A world of unrest/ Questions to ask for 2012?/Increase knowledge/Dec. 21, 2011


The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” October 28, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 28, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


122011egyptjpg  AFP/Getty Images

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 should have become familiar with you by now since we are witnessing daily news concerning civil unrest in many nations. For anyone new to prophecy or my site this is exactly what Jesus stated. “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in various places.  At the present time


“Thousands of Egyptian women descended on downtown Cairo's central Tahrir Square on Tuesday to protest what many have described as systematic abuse of female activists by the interim ruling military regime. Egyptian women shout slogans during a protest in downtown Cairo to denounce the violent treatment of women by the military. The women joined thousands of male protesters, whose violent demonstration against military rule continued for a fifth day. The death toll rose to 13, the state news agency reported. The women's march, though only part of the rising anger against the military, marked a qualitative shift in the way the broader public perceives Egypt's military leadership. The march's catalyst was a single image, pulled on Saturday from a video, of an unidentified, half-naked and possibly unconscious woman being dragged through Tahrir Square by military police officers. The officers had either stripped the woman of her abaya, a cloak worn by many conservative Muslim women, or had allowed it to slip off as they dragged her over the pavement.


“BEIRUT (AP) – Syrian troops assaulting a northwest town with machine gun fire and shelling have killed at least 100 people in one of the deadliest episodes of the 9-month-old uprising against President Bashar Assad's regime, activists said Wednesday. Tuesday's attack on the town of Kfar Owaid in Idlib province showed the Syrian government was pressing ahead with its crackdown despite its agreement this week to an Arab League plan for bringing a halt to the bloodshed. "It was an organized massacre. The troops surrounded people then killed them," said Rami Abdul-Rahman, head of the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.”


“Kremlin turns to more covert tactics to undermine Russia’s protest movement”

The Kremlin insists that opposition parties will be permitted to hold a major rally in Moscow this Saturday to protest alleged election fraud, as a follow up to a giant Dec. 10 meeting, and has pledged that no police measures will be taken against demonstrators as long as they behave peacefully and legally. But beneath the radar screen some awfully strange things have been happening to many grassroots activists, including phone tapping and pre-emptive arrests, in what human rights monitors say is a concerted police effort to split the opposition leaders and undermine the movement.”


2011 has become to be known as the year of the riots. If you watched any news at all during this past year you would have seen many nations fight against their own people.  Isn’t this what Jesus told you to kept on the for?  Yes it is, but most Christians are not on the watch for the last day signs, and to be honest, from what I can see coming from the pulpits these days Churches around the world aren’t even aware events being played out in the news has anything to do with Bible prophecy.  Many of you are unaware of the many nations that have seen the civil unrest this year.  Places you wouldn’t expect rioting have made the news such as Vancouver.

Here is another nation facing civil unrest today. “The rally started off peacefully but ended with several injured protesters after the security forces moved in to disperse the gathering. The protest rally was organized by the National Assembly for Unemployed Graduates. Similar rallies have been held on a weekly basis across Morocco since earlier this year following the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt.”



If I asked Church people do you think 2012 will be better than 2011 they would most likely say yes but this is not what Jesus said would happen.  If Christ tells us the last days would be as a women in labor why would anyone think the world situation would improve?  Let’s look at it through the eyes of Christ who has seen all things before they have happened.  Did He not tell you in Revelation 13:16-17 that the Antichrist would stop anyone from buying or selling anything unless they took the mark of the beast?  How in the world could this happen unless there were a major global crisis that would give one man such power to control the world’s economic state?  Can’t you see what is coming?  Many of the riots that took place had to do with people not being able to afford to eat, or support themselves or their families.  At the present time the nations of the world are doing a balancing act trying to keep their economies going.  How long do you think things will continue before you see Jesus’s words fulfilled concerning one man rising up to control the world’s economy?   The riots you are now witnessing are all tied into prophecy and the road these events are leading to is the road to fulfill Christ’s warnings.  The riots are just a small part of prophecy, but let me remind you that no other generation has seen all the signs Jesus warned us about take place all at the same time as Christ said they would.

There are many questions I can ask concerning the year 2012.  Will America’s economic engine fire up again and the 7 million people who are out of work find new jobs, or will she continue to see the road to a second depression?  How many banks do you think will fail in 2012?  Will the European Union break up or will they find a cure to their economic crisis and get stronger?  Will 2012 bring on Peace and safety for Israel, or will 2012 bring on a new Middle East war between Israel and their neighbors?  Will 2012 be the year in which the Jews are given the okay to rebuild their third?  Will 2012 bring on new records for gold or silver or will these metals take a dive?  Will the massive storms, flooding's, earthquakes, and record number of tornadoes we saw in 2011 finally go back to their normal levels, or will we see more of the same.  Will the glaciers we have been watching melt away at record levels start to freeze again, or will we see more intense heat that will continue the melting?  2012 has been the year of food price hikes.  Will 2012 bring on cheaper food prices, or will more people begin to go hungry do to higher food costs?  Will we witness more attacks on Christians around the world, or will nations begin to protect them?  Will more people come to find faith in Christ, or will those who claim to know Jesus fall away from the faith? 

