May 2, 2023

Last days signs continue




Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 28 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora





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A Torrent Of Layoffs! Here Are 16 Large Companies That Have Just Announced Mass Terminations
The biggest companies in the United States are giving the axe to hundreds of thousands of workers, but this should not come as a shock to any of us.  Officials at the Federal Reserve were warned over and over again that they were going to create an extremely harsh economic environment if they aggressively raised interest rates, and that is exactly what has transpired.  We haven’t seen a tsunami of layoffs like this since 2008 and 2009, and the outlook for the months ahead is extremely bleak.




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After Tucker Carlson exit, Glenn Beck claims Fox CEO Rupert Murdoch told him not to talk about God on-air
Media personality and former Fox News host Glenn Beck says he was personally asked by Fox CEO Rupert Murdoch not to talk about God on the air.


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Boston SatanCon-goers shred Bible, pro-cop flag during opening ritual: ‘Hail Satan!’
A group of Satanists cheered as two leaders opened SatanCon 2023 on Friday with a formal ceremony renouncing “symbols of oppression” by ripping up a Bible and a “Thin Blue Line” flag representing police.



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60+ percent of the nation is experiencing drought
A look at the U.S. Drought Monitor map shows that nearly all of Kansas and portions of northern Oklahoma are already in the D-4 Exceptional Drought designation – the most severe category.. Kansas counties closer to the Missouri are in are in the Extreme Drought (D-3) state and parts of Missouri just north of Joplin have been rated as being in a moderate drought or abnormally dry for this time of year.



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Strong and shallow M6.2 earthquake hits near the coast of Okinawa, Japan 
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the JMA as M6.2 hit near the coast of Okinawa, Japan at 03:22 UTC (12:22 LT) on May 1, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). USGS is reporting M5.9 at a depth of 10.9 km (6.7 miles); EMSC M5.9 at a depth of 12 km (7.4 miles).





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