A world full of hunger-Peace and safety-Does the Bible warn of a nuclear war in the Middle East? Ezekiel signs of the end-April 23, 2009


Special note: A few days ago I wrote to all my viewers who I had their emails. I told everyone I was no longer going to send out daily reminders that I just put up a new post. For the past few days I have been contacted by people telling me they liked to be contacted when a new post went up. As a result I am asking you all now, if you are one of those people who do want me to send them a prophecy update notice, let me know and I will make a new list and send you the notices.  Thank you and God bless.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

Frank's Internation radio show on The Edge program which is based out of London is now airing my third show. This is part two of my two part series dealing with the coming attack against Israel.  You can see my show by  linking to the edge link below.


Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 and chapter 7 tell us exactly who will be ruling as a world empire at the time Jesus Christ returns to Earth.  We see a rebirth of the Old Roman Empire.  This prophecy has been fulfilled in part.  Yes the Old Roman Empire has been revived again.  If you take a look at the European Union you will see that Old Roman Empire standing in the form of the modern day EU.  What does this show us?  For one thing it shows us America isn’t even mentioned in the book of Daniel.  That has to mean America is not considered a major power in the last days.  For years people tried to figure out what would bring America down.  Well, last September we saw the final phase of America’s decline begin.  Since the housing crisis hit and the banks started to fail, America has fallen deeper into this crisis and now just as I predicted we are hearing the rumors the U.S. will go into a Depression.  One of the signs I told you to look for months ago was the unemployment rate.  I told you those figures were going to get much worse and today my warning can be seen in the news. I quote, “WASHINGTON – New jobless claims rose more than expected last week, while the number of workers continuing to filing claims for unemployment benefits topped 6.1 million. Both figures are fresh evidence layoffs persist amid a weak job market that is not expected to rebound anytime soon. New housing data also were worse than expected, diminishing optimism about a recovery in that battered market.  Add this to your list of prophecies being fulfilled. 


You can also watch my other shows on The Edge by clicking the link above.Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 sounds the warning of starvation.  One of the reports I did not share with you paints a good picture of what we can expect.  At the end of 2008 an alarming report was released by the Telegraph.co.uk with the headline that read as follows: “Nearly 1 billion people are starving, UN food agency says”. In this report we are told, “Almost 1 billion people in the world are going hungry each day after the rising food costs have pushed 40 million more people into chronic hunger this year, the UN food agency's chief said Tuesday.” “An estimated 963 million people, or 14 per cent of the world's population, are unable to afford to eat enough calories to lead a normal life, the report found – with 65 per cent of those living in seven countries: India, China, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan and Ethiopia” (Dec. 11, 2008). In chapter 5 you will learn why the price of food is climbing and I assure you it is connected to prophecy.  In chapter 10 you are going to see how the current hungry crisis will probably be one of the reasons why Ethiopia attacks Israel with Russia.  This to will fulfill prophecy.  By the time you finish this book you are going to understand almost everything we see in the news is connected to Bible prophecy.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.


Prophecy Sign: In the book of Daniel we see a power shift take place in the last days. God told Daniel what last days empire would be ruling at the time Jesus returns to earth. Those wrote actually read the book of Daniel know that last world empire is not America.  Daniel is told the Roman Empire will return again and it would be ruled by the Antichrist.  Just about every day I can put up reports showing you America is about to fall for being a superpower. Here is one more of those signs. “The global economy is expected to lurch into reverse this year for the first time since World War II with appalling consequences for nations large and small — trillions of dollars in lost business, millions of people thrust into hunger and homelessness and crime on the rise. And the pain won't stop this year, the International Monetary Fund declared Wednesday, for what it said was "by far the deepest global recession since the Great Depression." To cushion the blow and head off further damage next year, the IMF is calling for more stimulus projects from the word's governments, including major spending for public works projects.”  "The global downturn guarantees that countries all over the world will be hit with extraordinarily high unemployment rates," Sinai said. "And, with the tremendous number of unemployed people comes the possibility of political unrest" This report also said, “The IMF's outlook for the U.S. is even bleaker than for the world as a whole: It predicts the American economy will shrink 2.8 percent this year, the biggest decline since 1946” (Yahoo News April 22, 2009).


As you can see it isn't just the banks that are on the verge of folding. "General Motors Corp. plans to idle most its plants for about two months this summer as the company races to cut costs and production to keep pace with sinking demand, said a person familiar with the plan.The car maker typically closes its plants for a two-week summer vacation. A GM spokeswoman declined to confirm or deny the planned closure. Such a production hiatus — one of GM's longest in recent decades — promises to drain the company's revenue stream, dealing another blow to its attempt to restructure operations. GM's sales have tumbled in recent months, with declines topping 50%."  Usually when a company does something like this, it becomes the first step to filing either chapter 11 or bankruptcy. Either way this is a serious blow to America's economy.


