January 23, 2023 a helping hand





Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 10 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora

If you are new to my website I would like to ask you for your help. Don’t worry I never ask anyone for any money or ask anyone to support my ministry. If you are not new to my privacy ministry I would also ask for your help.

If you have searched other prophecy sites you probably noticed that they also post news. However very seldom do you see that they  make  a connection to the specific last days prophecy that they had posted about. In other words if you don’t know what the Bible says there’s no way for you to make the connection by just reading the news itself.
let me give you an example. If you see news showing robots are now smarter than humans how would you know what specific prophecy that news is supposed to connect to?

At my site if you saw news about robots you would see above the news this picture below showing you the prophecy that I am connecting the news to. And below the news  you will see a link so that you can read the entire report.


A break





here is how you can help my ministry. If you like how I set up my ministry I’m asking you to write a short paragraph why you think other people should be coming over to my site.
Since I never advertise for my site there are many people who don’t even know my site  exists and I’m trying to reach those unsaved and those that go to church but are unfamiliar with scripture because they’re not reading the Bible.

I will post what you write about my site and, if you would like I will also post your name as the person who wrote the paragraph. What you write about my ministry and how it is set up will be posted on my bible prophecyma.com site as well as my endtimesresearchministry.com site.

Please send what you write to the following email address. fjdimora@gmail.com

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