One will be taken, one will be left, which one will you be? May 8, 2008


There is no way I can give you every single detail on every prophecy, but I am giving you a glimpse of things to come. You will find complete details on every sign in my free book, which you can download here for free. If you read my book you will know without a doubt that Jesus will return soon. 

Prophecy sign: Wars and rumors of war -Matthew 24:6. Today the Hezbollah said the Lebanese government has declared war. In my previous post I have warned you all to watch the Middle East because you will see more major conflicts begin to break out.  I want you to pay attention to Syria and Israel as well, because there is still talk that a new conflict could come as early as May 14, 2008. In any case Jesus Words about war and the rumors of war is ringing loud all around planet Earth today, and especially in Bagdad where the conflict is intensifying. Click to link—

"Rocket hits Baghdad park, killing 2 civilians"

What is the key to knowing these are the last days? 1. Israel had to be reborn and they have been!  On May 14, 2008 they are going to celebrate their 60th birthday. 2. The Old Roman Empire had to be reborn, and they have been in the form of the EU, European Union. 3. A army of 200 million would have to appear and they would come from the East. China has fulfilled this prophecy with their regular army numbering 200 million.  4.The last generation would been known as the drug generation.  Our generation is labeled the drug generation. 5. The last generation would have increased knowledge and travel back and forth. This is our generation and there is no question we have gained more knowledge than any generation since the world began.  Chapter 3 of my book will prove this fact. 6.Russia would make an alliance with Iran and attack Israel.  Look at the history of Russia, they have never made such an alliance with Iran until know.  7. This is the most important sign of all.  It is best that I quote Jesus to drive my point home. "So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near even at the door. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. I want to make sure you understand what is going on here.  Our generation is the only generation who has seen every sign take place in one generation.  Everything Jesus warned us to watch for is happening right now.  Take to heart what Jesus said when he stated that the generation who sees all these things will not pass till all these things are fulfilled! So what prophecies are left before Jesus returns to earth?  Isaiah 17:1 is still not fulfilled. That prophecy tells us Damascus will be a ruinous heap. In other words Syria will go to war and their city which has never been destroyed in History will be brought down.  Right now Syria and Israel are on high alert for a possible new conflict between the two nations.  In the middle of Syria and Israel is Lebanon.  Right now their is a civil war going on "between   pro-Western Siniora government and Iran-Syria-backed Hizballah forces."

2nd link-Sunnis, Shiites clash for a second day in Lebanon

Notice that Syria, Iran, and the Hizballah which is back by Iran all hate Israel and want to see Israel wiped out.  In the near future there will be a new war and when it takes place the city of Damascus will be taken down just as it was written in Isaiah 17:1. "Exclusive: Lebanon slides towards new civil conflict " Debkafile May 7, 2008.  The second prophecy that is not yet fulfilled is the end times attack on Israel as written in Ezekiel 38-39.  If you read chapter 10 of my book you will learn how close we are to seeing this prophecy being fulfilled. Every nation listed to attack Israel has alliances with Russia just as it is suppose to be.  You are going to see this major war soon.   You want scary times, read what one of the top clerics said about war and Israel.  "One of Iran’s most influential ruling clerics called on the Muslim states to use a nuclear weapon against Israel, assuring them that while such an attack would annihilate Israel, it would cost them "damages only"  (World Dec. 18, 2001).  This statement was made in 2001 and right now the President of Iran is working at a furious rate to obtain a nuclear weapon.  Iran intends to use this weapon on Israel soon. Yesterday Iran’s President said, "We must solve Iran’s internal problems as quickly as possible. Time is lacking. A movement has started for us to occupy ourselves with our global responsibilities, which are arriving with great speed." What is Ahmadinejad referring to?  President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has already stated that he wants to wipe Israel of the face of the earth. Ahmadinejad has made it known that he wants to attack Israel.  He believes when he does  attack Isreal that will be the time Mahdi will come and destroy Israel and bring a new era of peace and harmony.  Mahdi, is suppose to be the twelfth imam of Shiite Islam who will return in the end times to wipe out Israel.  Ahmadinejad is pushing for Israel to attack them over their nuclear plant so it will kick start the war against Israel.  This is the reason why Iran is telling the world they will not stop working to finish their nuclear plant. The may 7 report from had this as their headline: "Iran clerics rebuke Ahmadinejad over ‘hidden imam’".  Two very important things to see here are, this Mahdi is suppose to be in a secret place, and hidden in the desert until the right time comes for him to come out and destroy Israel.  What did Jesus warn about this kind of statement?  "Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth; behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not." (Matthew 24:25-26). Where is Ahmadinejad says the 12th imam is?  In a secert place hidden in the desert!  If I were you I would pay very close attention to the Words of Christ.  The second point to see here is this, Iran’s inflation is currently at 20% and this is why the Iranian clerics have rebuked Ahmadinejad. They want him to speed more time getting rid of the inflation and less time pushing the hidden imam to come out. However, Ahmadinejad will not stop. He has made it known to the world he was born to bring out the hidden Mahdi.  War is coming soon to the Middle East and the outcome of that war is recorded in Ezekiel 38-39. I suggust you read chapter 10 of my book to understand who the nations are that are going to attack Israel with Russia and Iran, then turn to the bible and study those chapters.  We are running out of time, this conflict is not far off, and it is coming at a time when we are seeing all these other signs taking place at the same time, just as Jesus warned they would. God help all of you who don’t believe these warnings. Why did I say this?  Becasue many of you who are reading this will not believe this and will go about your life as if nothing is wrong. Listen to what Christ said about these times. "For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark.  And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" (Matthew 24:38-39). Jesus wanted us to see that this generation would repeat the mistake that the generation during Noah’s time made. They only believe when it was to late!  Many of you are going to receive this message and ask Jesus into your life, you will be blessed and saved from the things to come on the planet.  So, is war and the rumours of war upon us, you would have to be brain dead not to say yes it is.

