The State dept. is spending 770 million on refurbishing Muslim mosques and paying for their internet services!



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The State dept. is spending 770 million on refurbishing Muslim   mosques and paying for their internet services! Ask yourself this question. Why is Obama doing this when we have 47 million people on food stamps and millions out of work.  Have you every heard of Obama giving money to Christian Churches to refurgish them? No. Just another sign of a man who calls himself a Chrisitan but his fruits prove other wise!  My message to President Obama is this. Mr President my Ministry is a free ministry and I never charge anyone for anything I do. Most times I wonder how I will keep paying for my Internet service where it is used to help feed the poor, hand out Bibles for free, hand out my prophecy book for free. Do you think you can help me with my internet services like you are with the Muslims so I can keep doing Jesus Christ work?

Click to link below to see news concerning the money Obama is giving the Muslims.

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