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Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

IDF attacks Hamas weapons manufacturing site in Gaza

IDF on alert in the South after latest round of Hamas clashes

IDF fighter jets attacked a Hamas terrorist weapons manufacturing site in Gaza overnight Thursday. The attacked components were used by Hamas for research and development of weapons. The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said that “the attack was carried out in response to the firing of incendiary balloons into Israeli territory. The IDF will respond strongly to terrorist attempts from the Gaza Strip.” On Thursday, firefighters dealt with four fires that broke out in Israeli communities located near the Gaza border as a result of incendiary balloons launched from the Gaza Strip.
July 2, 2021







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Hamas & Hezbollah Heads Meet in Beirut

Hamas Works with Hezbollah and Iran to Learn Lessons for Next War

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh met with Hezbollah head Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut on Tuesday and discussed last month’s war between Israel and the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. The two terror group leaders discussed how to learn from the latest war with Israel, according to a statement by Hezbollah Media Relations reported on the terror group’s Al-Manar media website. Nasrallah and the Hamas delegation spoke about ways to help the Palestinians through “utilizing all capabilities in a bid to reach the final and decisive victory,” said the statement. The report said both sides stressed the close relations between the two terror groups and their importance to the “Axis of Resistance.”
June 30, 2021

Shells fired at US base in eastern Syria

Pro-Iranian forces claim they shelled Americans in Syria

Pro-Iranian militias on Monday evening fired several shells at a US base in eastern Syria’s Al-Omar oil field, causing damage but no casualties, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, according to AFP. The development came after the US launched air strikes overnight Sunday against three targets it said were used by pro-Iran groups in eastern Syria and western Iraq. In retaliation for Monday evening’s shelling, “heavy artillery has been fired by the (US-led) international coalition” on the town of Al-Mayadeen, controlled by Iranian militias, the Observatory said.
June 29, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Cheers And Hugs As Rebels Take Back Tigray Capital

Celebrations erupted on the streets of the capital of Ethiopia’s Tigray region this week when rebel fighters took over the city, a pivotal moment in a brutal eight-month long conflict. Crowds of jubilant locals waving the red and yellow Tigrayan flag cheered, clapped and danced in Mekele as they welcomed the returning Tigray Defence Force (TDF) soldiers. The rebels marched into the city on Monday after local officials and federal government troops pulled out, and the government of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed later declared a unilateral ceasefire. Since marching on Mekele, the TDF has seized more control of territory in Tigray, Ethiopia’s northernmost region, and vowed to drive out all its “enemies” — federal soldiers and their allies, notably from neighbouring Eritrea and Ethiopia’s Amhara region. The government in Addis Ababa has for its part called on the rebels to adhere to its unilateral ceasefire.
July 2, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Drought’s Toll on U.S. Agriculture Points to Even-Higher Food Prices

The Southwest is suffering through one of its worst droughts on record amid a critical reduction in the amount of water from snowpack runoff. Roughly 9.8% of the U.S. is currently in what climate experts refer to as exceptional drought, the most severe designation, which is characterized by widespread crop and pasture losses and shortages in reservoirs, streams and wells amounting to water emergencies. About 44% of the nation is experiencing some level of drought, with a further 13% currently affected by drier-than-normal conditions. The current drought is on pace to be one of the worst ever. One of the hardest-hit states is California, home to about 70,000 farms and ranches with a combined output of about $50 billion a year. The dairy industry accounts for the largest chunk of the state’s agricultural revenue, followed by almonds and grapes. The price of feed grains has risen in the past year to its highest levels since 2013, when another persistent and widespread drought tested the nation’s farm economy. It is another example of how economic strains are compounded by secondary effects of extended droughts. When the agriculture industry struggles with higher costs and depleted production, the prices consumers pay for its food tend to rise. Several factors contributed to the recent surge in overall inflation, including an unexpected rise in demand and disruptions in supply and distribution chains.
July 1, 2021







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Lytton village wiped out by wildfires amid record-breaking heat wave, Canada

UN weather agency confirms new record 18.3C (64F) temperature in Antarctica

The Canadian village of Lytton, which set an all-time national heat record this week, has been engulfed by fast-moving wildfires, officials said Thursday, July 1, 2021. Mayor Jan Polderman said the whole place is on fire, adding that two people were reported dead. Around 486 sudden deaths were reported across the province of British Columbia amid a record-breaking heat wave, with the toll expected to continue rising. More than 1 000 people in and around the town were evacuated late Wednesday, June 30, as the fire spread through the community. As of Friday, July 2, there were 62 new fires reported in the province, and the cause is now under investigation, B.C. Premier John Horgan told reporters. The fires were triggered by a record-breaking heat wave, which has been affecting the Pacific Northwest. The heat was responsible for Lytton setting temperature records for three consecutive days this week, with the highest being 49.6 °C (121.3 °F). B.C. Coroners Service had received reports of 486 sudden deaths between June 25 and June 30, which is double the average number expected.
July 2, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Huge swathes of farmland destroyed by hailstorms, Europe

Very heavy rain, strong winds, and intense hailstorms affecting parts of central Europe during the second half of June 2021 left more than 66 000 ha (163 090 acres) of crops damaged or destroyed. The figure doubled within just a few days and it still might rise as damage assessment continues. After the first surveys by crop insurance company Vereinigte Hagel (VVaG), they now expect damage of about 20 to 23 million euros, which is more than a double compared to the beginning of last week. The worst affected countries are France, Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic.
July 2, 2021

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