January 22, 2024 a world, turned upside down, Kim command, Trump prophecy finally come to pass?




Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 11 2024 Edition by Frank DiMora


Frank1 Anyone who has seen Kim Clements, Trump prophecies knows Kim Clement got everything right so far. Everything that he said would happen to Trump has come to pass except one thing and, that is Trump would be president twice. it’s going to be very interesting to see the results of the 2024 election, the picture is becoming more clear as another Republican candidate dropped out of the race. Ron DeSantis quit yesterday. Below, Kim Clement’s picture is a link that will take you to the prophecies concerning Trump.






Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in The stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the Sea and the waves roaring;


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Texas, New Orleans face multiday flash flood risk as rain returns to Southeast
The Gulf Coast and Southeast are bracing for a multiday wet-weather event that will deliver the heaviest precipitation of the year, with many communities picking up 3-5 inches of rain and isolated areas seeing even more.


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Storm Isha is about to batter the UK with devastating ‘danger to life’ 85mph winds and torrential rain. Multiple weather warnings have been issued across the entire country with alarming satellite footage showing the storm hurtling full steam ahead across the Atlantic.


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Death toll tops 60 across U.S. as arctic blast leaves dangerous icy conditions
A bitter blast of Arctic air will linger across much of the United States this weekend, with tens of millions enduring bone-chilling cold and facing dangerous icy conditions, forecasters warned Saturday, as weather-related deaths numbered more than 60.


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Dangerous ice storm in Plains, mid-South could snarl Monday morning commute
A dangerous ice storm is forecast to affect the central Plains and mid-South into Monday, increasing the risk of significant icing, power outages and dangerous driving and travel conditions during the morning commute.




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Florida Republicans eye ban on pride flags in schools, government buildings
Florida House Republicans introduced new legislation Wednesday that would restrict certain flags in government buildings and schools, bringing the state one step closer to banning emblems like the LGBTQ+ pride flag.


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Pentagon Insider Issues Chilling Warning of World WAR III
We in the Independent Media have been reporting on events observed globally which we believe are leading to World War III, laying out each event, the possible ramifications as well as how other nations are reacting, including countries with nuclear capabilities.

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Iran vows revenge on Israel after Damascus strike kills 5 Revolutionary Guard members 
Iran on Saturday accused Israel of a strike in Damascus that killed five Revolutionary Guards members, the latest attack on the Islamic Republic’s personnel abroad, and vowed to avenge it.


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Israeli Strike Kills Five Iranian Military Advisers in Syria, Iran Says

U.S. base in Iraq also was fired on as Israel and Jordan clash over an alleged Israeli attack on a Jordanian field hospital in Gaza





Frank1 When you take a look at the prophecy above, please notice that every nation will come against Israel, before it’s all over even the United States will turn against Israel. If you don’t believe in the Lord Jesus, then when you see that take place, you’ll know, Christ is on the way.


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U.S., Israel Voice Conflicting Views on Future Palestinian State, Exposing Friction

Israel’s prime minister said his country must maintain control over areas west of the Jordan River, a day after President Biden expressed support for a two-state solution.




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After Jesus gave us all the last day signs that would be happening at the same time, he commanded us to keep on the watch. Our world is at the point of no return. These are definitely the last days.

Matthew :42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.

44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

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Alaska Borough Urges Residents to Get Ammo and Arm Themselves
An Alaskan regional government is urging its residents to be armed and ready. The Matanuska-Susitna Borough Assembly voted Tuesday to encourage its people to have guns and ammunition, linking the need to rely on the Second Amendment to an increase in crime and a dearth of state troopers, according to Alaska Public Radio.




For years I  did an in-depth research on what the Watchtower Society of the Jehovah witnesses have been teaching. The average Jehovah witnesses will never check anything their leaders teach them so they could never know what the leaders teach has come from Satan and his angels who are suppose to be guiding the Watchtower. If you are a new Jehovah witness I promise you what you will see in my paper the Watchtower does not want you to read. In my paper I will use the Watchtowers own documents to prove Satan is behind your teaching.  Jehovah witnesses are good people who have been led away from God’s truths. Since we are running out of time in these last days it becomes very important that you as a Jehovah witness review what your leaders are hiding from you. Click the link below to see how Satan has ruled the Watchtower organization. Your soul depends on it, and where you spend eternity depends on whether you’re willing to make sure of all things.




Download Jesus wants to save Jehovah’s witnesses from their false god





    • Faith Koger on January 23, 2024 at 7:49 am
    • Reply

    PSALM 91

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