Sept. 16, 2012 Ron Branson on The Feast of Trumpets/Dave Shadow on The Feast of Trumpets/



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Could this year be the year of the rapture? Every September during the Feast of Trumpets I ask you to be ready to go home with the Lord just in case this is the year the Lord has chosen to take us home. I am excited just to think that this Feast of Trumpets we may be home with our Christ. However, if the Lord delays the Rapture of the Chruch everyone should still be as excited knowing that that blessed day is not far off. What ever Jesus does this Feast of Trumpets he will still be GOOD. 

Written by Ron Branson (

Feast of Trumpets this year starts September 17, 2012 Feast of TrumpetsRosh Hashanah …. The first month according to God's instructions to Moses, would begin on the new moon when the barley was Abib. The drought has been so severe since 1999, that the barley being Abib, until last year, has been a month later than the Rabbis have said. THIS YEAR, SINCE LAST FEAST OF TRUMPETS, ISRAEL HAS SEEN THE MOST ABUNDANT RAINS EVER. ….ROSH HASHANAH The Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah is the first day of the seventh month (Tishri).Lev 23:24 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation.Themes linked to THIS Feast of the Lord are repentance, resurrection, kingship, coronation and a marriage feast. Rosh Hashanah is not only the start of "The Day of the Lord" (Millennium), but is also the day of the resurrection! It has to do with the moon and its 29-½-day cycle of renewal.In this period of slightly less than 30 days, the moon goes from darkness to light and back to darkness again.

This is not a haphazard occurrence attributed to evolution or science. God planned it for many reasons, one being as a picture of resurrection and renewal. With each cycle of nearly 30 days the ancient rabbis understood that the moon was being reborn or "born again." NEW MOONSIn Yeshua's day, the moon was so important that a Jewish festival was proclaimed at the beginning of every month. This was called the New Moon Festival and in the apostle Paul makes note of it (Colossians 2:16). King David provoked King Saul over it (1Samuel 20:5). In the millennium all nations will celebrate the New Moon festival every month Isaiah 66:23. It is obvious from the Scriptures that in the millennium God has no plans to do away with His system.Since it is so important, exactly what is a new moon? It is the opposite of a full moon. Every month the moon goes through a complete cycle of renewal called Rosh Chodesh, the head or beginning of the renewed month. Twelve times a year on Rosh Chodesh, the moon always starts off with its disk being very dark to the naked eye. Over the course of 15 days it gets brighter and brighter until it finally reaches a full white-faced disk or full moon.

Over the next 15 days it becomes darker and darker and finally becomes invisible to the naked eye again.The ancient rabbis saw a great lesson in this. Just as the moon has no light of its own but receives its light from the sun, so we too have no light of our own and must receive it from God. As the moon goes through a near 30-day cycle of dark to light to dark, so we need constant spiritual renewal and repentance. Like the moon, we too must be reborn or "born again" into the Messiah and constantly renewed through REPENTANCE. This is why God called the moon a faithful witness in the sky Psalm 89:37. We have lost touch with God's faithful witness in the sky. But Yeshua, and the people of His day never lost touch with it. The new moon was necessary for the Jewish calendar, and it was also a monthly festival celebrated with a feast fit for a king! So, when Yeshua said His famous words Matthew 24:36, it had far-reaching implications. Here are the words of Yeshua in Matt 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. Taking phrases out of Jewish context can lead one to misunderstand His words. For example, in many places of the New Testament. Yeshua knew the future and talked about it openly. In one instance He warned His disciples about their future saying, "See, I have told you ahead of time" Matthew 24:25. His context concerned the tribulation, the destruction of the Temple, the rise and fall of false messiahs (antichrists), etc. If He knew the future in Matt 24:25, and the context is about the Day of Trouble.

Why would He suddenly speak as though He did not know the future in the same context just 11 verses later in Matt 24:36? Was He confused? Or was He making perfect sense in light of the customs of the Jews? The phrase, "Of that day and hour no man knows" refers to the sanctification or setting apart of the new moon. Twelve times a year a new Jewish month (Rosh Chodesh) was announced to the people. We have no system like it today. We look at a calendar to determine the first of the month; the Jews, however, looked at the moon. This system of time keeping was given to the Jews to know precisely when the Holy Feasts of the Lord would fall.