Luke 21: 25 — And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring"  Today’s headlines will speak for itself. "Burma death toll could exceed 100,000".,Authorised=false.html?,,30200-1315301,00.html,,30200-1315187,00.html

Matthew 24:7, the sign of plauges and sickness. "There have been 15,799 cases of hand and mouth disease this year, the official Xinhua News Agency said, cropping up in areas ranging from the tropical island province of Hainan in the south to Jilin province in the northeast and Yunnan province in the southwest." ( May 7, 2008).;_ylt=AiznycUfPaZXKX3hHcFFrtVa24cA

FREE : Download the_last_chronicles_of_planet_earth_2008_update.pdf  copyright 2008  All these things!

I want to thank you all for coming to my site.  I know that this news can be trying for many of you, but

Jesus told us to keep on the WATCH.  As a loving Father He wants to make sure those who hear His call make themselves ready for His return.  I have had many people tell me they get to upset watching the news, most of those people are not ready to meet the Lord.  If you are abiding in Christ you have nothing to fear and Christ will give you His peace even in these troubled times.  We are living in exciting times and these are the times even the prophets of old wish they could live to see.  So, you may want to hide from what is taking place but, there is no place to hide but in the arms of Christ Jesus. Run to Him today, let Him encircle you with His love and peace. Things the Lord has impressed on me.  Watch for more of the same. These signs will start coming together faster, huge storms are on the way, more earthquakes will be felt soon, the winds are about to be unleashed.  The nations better prepare as the earth is going to remind people to look up and remember their Savior.  Storms, waves and the roaring seas will cause many of the world’s crops to be destroyed.  Many will be forced to move as the people in Burma are now moving.  Fleeing from Myanmar  It was impressed on me that Jesus is awaking the ones who were dead in Him.  These are the people who have taken Christ but have joined the world, Jesus is calling them back out of the world to make themselves clean before the Lord returns.  It has been shown to me this call has already begun.  If you are one of these people contact me.  Let the Lord know you have come home. Contact me and give me your name. I want to put your name on my site. I will not put anything but your name on unless you give me permission to use other information about yourself.  Let the World see, The LORDS CHILDEREN ARE COMING HOME!

If you want to see how my ministry started you can click to link below with video.


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    • Scott A. Gomez on June 5, 2010 at 12:55 pm
    • Reply

    It is time for all of us to see that the time is short. I have counted many signs of the return of JESUS. So we have to now spread the word of CHRIST. WHICH IS THE TRUTH OF WHERE WE ARE I N REFERRANCE TO THE Bible. we are in the last day`s and CHRIST IS TO RETURN IN OUR LIFETIME. I have written done what has happened in accordance to the BIBLE and I bear witness to GOD, the signs of the return of CHRIST are all here.

  1. Scott,
    I could not agree with you more. May I ask you to pray
    for my ministry. I am trying to get to Israel to make my
    book even better.
    Frank DiMora

    • Scott A. Gomez on June 8, 2010 at 5:21 pm
    • Reply

    I will pray for the truth of the Bible and the Word of GOD> Your book will either be the truth or not, that will deside its fate.
    We should as you are doing is to inform GODS believers of what is going on at this point in time according to the word or GOD.I hope your book is a success. Our world is about to be shakened!

  2. This is my prayer. That my book will lead people to the Bible and to receive Jesus.

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