November 25, 2022





Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 17 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora



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An elementary school in California will allow an “After School Satan Club” to begin meeting in its facilities starting in December, according to reports.


The clubs are sponsored by The Satanic Temple, based in Salem, Massachusetts, and have been set up specifically to oppose a number of Christian organizations that hold meetings for children who wish to attend after school hours.

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Philippines Government Rejects UN Demand to Allow Abortions
Philippine leaders rejected pressure from the United Nations again last week to legalize the killing of unborn babies in abortions in their country.


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45 people injured during severe shaking caused by M6.1 earthquake in western Turkey

A strong and shallow earthquake, registered by the USGS as M6.1, hit Düzce, western Turkey at 01:08 UTC on November 23, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.0 at a depth of 7 km (4.3 miles). The Istanbul-based Boğaziçi University Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute reported the quake as M6.0.




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Marsha Blackburn Commentary: Firing Servicemembers over the COVID-19 Shot Threatens Our National Security
President Biden said it himself: the pandemic is over. So why is his Department of Defense (DoD) willing to look at the brave men and women who volunteered to serve our nation and say, “you’re fired” – all because they chose not to get the COVID-19 shot?


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The Vaccinated Now Account For The Majority Of All COVID Deaths In The United States According To New Report From Kaiser Family Foundation And WashPo 
Last year, NTEB was suspended multiple times on Twitter for telling you the truth about COVID and the mRNA vaccines. On Facebook, the NTEB page which had been up for a decade and had hundreds of thousands of followers, was permanently unpublished because we told you the truth about the pandemic. Today the headlines have finally caught up with us, letting you know that we have a pandemic of the vaccinated, who now make up the majority of all COVID deaths in the United States. But I had to go to a news site in India to find that out.Yea


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Group Seeks Investigation of CDC Officials Over Misinformation About Child COVID Deaths
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials who spread misinformation about child COVID-19 deaths should be investigated for violations of the agency’s scientific integrity policies, a watchdog group says.


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Researchers tell ONS “Your Data on Vaccine Mortality is Flawed” & demand Public Withdrawal of Dataset
Four researchers have written to the UK Office of National Statistics (“ONS”) pointing out that ONS’s data on vaccine mortality is not fit for purpose: “All of the anomalies in the dataset introduce bias in favour of analyses supporting vaccine ‘safety and efficacy’. The fact that these data are being used as continued justification for the efficacy and safety of the covid vaccines is therefore now a matter of national concern and scandal,” they wrote.


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Secret CDC Report reveals at least 1.1 Million Americans have ‘Died Suddenly’ since the COVID Vaccine roll-out & another Government Report proves the COVID Vaccines are to blame
The Covid-19 injections were meant to reduce the sudden surge of deaths the USA recorded in 2020 due to the alleged Covid-19 pandemic. But unfortunately, the official figures prove that the opposite has happened.


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D.C. Schools Requiring Negative COVID-19 Test After Thanksgiving Break
Students and staffers in the Washington D.C. public school system will be required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test upon returning from Thanksgiving break, according to city officials.


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Beijing sees record Covid cases as China outbreak spirals
China’s capital Beijing posted a record number of new Covid cases on Tuesday, with the city hunkering down under a tightening chokehold of restrictions that have sent schools online, closed many restaurants and forced employees to work from home.


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Major News on Vaccinated COVID Deaths, but the White House Decides to Lie Anyway 
For years, the COVID-19 vaccines have been pushed as a magic elixir, so potent and effective that they warranted being forced onto the population by way of government mandates. Even after it became clear that the vaccines didn’t stop the spread of the coronavirus, thus eliminating their communal benefit, the White House and some Democrat-led states marched on, stubbornly promoting them and other nonsensical policies like vaccine passports.



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Men are using condoms less, even as syphilis and other STDs surge



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Bird flu found in northern Israel, same strain as catastrophic 2021 outbreak
Turkeys infected with avian flu were found in a slaughterhouse in northern Israel, the Agriculture Ministry said Tuesday, raising fears of a new outbreak of the virus that ravaged domestic and wild fowl in the country a year ago.



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DEA issues public safety alert lethal fentanyl-laced fake prescription pills
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency has issued another public safety alert warning Americans of a “sharp nationwide increase in the lethality of fentanyl-laced fake prescription pills.”


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San Francisco Launches Guaranteed Income Program for Transgender Community 
San Francisco city officials announced Wednesday they would launch a new guaranteed income program for the city’s transgender community.

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The Nation Celebrates Women ‘Thankful’ for Abortions on Thanksgiving
Having aborted a child — or several — is something to be “thankful” for, according to a Thanksgiving piece in The Nation that claims many “celebrate” the experience, while slamming the “utter disregard for all Indigenous people” in the past that “fuels the same systems of white supremacy that dehumanize all of us today.”

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‘An explosion’: what is behind the rise in girls questioning their gender identity? | Transgender
Earlier this year, a team of NHS researchers was asked to investigate why there has been such a huge rise in the number of adolescent biological girls seeking referrals to gender clinics. The figures alone do seem remarkable.


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The Shooting At Club Q In Colorado Springs Has Nothing To Do With The Fact That The LGBTQIA Movement Targets And Sexualizes Young Children 
Let me just say right off the bat that I do not agree with the use of violence to solve any problems, like the shooting at Club Q, and I absolutely do not support attacks on any group of people with whom I might disagree. That said, there is a movement underway to grab the mind of your child, groom it, and fill it with demonic ideas related to topics like transgender identity and gender fluidity. They are coming after the children because if they can groom them, they win in the next generation.


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It’s Worse Than We Thought: Balenciaga Replaces Child BDSM-Themed Ads with New Creepy Campaign that Features Belgian Painter Known for “Pedophilia, Blood Ritual, Occultism, Cannibalism, Racism”
Balenciaga is getting slammed once again in a new ad campaign for featuring a book by controversial artist Michael Borremans, whose work has been linked to pedophilia, cannibalism, and blood rituals.





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Report: Sexual Violence Related to Date-rape Drugs at All-time High in 2021
New data shows a 36 percent increase in reported cases of the use of date rape drugs and an 180 percent jump in reported assaults against children under 12 by teachers or counselors


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China Has Just Released a Draft National Social Credit Law

On 14 November, several top Chinese government agencies collectively released a draft law on the Establishment of the Social Credit System, the first attempt to systematically codify past experiments on social credit and, theoretically, guide future implementation.

 Just another article showing the road to revelation  and the mark of the beast.

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Ontario’s Medical Regulatory Body Attempts to Extend Covid Emergency After Advising Vaccine Hesitancy Should Be Viewed as a Mental Illness 
Last month, CPSO updated their advice to state that physicians should consider treating vaccine hesitancy with psychotherapy or drugs. By so doing, they officially endorse and promote the false ideology that exercising the right of refusal is comparable to having a mental illness.


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Police in Spain to deploy automated facial recognition
Spanish police will soon be allowed to use an automatic facial recognition tool, dubbed ABIS (automatic biometric identification system). ABIS uses artificial intelligence to identify suspects from a database that is currently under development.




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Record-breaking rains cause devastating flash floods in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 
At least two people have lost their lives after record-breaking rainfall caused devastating flash floods in the city of Jeddah (population 4 million), Saudi Arabia’s Mecca Province on November 24, 2022.




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1 in 4 Americans Say They Won’t Be Having Thanksgiving Dinner Because They Can’t Afford It
One in four Americans say they won’t be having Thanksgiving dinner this year due to sky-high prices. One in five say they aren’t sure they can cover the costs of Thanksgiving, a recent Personal Capital survey found.



The prayer



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