The moon was the faithful Jewish calendar or witness in the sky. And 12 times a year was sanctified as the basis of the Jewish calendar.To correctly announce the first day of the month, established by the new moon, was one of the Sanhedrin's greatest responsibilities. They had to ensure the people knew when the first of the month began 12 times a year! Therefore God said to the leaders of Israel:Leviticus 23:4 These are the feasts of the LORD, even holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons.As soon as the new moon was announced, the first day of the month began. In Hebrew, those observances have always been called "appointed times" or moedim, literally "a sacred and set time". From God's perspective, the appointed times belong to Him and no one has the authority to change the celebration of an appointed time. To do so was a serious matter and great sin. Appointed times had to be kept because of their Messianic implications. Also notice the phrase, "holy convocation". God's appointed times are actually "holy rehearsals" set apart to reflect events in the Messianic era. God said to the people, "Pay attention! On this day I am going to do something! Wake-up! The Jews were to know and practice all of God's holy convocations. This is the essence of Paul's words that the Shabbat, new moons and festivals, "are a shadow of things to come to the body of Messiah" (Colossians 2:17).

Twice a year, in the spring and fall, there were several appointed times and specific days of holy convocation dedicated to the Lord. The new moon was the key in being able to fulfill those set times, holy convocations and rehearsals. For example, when the new moon was announced on the first day of Nisan, also called Aviv, or Abib, the people knew when to observe the holy convocations and set times. Again, once the Sanhedrin set Rosh Chodesh, or the beginning of the new month by sighting the new moon, the rest of the festivals were calculated. However because of the 29.5 day cycle, and a 365.25 day year some years would need a 13th month. Determining the new moon in the FIRST month of Abib or Nissan was the most important for that determination set the appointed times or Feast of the Lord for the whole year. That first month called Nissan was also called Abib. When the BARLEY WAS ABIB. When the barley would be abib means that it has grain heads at the time of the new moon in Jerusalem. This can also be effected by a lack of sufficient rain. With no rain the barley seeds would not germinate. The barley would not be seen abib if there was no rain. Then, all the feasts of the Lord would be postponed by a month in that year.

The seventh month, Tishri, was particularly important because it was the only month that had a holy convocation or appointed time on the first day of the month. This posed a unique problem. The first day of Tishri was the appointed time called Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23:24). Yet no one could begin observing the festival until they heard those famous words from the President of the Sanhedrin, "Sanctified!" No one in Israel could plan for the first day of the seventh month Tishri, called Yom Teruah or the Feast of Trumpets (also called Rosh Hashanah). When they knew how many days to count to a festival, that would be easy.But: HOW COULD THEY PLAN FOR A FESTIVAL THAT THEY DID NOT KNOW AT WHAT DAY OR HOUR IT WOULD PUBLICLY BE ANNOUNCED AND THUS BEGIN?That is why, to this day, the Feast of Trumpets is a 2 day feast of the Lord.This was unique to Rosh Hashanah and dependent upon the testimony of the two witnesses. Prophetically, we are informed of two important witnesses during the Great Tribulation: Rev 11:3 And I will give power unto My Two Witnesses, and they will prophesy 1260 days, clothed in sackcloth. Of course, anyone could look up into the twilight or early morning sky and, if they looked hard enough, see the new moon or at least its "horns". And certainly a good observer knew when about 29-½ days were completed since the previous Rosh Chodesh.

Once proclaimed, the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) commenced. Until that public announcement, everyone had to wait before they could begin the observance of the festival. No one could begin the festival beforehand! Thus, we can more clearly see the analogy Jesus made with His words: "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only" was in regard to this important festival of the Feast of Trumpets. Jesus told the apostles as clearly as possible that His Second coming and end of the age of grace and testing of mankind as we know it, was what the Feast of Trumpets is all about. The Feast of Trumpets calls us to seek the Lord while HE MAY YET BE FOUND! Feast of Trumpets, Modern Rosh Hashanah, is the sounding of the trumpets on the first day of the seventh month (Tishri) of the religious calendar year (Lev. 23:24; Num. 29:1). The trumpet referred to here was the shofar, a ram's horn. It was distinctive from the silver trumpets blown on the other new moons. Silver trumpets were sounded at the daily burnt offering and at the beginning of each new month (Num. 10:10), but the shofar specifically was blown on the beginning of the month Tishri. This day evolved into the second most holy day on the modern Jewish religious calendar. It begins the "ten days of awe" before the day of atonement. According to Lev. 23:24-27 the celebration consisted of the blowing of trumpets, a time of rest, and "an offering made by fire."HOW TO KEEP THE APPOINTED FEAST OF TRUMPETS The scriptural recommended way of observing this feast is the way Ezra lead the people of God.

