April 17, 2023 Do you know the last day signs? What did Jesus say about keeping on the watch for the last days?

April 17, 2023 The real reason why Saudi Arabia is turning Thomas instead of Israel


















Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 16 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora


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All Hell Breaks Out In Chicago As Hundreds Of Teenagers Wreak Havoc

Tyler Durden's Photo

SUNDAY, APR 16, 2023 – 04:00 PM


A trend of lawlessness has unfolded in cities run by progressive leaders this spring. The latest incident occurred on Saturday night in Downtown Chicago, where hundreds of teenagers wreaked havoc by smashing car windows and destroying public and private property. They also attempted to enter Millennium Park, which prompted a significant police response. There was even a shooting that resulted in multiple injuries. 



6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70The photo you see below are the nations that God said are going to come together and attack Israel in the last days however, Israel will win the war. The war I referred to is the Psalm 83 war and if you notice Saudi Arabia is listed as one of those nations. The report I put below shows Saudi Arabia has moved closer to the Hamas which is another people the Lord said would attack Israel. Wake up the signs are all coming together this war is not far off.  


A psalm

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A breakSouth Korea Fires Warning Shots At North Korean Patrol Boat That Breached Boundary
A dangerous live-fire incident has been reported in a disputed sea border patrolled by both North and South Korea on Saturday. Reportedly a North Korean vessel had been pursuing a Chinese fishing boat, according to the military statement, and subsequently retreated after warning shots were fired from a South Korean military patrol boat.

6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70People, are you kidding me, if you don’t see how the number of massive storms has caused major damage and complex problems for the places these massive storms have hit. These recent storms have wiped out thousands of homes and businesses and now those who have been hit by these storms are trying to figure out what to do next, since many of the people have lost everything. Why do you think Jesus told us “upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity? It was a true warning what many nations and peoples were going to face in the end times as the storms pounded the nations.  The damage is in the billions not to mention the number of people who are now displaced or died as a result of the storms. Keep in mind, this is only one of the many last days signs Jesus commanded us to keep on the watch for. If you didn’t know about this sign you most likely would not know what else Jesus told you to look for.  And if you are unaware of what signs to look for you most likely don’t have Jesus Christ as you Lord and savior yet!  If that is the case you are already walking on the road that is leading you to hell. I say this because of Jesus own words found in John 14:6 “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” . Christians are often criticized for claiming that Jesus is the only way to God but that to is part of the end times signs.  You may want to take notice that our world which is run by Satan doesn’t attack Buddhism, Islam, or new age believes nor any other strange god. The only God that is always attacked is Jesus Christ.  Did you ever hear the main stream media make jokes about, Buddha or any of the others I just mentioned?  Answer is no. Why would Satan attack the other faiths when he has already locked them in with his deception.  In addressing the last days one of the first things Jesus warned is found in Mark 13: 5 I quote, “Jesus began by telling them, “See to it that no one deceives you.”  Satan has been deceiving people in thinking Jesus is not the only way!!  We know how Satan’s end will come and I pray you do not follow him to the lake of fire Jesus talks about in the book of Revelation.  All the signs Jesus told us to look for are proof that what Jesus says will come to pass.  The news is making my job easy however, Satan keeps blinding people to the Lord’s truth.  What about you? Who do you trust?  There is only one way to God and that road is through Jesus Christ.



A breakFort Lauderdale flooding likely to rewrite history books: ‘Everything was bad’

Extreme rainfall rarely ever seen in the U.S. flooded homes, highways and the airport in and around Fort Lauderdale, Florida, earlier this week. AccuWeather meteorologists say it was worse than the rainfall from most hurricanes.

An epic deluge with more than two feet of rain poured down on the Fort Lauderdale area on Wednesday, forcing a major airport to close and leaving many parts of the region underwater. The city, located on Florida’s Atlantic coastline, has weathered its fair share of hurricanes, but according to AccuWeather forecasters, Wednesday’s storm could go down in the record books.


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