February 7,2023 Satan’s time is short


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 10 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora



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Florida Legislature Set to Dissolve Disney’s Special Self-Governing Status
In a special legislative session this week, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will seek to dissolve Disney World’s special status, permanently ending “the corporate kingdom” and bringing it under state control.


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Idaho Satanists plan ‘gender affirmation ritual’ to protest ban on surgeries for children: ‘I praise myself’
Members of The Satanic Temple plan to oppose a proposed Idaho bill that would prohibit sex-change surgery and drugs for minors by holding a “gender affirmation ritual” on the grounds of the state Capitol.

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Florida Legislature Set to Dissolve Disney’s Special Self-Governing Status
In a special legislative session this week, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will seek to dissolve Disney World’s special status, permanently ending “the corporate kingdom” and bringing it under state control.


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Disney Releases Woke “Proud Family” Kids Show – Radical Children’s Show Pushes BLM Marxism, Anti-White Racism and Reparations
The woke Disney company has once again proven its hateful, anti-American bias. Woke Disney is teaching our children to be angry young communists, who hate themselves and hate their own country.




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Witnesses To The Massive 7.8 Earthquake In Turkey Remarked That ‘It Was Like The Apocalypse’ As Death Toll Now Passes 3,700 Souls And Rising
This week is off to a gangbusters start from a prophecy perspective, with a once in a generation earthquake rocking Turkey and Syria, open worship of Satan at the Grammys sponsored by Pfizer, as well as minor earthquakes in New York and Georgia. Russia is preparing to unleash a 500,000 soldier contingent on Ukraine, and Chinese spy balloons fly over America with impunity. Things get much hotter and it might be time for a little ’23 skidoo’, and wouldn’t that be great? In the meantime, here we are at the beginning of sorrows.

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Hospital PUNISHES Whistleblower Nurse; Prenatal Nurse Blows Whistle On 500% INCREASE In Fetal Deaths
Michelle Gershman is the heroic nurse who played a major role in the Died Suddenly movie last fall. She sounded the alarm that her hospital say 22 fetal deaths in just one month, a 500% increase over the norm.

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Netherlands Largest News Agency Blanketed With 14,445 Post-its, Each Representing a Covid Vaccine Death in 2022 
The post-its also included texts such as ‘sudden death,’ ‘heart failure after injection,’ ‘suddenly the new normal,’ and ‘Pfizer report.’

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Ben Armstrong: Bombshell report from Naomi Wolf exposed Pfizer’s illegal COVID vaccine trial on 61 kids 
The latest bombshell report from the team of Dr. Naomi Wolf has exposed Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) trial illegally conducted on 61 children, according to Ben Armstrong of the New American magazine.

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MORE: Hunter Biden’s Biolab Firm Metabiota Linked to EcoHealth, World Economic Forum – Russia Claims it has 20.000 Biolab Documents

Hunter Biden’s firm invested $500,000 in Ukrainian biolab operator Metabiota, which then received a $23.9 million contact from the Pentagon for bioresearch. Metabiota head Nathan Wolfe worked together with EcoHealth’s Peter Daszak on SARS-based coronavirus research. The Russian  Defence Ministry claims to have over 20,000 documents on the US biolab project in Ukraine.

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Experienced Pathologist confirms COVID Vaccination causes giant Blood Clots, Cancer & Infertility 
According to an experienced pathologist, Covid injections’ toxic lipid nanoparticles and mRNA induce the body to make hazardous spike proteins, which then distribute themselves throughout the entire body increasing the risk of inflammation, micro blood clots and fibrous blood clots.

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NZ Herald publishes appalling propaganda piece while Ministry of Health starts to come clean about “vaccine” harms 
…According to the woman, her hapless husband erroneously believed the vaccine was experimental since no long-term studies had been completed. He asserted that it did not provide immunity from infection or prevent transmission. He also warned of adverse effects which might result in death.

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US Department of Defence has been running the “covid vaccine” fraud worldwide 
“[Pfizer] did not defraud the government. We delivered the fraud that the government ordered.”  Sasha Latypova used these words to describe the basis on which Pfizer has requested the dismissal of a False Claims Act case brought against them for their covid “vaccines.”




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6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70For those who have been following me you know I had tried to prepare you for even bigger quakes coming. Below is one of my warning sign made in 2022.




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