The book of the Law, the book of Deuteronomy, should be read September 18-19. You will be blessed if you read the entire book of Deuteronomy on the Feast of Trumpets. Seek the Lord for the gift of grace, the gift of repentance at this time. Seek the Lord while HE MAY YET BE FOUND!Click Here For The GJiGT Messianic Celebration of YOM KIPPUR.The Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur came on the tenth day of the seventh month (Tishri-Sept./Oct.) and the fifth day before the feast of tabernacles (Lev. 16:1-34; Num. 29:7-11). According to Leviticus 23:27-28, four main elements comprise this most significant feast. First, it was to be a "holy convocation," drawing the focus of the people to the altar of divine mercy. The holy One of Israel called the people of Israel to gather in His presence and give their undivided attention to Him. Secondly, they were to "humble their souls" ("afflict your souls," Lev. 23:27). This was explained by later tradition to indicate fasting and repentance. Israel understood that this was a day for mourning over their sins. The seriousness of this requirement is reiterated in Leviticus 23:29, "For whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted in that same day, he shall be cut off from among his people." Thirdly, offerings are central to the day of aton ement. The Bible devotes an entire chapter (Lev. 16) to them. They are also listed in Numbers 29:7-11. In addition to these, when the day fell on a Sabbath, the regular Sabbath offerings were offered. The fourth and final element of the day involved the prohibition of labor. The day of atonement was a "Sabbath of rest" (Lev. 23:32), and the Israelites were forbidden to do any work at all. If they disobeyed, they were liable to capital punishment (Lev. 23:30).

The center point of this feast involved the high priest entering the holy of holies. Before entering, the high priest first bathed his entire body, going beyond the mere washing of hands and feet as required for other occasions. This washing symbolized his desire for purification. Rather than donning his usual robe and colorful garments (described in Ex. 28 and Lev. 8), he was commanded to wear special garments of linen. Also, the high priest sacrificed a bullock as a sin offering for himself and for his house (Lev. 16:6). After filling his censer with live coals from the altar, he entered the holy of holies where he placed incense on the coals. Then he took some of the blood from the slain bullock and sprinkled it on the mercy seat ("atonement cover,") and also on the ground in front of the ark, providing atonement for the priesthood (Lev. 16:14-15). Next he sacrificed a male goat as a sin offering for the people. Some of this blood was then also taken into the hol y of holies and sprinkled there on behalf of the people (Lev. 16:11-15). Then he took another goat, called the "scapegoat" (for "escape goat"), laid his hands on its head, confessed over it the sins of Israel, and then released it into the desert where it symbolically carried away the sins of the people (Lev. 16:8,10). The remains of the sacrificial bullock and male goat were taken outside the city and burned, and the day was concluded with additional sacrifices.

According to Hebrews chapters 8, 9, &10, this ritual is a symbol of the atoning work of Christ, our great high Priest. He did not need to make any sacrifice for Himself but shed His own blood for our sins. As the high priest of the Old Testament entered the holy of holies with the blood of sacrificial animals, Jesus entered heaven itself to appear on our behalf in front of the Father (Heb. 9:11,12). Each year the high priest repeated his sin offerings for his own sin and the sins of the people, giving an annual reminder that perfect and permanent atonement had not yet been made. But Jesus, through His own blood, accomplished eternal redemption for His people (Heb. 9:12). Just as the sacrifice of the day of atonement was burned outside the camp of Israel, Jesus suffered outside the gate of Jerusalem so that He might redeem His people from sin (Heb. 13:11,12). The modern Jewish day of atonement (Yom Kippur) is devoid of blood sacrifice but does include a ten-day period (called "days of awe") of penitence, prayer, and fasting in preparation for the most solemn day on the Jewish religious calendar. The feast of Rosh Hashanah (the head of the year) initiates this ten-day period.

From David Shadow

I wanted to point out to everybody a funny coincidence??? Please note that I am not making ANY predictions however God does do things in patterns, cycles, etc. He also has a sense of humor. Just saying we should be on an extra special or high alert watch right now. Most of us know the significance to Rosh Hashana and the connections it has to the rapture. This year Rosh Hashana begins sundown on Sunday Sept.16th and ends sundown on Tuesday Sept.18th. What strikes me as funny is the scripture below that deals with the rapture. Notice the verse numbers…..16, 17, 18. We know we are in the season, hopefully this weekend will be it. Time for everyone to get prayed up to ensure our hearts are 100% right with God. We fly SOON.  

1 Thessalonians 4 ….. 16For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.18Wherefore comfort one another with these words.


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