Sept. 16, 2023




Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 29 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora

Matthew 24:

[7] For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. [8] All these are the beginning of sorrows.


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Is Syria on the verge of collapse? – analysis
The country’s southern province of al-Suwayda’, whose population primarily comes from the Druze minority, is currently witnessing protests on an unprecedented scale.




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Lives Sacrificed On The Altar Of Scientific Progress: New Research Seeks To Create Synthetic Human Life
“And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them” (Genesis 11:6). These chilling words from the account of the tower of Babel in Genesis 11 came to mind regarding this summary of a news article reporting on horrific new research out of Israel that created “‘complete’ models of human embryos” in the lab. These scientists, by disregarding the value of human life, have decided that “nothing will now be impossible” as they try to create synthetic human life.


Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. (Pestilences=Diseases)

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Experts estimate over 20 million are already Dead due to COVID-19 vaccination & over 2 billion are Severely Injured
Peeling back the layers of deception and obfuscation reveals a shocking truth that may not be all that shocking to our informed readers: Covid-19 “vaccines” are injuring and killing far more people than the government is letting on. Estimates compiled from pieced-together data suggest that as many as 20 million people worldwide have died so far from the shots, while another 2.2 billion have suffered injuries – and we are only just getting started.


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Government reports confirmed COVID-19 vaccination has caused Cancer at an unprecedented rate
…Unfortunately, it appears the disease may be on the rise thanks to the experimental Covid-19 injections. Because official U.S. Government data confirms the risk of developing cancer following Covid-19 vaccination is 1433x greater than the background risk.


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Pfizer mistakenly proves original COVID Vaccine destroys the Immune System after publishing Study for new Omicron Jab
We have been sold an antivaccine as a vaccine. Official Government and Pfizer statistics prove that the “old” Pfizer COVID injection destroys the immune system at a rate greater than 1% per day. Now, the newly published study for Pfizer’s new bivalent COVID vaccine, to combat both the original strain and Omicron, prove the old Covid-19 vaccine had a minus-44% negative efficacy after just 30 days. The same study also, unfortunately, proves the destruction of the immune system is only going to get worse, not better.



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Lab Report discovers Graphene in the Covid-19 Vaccines; & Scientists believe the Vaccinated are transmitting it to the Unvaccinated
The Covid-19 vaccines have been forensically examined in the United Kingdom and a laboratory report confirms they contain graphene nanomaterials that can penetrate the body’s natural barriers and damage the central nervous system, and Graphene Oxide which can damage internal organs, destroy blood health, trigger cancer, and cause changes in gene function among a host of other ill effects.


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FOIA Results: $11 Million to Bribe OB-GYNs to Lie to Mothers About Safety of mRNA-Vaccines
Fetal-maternal medicine specialist Dr. James Thorp has raised the alarm concerning massive damage to women and babies via mRNA injection. Following an interview with Dr. Thorp, Dr. Naomi Wolf says that what she has learned in the last few weeks is “so very devastating, regarding the plans of the evildoers of our moment, to destroy, or restrict severely the powers of humanity, via destroying babies and human fertility.”


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CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Take 24 Years Off Of Men’s Lives
Slowly but surely, the long-term effects of the COVID-19 vaccines will be realized. According to data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, men who have taken the mRNA jabs will likely see 24 years shaved off their life span.


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‘Unconscionable’: FDA Approves New COVID Vaccines — Even for Infants as Young as 6 Months — Based on Minimal Data or Testing 
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Monday approved updated mRNA COVID-19 vaccines  produced by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, paving the way for their approval by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).



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They said it was “safe and effective”; covid vaccine contracts with the South African government show it was a lie
…It is worth noting that the HJI was launched in July 2020 in South Africa “to advocate for a more inclusive, equitable public health system, locally and globally, both during and beyond the pandemic.”  It was established using all the verbiage of the Globalist agenda. The founder of HJI is Fatima Hassan, a South African human rights lawyer and social justice activist. She is the former executive director of the Open Society Foundation of South Africa, founded by infamous globalist George Soros.


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Teachers Are Being Decimated by Aggressive and Metastatic Cancers After COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
Dr. William Makis presents 34 recent tragic cases in the United States.




I sure hope if you’re a caregiver, you are  read the reports above which shows the Covid vaccines are harmful.

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Major Hospital Group Issues ‘Updated’ Covid Vaccine Mandate for Caregivers 
…A major hospital network in the United States has issued a directive to caregivers requiring them to take the new “updated” mRNA Covid-19 vaccine recently approved by the FDA.


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Facebook confirms COVID-19 Vaccines destroy the Immune System & cause a new form of AIDS

Facebook has confirmed that five months’ worth of official Government data does in fact prove Covid-19 vaccination destroys the immune system leading to what can be described as a new form of

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Association of American Physicians and Surgeons: Mask Mandates Ineffective Against Respiratory Viruses, Harmful, and Infringe on Informed Consent Rights
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) has released a statement challenging the effectiveness and ethicality of mask mandates for respiratory viruses, including COVID-19. The AAPS argues that not only are these mandates ineffective in stopping the spread of respiratory viruses, but they also pose potential health risks and infringe upon individuals’ rights to informed medical consent.


Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in The stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the Sea and the waves roaring;



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Thousands Buried in Mass Graves After Libya Flood, Death Toll Could Rise to 20,000 
Thousands of people have been buried in mass graves in the city of Derna, Libyan officials said Thursday, as search teams continue to search the ruins left by devastating floods. Up to 20,000 people are feared dead, a toll that could largely have been avoided, according to the U.N.


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Libyans call for inquiry as fury grows over death toll from catastrophic floods
Libya’s attorney general has been asked by senior politicians to launch an urgent inquiry into the catastrophic floods that have killed tens of thousands of people, including into allegations local officials imposed a curfew on the night Storm Daniel struck.


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State of Emergency declared in Maine ahead of Hurricane Lee
Governor Janet Mills has declared a State of Emergency in preparation for Hurricane Lee. Hurricane Lee is expected to bring high winds, heavy rains and rough surf throughout Maine and the rest of New England.



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Significant westerly wind event triggers severe weather warnings, New Zealand 

Over the weekend of September 16 – 17, 2023, New Zealand’s MetService forecasts an intense westerly wind event across the South Island and the southern half of the North Island. This anticipated event could be more disruptive than yesterday’s strong winds, which resulted in power outages in Wairarapa.



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Lee forecast to start impacting New England today 
As per the National Hurricane Center’s latest advisory at 12:00 UTC (8:00 AM AST) on September 15, 2023, Hurricane Lee, currently over the western Atlantic Ocean, is anticipated to bring tropical storm conditions across parts of coastal New England by this afternoon.



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Panama Canal Authority: Vessel transits may be reduced if drought persists 
The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has suspended bookings for super vessels through Sept. 30 in its latest measure to remove a drought-related backlog waiting to traverse the canal.




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