These are only some of the questions I could ask you.  What really counts is if you know what Jesus has warned us about these things. Will you be ready for what is coming in 2012 or will you be one of those people who is sleeping instead of keeping on the watch for these last day signs.  Are you going to be one of the people who claim to know Jesus but continue to say, I don’t want to know what is coming, and even if I did there is nothing I can do about it?   Are you going to continue to be one of the people who say the signs of the last days scare me and I don’t want to read about them, or are you going to cross the line Jesus has made in the sand. Do you remember the story about the women who was caught having sex?  Do you remember what Jesus did while the people who were calling for her to be stoned did?  Christ bend over and wrote something in the sand, then Jesus said those of you without sin cast the first stone.  When it was all over no one was left to harm the women.  Many teachers believe Jesus was writing down the sins of the people who had the stones.  Take the line drawn in the sand as a message from Jesus. Christ wants those of you who really know Him to act like it. The line in the sand has been drawn. Christ knew every man and He knew what they would do with the stones.  The Word of God tells us that Jesus Christ knows the hearts and minds of men.  The line in the sand has been made and Jesus knows what you will do!  Those who cross it and walk to Christ are those who are willing to do His will no matter how uncomfortable it makes you feel.  Jesus is asking you all today, will you follow my command and keep on the watch in these last days.  Will you make yourself ready each day to meet me when I come?  Will you love Christ with all your heart, mind, and soul?  The baby Jesus who came to Earth the first time is now King of Kings and Lord of Lords and this King is coming soon.  How do you want Him to find you when He comes?  What side of the line in the sand will you be standing on when He comes?



Earlier in this post I mentioned what would happen to the European Union in 2012?  As we close off 2011 the warning from the IMF chief doesn’t look good.  IMF chief Christine Lagarde warned Tuesday that the world economy is at a "very dangerous juncture," speaking of the potential impact on poorer nations during her first visit to Africa as head of the fund. The International Monetary Fund managing director spoke of a crisis of confidence with high unemployment and slowing global growth. "Currently the world economy stands at a very dangerous juncture," Lagarde told a roundtable on Africa's economic future in the Nigerian city of Lagos.  She said the IMF's revised global growth forecast expected in January looked to be lower than the previous one in September, which was four percent, already down from June's outlook.”


Australian Banks Given One Week To Prepare For European Meltdown


Vladimir Yevseyev, the director of the Russian Center for Socio-Political Studies

Why would today’s news headline cause you to draw your attention to the Bible? “Russia will try to stop any military attack on Iranian nuclear facilities as any threat to the Islamic Republic is a problem for Moscow, a Russian military expert tells Press TV.”

In 2011 we have heard and seen news on a weekly bases warning that either Israel or the US would attack Iran to wipe out their nuclear facilities. We know for sure this news has fulfilled the Lord’s warning concerning rumors of war. We also know from Ezekiel chapters 38-39 that Russia will lead an invasion against Israel and Iran will be one Russia’s main allies in this invasion. Do you see how Bible prophecy is taking shape in the Middle East? The nations who are support to join together are doing just that. I have said this many times but for the sake of the new people at my site let me repeat this. If you see Israel attack Iran you will see war! One of those wars will be the Psalm 83 war and the next will be the Ezekiel 38 war of which God will step in and wipe out 5/6 of all the armies that come against Israel. Is it possible we will see one of these wars in 2012. If things keep going the way they have I would say yes.


AP PhotoI will tell you something that will not take place in 2012!  You will not see the end of the world. “Only 52 weeks and a day are left before Dec. 21, 2012, when some believe the Maya predicted the end of the world. Unlike enthusiasts of other doomsday theories who suggest putting together survival kits, southeastern Mexico, the heart of Maya territory, plans a yearlong celebration.”

If you know what the Lord has said concerning the sign that the last seven years of the world has begun you would understand that there is no way that 2012 could be the end of the world.  Besides, there will be no end of the world because we know the Word tells us that when Jesus comes back He will rule in Jerusalem for 1000 years, so it’s not going to be the end of the world only the end to who is running the world!  We know when the final seven years will begin because the Lord showed us when this would be in Daniel 9:27.  The last seven years begin when there is a confirmation of a seven year covenant with Israel.  This tells you that you have at least seven years before Jesus takes His place as King and ruler in Jerusalem, so again, there is no way the end of the world will come on Dec. 21, 2012.  That being said, we expect the last days birth pains to increase so I am sure you will see more of what 2011 has shown us!


Woman holding her temples mind reading, web stockProphecy Sign: Daniel 12:4 shows us that this generation would be the last generation.  How?  The Lord showed Daniel this generation would be known as the one who would increase in knowledge.  Here is an example of how this present generation is the only one who could have fulfilled this prophecy.  Mind-reading technology will be more than just a super power featured in science fiction tales if IBM’s latest prediction comes true. The computer giant released its “5 in 5” list for 2011, an annual report of the biggest tech advances it plans for the next five years — and one of those is to make a computer that can read someone’s mind. “From Houdini to Skywalker to X-Men, mind-reading has merely been wishful thinking for science fiction fans for decades, but their wish may soon come true,” an IBM spokesperson said in a video that accompanied the report.” The company’s researchers are studying how to link a person’s brain to a device like a smartphone or laptop, “so you would just need to think about calling someone, and it happens,” IBM says. Also on tap are homes that run solely off “created energy,” which comes from anything that moves.”


Ministry info:

The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” June 30, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 28, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus will show it to you!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at fjdimora@gmail.com. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


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What it will be like when the rapture hits.

Rapture of the Church in English: Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT.doc Aug.7, 2011 By Frank DiMora pdf

Below is a link to the rapture of the Church in French.



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