At this time Hope would benefit from having her room filled with things colorful things she can see. Address: 2401 Gillham Road – Kansas City, MO 64108. 

We trust in our Father and pray for full healing. In Jesus name – AMEN!





    • Jeremy Wilkerson on August 25, 2017 at 1:53 pm
    • Reply

    I will lift this family up in prayer. May the Lord bring about a miraculous healing in the bodies of these precious children.

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