Dominican Republic going to have a 12.5 earthquake?/Christian persecution/Sorry no replay/ The Spirit of the Lord on Egyptians/Jan. 19, 2012




Cambridge Concord Goatskin Bible


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I just found out that the prophecy conference phone call today did not record so if you missed the conference you will not be able to listen to the two hour conversation. I will post the time when the next conference will take place soon.



Prophecy Sign: Daniel 12:4 shows us our generation would be the one known for our increase in knowledge.  Take a look at what is coming?  I quote: " As technology continues to advance at an exponential rate, will we someday find ourselves living in a “scientific dictatorship” where virtually everything that we do, say and think is monitored and controlled by technology? To many of you that may sound like a wild assertion, but just keep reading.  Our world is changing faster than ever before, and scientists have some absolutely wild things planned for our future.  As you read this, they are feverishly developing edible microchips, cutting edge biometric identity systems, and mind reading computers.  Many futurists envision a world where someday nearly all humans are embedded with microchips and have thousands of tiny nanobots living inside of them.  The idea is that we can “take control of our own evolution” and use technology to “improve” humanity.  But very few of those futurists address the potential downsides.  The truth is that all of this technology could one day be used by a totalitarian government to establish a dystopian nightmare where nobody has any liberties and freedoms whatsoever."

"Overprotective. Shallow. Repressive. These are all words some Christian youth have used to describe their faith experience. That perception undoubtedly explains why recent studies show more than half of all Christian teens and 20-somethings are distancing themselves from today's Church. The Barna group, a nonpartisan research company, has found that almost 60 percent of young people ages 15-29 have left active involvement."

USA a declining nation under God? There is no question the good old USA and Jesus Christ have fallen under attack by the hand of Satan over this past 10 years. Satan has turned what was once a strong nation under God to one in which people are turning from the Lord, and listening to watered down messages to appease the people in the pews. I have found out that most Pastors in the States won't even teach on Bible prophecy or, keep their flocks uninformed on the last days events. Americans have been sleep walking if they think hard times won't come upon them as happened in Egypt, the EU, Africa or any of the other nations who are facing a massive debt problem which has caused massive social troubles. At the present time I have the feeling that the youth in America don't feel they need Christ because they have just about everything they need. They got their filthy music, their Satan games, and most of their stomachs are full so they are without want. However, things are changing and hard times are getting ready to crush the American market place. After all, a debt of over 16 trillion dollars is already showing signs of a collapse soon. Then what? When things get real bad what do people do? They usually turn to God for help. I am sure this is what will be happening to much of the American Church and the American youth. Take a look at Egypt. Now here is a prime example of what I am talking about. Since Jan. of 2012 Egypt has been in turmoil. During this time of turmoil the Lord's Church has fallen under attack and many Egyptian Christians have been killed by those of the Muslim faith. Maybe it is a good idea that the entire US Church take an example from the Egyptian Christians shown in the video below! Jesus is very much on the minds and hearts of those believers in Egypt.


 Matthew 24:7 (Earthquakes)

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — An earthquake of moderate strength caused damage and injured 100 people in the city of Neyshabour in the northeast part of Iran Thursday afternoon, Iran's state TV reported.The TV report said 17 of the injured were hospitalized and the others were treated for minor injuries and released.As the quake rumbled through the area, many residents of the city fled their homes into the streets. Rescue teams were still at work in the area late Thursday.The magnitude 5.5 quake shattered windows and affected communications for a short time.It also destroyed walls of homes in some rural areas, the report said.Residents of several cities and towns 60 miles (100 kilometers) from the epicenter reported feeling the quake.

Prophecy Sign:  In the Book of Matthew chapter 24 Jesus warned to watch out for false prophets.  In the Old Testament in the Book of Deuteronomy 18:1-8 the Lord instructs how to disearn who is a false prophet.  We know the Word of God does not change and since Jesus told us to look for false prophets in the last days you can use Deuteronomy as your guide to know who is and who is not a true prophet of the Lord.

It is easy to see that this paragraph I present to you instructs the Israelites about their responsibilities to the Levites. The question is, “What does this have to do with the rest of the chapter, which deals with sources of prophetic revelation, true and false?” Several things point us in the right direction. The first is that we know what the rest of the chapter is about—sources of “divine revelation.” Twice in verses 1-8, we find the expression, “in the name of the Lord” (verses 5, 7). In verses 9-14, we do not find the expression because these forbidden folks do not speak “in the name of the Lord.” Indeed, they are “an abomination to the Lord” (verse 12). In verses 15-19, we have the expression, “the voice of the Lord” (verse 16), and the reference to the Ultimate Prophet who “speaks in My name” (verse 19). The false prophet may either “speak in the name of other gods” (verse 20), or he may presumptuously “speak in the name of the Lord” (verse 22). I believe we can safely conclude that all of Deuteronomy 18 deals with those who “speak for the Lord,” both the false and the true.

Why am I telling you this? The following warning was posted at “Before the End Ministries” of a possible mega-earthquake occuring this week (the week of January 16th).  The warning was evidently written on a piece of paper. You will learn all about it if you click to the link below. There are two men who are supposed to be prophets, First there is Prophet David Owuor. He has warned that the Dominican Republic is going to have a  mega earthquake. Also see a similar prophecy made by Prophet Tony Pim. When you read the report you will see Tony said there would be a 5.0 quake that would come first. This is what you will read at the prophecy site, "Please Note: The “warning” suggests that a ~5.0 earthquake will occur in the Dominican Republic PRIOR to the 12+ mega-quake and tsunami.  A 5.0 earthquake occured this morning in the Dominican Republic as shown in the graphic above..

 As you can see so far what he has stated has come true so I suggest you read the report then watch the video and then keep an eye open to see  what happens?  If what he says as coming form the Lord God happens just as he has said then you know for sure he really is a Prophet of the Lord.  If everything David Owuor, or Tony says doesn't come to pass than they are a false prophet.  I judge not but, I let the Word of God be our judge in such matters as this.  I must admit, we did see a 5.0 quake as stated, doesn't this cause you to wonder if we have a real Word from the Lord.  Do what Jesus said, keep on the watch!


Prophecy Sign:  Jesus warned us Christian persecution would come in the last days. You can read about this in Matthew 24:9 and Revelation 6:9. Here is one example of this persecution. The warning in a Jan. 3 letter to church leaders of the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church (SPEC) arrived a few days after Sudan President Omar al-Bashir told cheering crowds on Jan. 3 that, following the secession of largely non-Islamic south Sudan last July, the country’s constitution will be more deeply entrenched in sharia (Islamic law). “We will take legal procedures against pastors who are involved in preaching or evangelistic activities,” Hamid Yousif Adam, undersecretary of the Ministry of Guidance and Religious Endowment, wrote to the church leaders. “We have all legal rights to take them to court.”  Sources said the order was aimed at oppressing Christians amid growing hostilities toward Christianity.“This is a critical situation faced by our church in Sudan,” said the Rev. Yousif Matar, secretary general of the SPEC. Another church leader said the order was another in a series of measures by the government to control churches






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