Prices going up shades of Revelation 6:6/ Aug. 23, 2010

Shades of Revelation 6:6 where we see the price of food must has skyrocket to levels unheard of as a person will have to work all day long to get one small meal.  “Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"

Posted by InvestorPlace on Monday, August 23, 2010 11:12 AM

By Burke Speaker,

Coffee prices surged to a 12-year high Monday, pushed by last year's poor Central and South American harvests and upcoming heavy storms in other coffee-producing regions that are adding to an already tight period for availability. Now consumers could be taking a hit, with Dunkin' Donuts, Folgers and Maxwell House brands all feeling the heat.,1795948


  1. I heard the new Pizza Hut commericals saying any pizza for $10.00. We ordered a large pizza and I was shocked to see it come in about the size of a medium!!! That was really obvious change you could see with your own eyes! Is that what it’s coming too? So not only will prices go up but size of what you get will also be reduced.
    It’s happening all over the grocery stores too. You just can’t see it because a lot of times you can’t see into the packages. They are not see thru.
    This is happening very fast now. Anyone who thinks this is going to last another 15 years is nuts!!!! We are going into the tribulation very soon!!!

  2. I am anxious to see what comes next…it’s pretty so far..

  3. It looks like everyone on the new website you suggested has already been to this website you might want to change the auction site again.

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