January 28, 2024 Freddy’s for drying up definitely last day sign



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 11 2024 Edition by Frank DiMora


6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70 I am going to start off today’s post with good news. The Lord is working to bring his children into his kingdom in these last days.


Michigan Head Coach Reveals “Mini Revival” Took Place Among Players, 70 Players Baptized During Championship Run


University of Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh’s impact on players in the Wolverine’s football program is much deeper than the game of football.

During an interview with Christian sports commentator Jon Root, Harbaugh revealed that 70 of his players had been baptized over the past season.

Harbaugh told Root, “There’s a spiritual mission to our team.”

Root reacted to the incredible news from Harbaugh by expressing that the baptism of 70 players in a single season signifies the occurrence of “a mini-revival” within the team.



Frank There is only one generation who can actually state that they are witnessing the  Euphrates river drying up and that’s the generation you’re in. Watch the video in the news report below.


Revelation 16:12 12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.







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You taking a look at the number of significant earthquakes that hit just since the beginning of the year, there have been 14 of them already?



A magnitude-6.5 earthquake occurs in Acre State, Brazil, at around 05:38 Jan. 28. No immediate reports of damage or injuries. A magnitude-6.5 earthquake occurred in Acre State, Brazil, at around 05:38 Jan. 28. The epicenter was about 66 km (41 miles) west-southwest of Tarauaca, Brazil.



Former FBI Chiefs Sound Alarm in Urgent Memo to Congress: Warning of Imminent Threat from Military-Aged Men Poised for Invasion from Hostile Nations
A group of former high-ranking FBI officials has issued an alarming memo to key government leaders, signaling a dire threat to national security. They know what is coming.




Putin Ally Ominously Suggests Texas Could Launch ‘Civil War’ in US



Frank Is Joe Biden going to cause Americans to fight against Americans? Is he that crazy? Part of the presidents job is securing and protecting the United States from invasions and obviously if you’ve been watching the news, you know that is definitely not taking place. Millions have crossed the border and we don’t know where they are and they’re still coming.


Joe Biden Gives Governor Greg Abbott An Ultimatum As The Border Standoff Intensifies
Are we headed for a major constitutional crisis?  Texas Governor Greg Abbott is not backing down, and a whole bunch of other red states have publicly announced that they support what he is doing. In response, the Biden administration has reportedly issued a 24-hour ultimatum and is warning that Texas will “face the consequences” if the Texas National Guard does not stand down.


Border Patrol Says Agents Will Not Remove Texas Razor Wire Barriers 
In defiance of the Biden Administration’s wishes, senior figures within Customs and Border Protection have stated that there are no plans to have Border Patrol agents remove razor wire barriers erected along sections of the border by the Texas National Guard.





Seeking the Truth: Investigating Moderna’s Chilling Connection to Covid-19’s Origin 
Evidence has emerged which proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the pharmaceutical giant Moderna, the company that has made billions through the sale of an experimental COVID-19 injection, actually created the COVID-19 virus.



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Flag Israel Animated Flag Gif








Utah’s legislature passes transgender bathroom ban
Utah lawmakers passed a bill on Friday that would bar transgender people from using bathrooms in schools and government buildings that correspond with their gender identities.




American Family Radio drops Alistair Begg over gay wedding advice
A conservative Christian radio ministry has dropped pastor Alistair Begg from its programming lineup after he suggested Christians could attend same-sex weddings to “build bridges” with the culture at large.



In order to bring about a one world government, in which the antichrist will mark everyone, there has to be some type of world nations army, that would work with the antichrist in controlling the population, and being able to force people in taking his mark.





UN’s Next Goals: End National Militaries, Establish Global Military, Disarm You 
The United Nations Summit of the Future is being held this September in New York City. The summit is supposed to be the biggest UN event in years, maybe even since its founding way back in 1945. Although in recent years, the World Organization has focused on selling the global public the climate-change bill of goods, it now appears to be bringing back an old agenda: establishing a monopoly on force.





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