We know from scripture found in Revelation 13:16-17 the Antichrist will control the world’s economy. The present economic crisis is affecting most nations around the world.  The crisis may have started in Amrica but it is taking its toll on the other nations who had invested in the U.S.  Germany is one of the nations be rocked by this crisis. “April 22 (Bloomberg) — Chancellor Angela Merkelstood firm in rejecting any new German economic stimulus program even as the International Monetary Fund said the recession is worse than previously thought and called for measures to spur demand. Merkel shrugged off calls for more spending despite a report by Germany’s leading economic institutes which will show tomorrow that Europe’s biggest economy may shrink as much as 6 percent this year — almost three times the contraction of 2.25 percent forecast by the government in January. The coalition won’t expand its 82 billion euro ($107 billion) stimulus agreed under two separate programs, Merkel told reporters in Berlin today after a meeting with business leaders and economists.”  Here is the point.  If I had the time I could copy and paste all the reports from each nation that is affected by this global economic crisis.  In doing so I could prove to you all the government on Planet Earth are getting ready to enter a New World Order.  You can see it coming whether you believe Jesus or not.  Facts are facts.  However, since Jesus warned us about this very thing almost 2000 years ago, I suggest you listen to His warning.  Ask yourself this question.  Why would God even bother giving us any warnings at all?  He didn’t have to say a thing about any of the events taking place around the world currently but He did.  Why?  To make sure that you knew every Word He spoke was the truth.  His warnings go much deeper than you think.  God in His love for us gave us all these warnings to draw people to himself.  He has always wanted to save all who would believe in Him and what better way to prove Himself then all these prophecies coming to pass.  It all comes down to this, God love us all.  "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16.  Are you going to let God’s love into your life today?


Prophecy Sign: 1 Thessalonians 5:3 “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”  Awhile back I asked you to keep your eyes on the news because you would see a lot of talk about the peace process.  It appears I was correct.  Just about everyday for the past week one nation after the other is jumping into the peace talks. Today Jordon[s King made his statement. “Jordon’s King Abdullah II said Wednesday it was time for Arab and Muslim countries to help the United States do "the heavy lifting" needed to forge peace between Israel and the Palestinians.” "I hope that you will see in 2009 a group of Arab and Muslim countries doing as much as we can to help the United States and allies in the peace process and also deal with a lot of regional challenges that we have," he told Pelosi.”


Yesterday I posted a report, which showed the world that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he would sit down and begin the peace talks again.  He stated he would continue with the peace talks even though the PLO won’t recognize Israel as a nation. When I heard this statement I figured there must be some strings attached to what he was saying because, Netanyahu has always stood his ground on having Israel recognized as a state.  Today I saw what strings were attached to that statement. I quote, “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is developing a "laundry list" that he will present to U.S. President Barack Obama when they meet next month in Washington. The Israeli premier will present Obama with a three-part plan involving halting Iran's nuclear program, closer relations with moderate Arab states and dealing with the Palestinian issue through several channels. Netanyahu will tell Obama that he will not recognize a nation-state providing Palestinian self-determination if the Palestinians don't recognize Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people. From the standpoint of the Israeli prime minister, the requirement that the Palestinians recognize Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people is a fundamental demand in any negotiations on a final settlement. It is not a precondition to conducting negotiations, but rather necessary to progress towards an agreement.”  Under these conditions we are probably in for the same old thing.  The peace process will start up again but there will be issues such as recognizing Israel as a state and who will control Jerusalem that will most likely snag the peace process.  I have always believed that when the Arabs get to the point that they know they will not get their demands, that is when the sudden destruction Paul talked about will take place. I may be wrong but I don’t ever see Netanyahu giving up the holy city of Jerusalem.  In any case prophecy is being fulfilled. The call for peace and safety is only the first part, which we are seeing now.  Soon the world will witness the sudden destruction.  Do you remember how the world’s public opinion came against Israel when they invaded the Gaza to put a halt to the PLO’s rockets?  You will probably see this same thing take place when Israel will not cave in to the all the demands on them to achieve a peace pact.  


As I was writing this part of my report today I had a strong feeling come over me again that the book I have written and have updated every year since 1997 is coming to a close. I have had a strong feeling my ministry is also coming to a close and soon I will be wearing the crowns Christ has set out for me.  I am praying about this because I truly believe Jesus is showing me we have reached the point that all the final prophecies will be fulfilled.  That could only mean one thing. I will be home with Christ in heaven. I have had this feeling for months. In the past few days I have felt an urgency to up-date my book and put it up quickly. I am sure in the next few months we will begin to see events that will encourage all who love Christ to make themselves ready to meet Jesus.

Prophecy Sign: In Ezekiel 38:5 Iran is the first nation listed that will attack Israel with Russia.  Iran is going to play a major role in end time prophecy.  This is the main reason why we are hearing the leader of Iran attacking Israel on a daily bases.  Soon there is going to be a conflict between Iran and Israel and when this conflict takes place everyone who has ever read Ezekiel chapter 38 should know God was telling the truth. If you see this war and still don’t believe in the Word of God and His warnings it then may take your entrance into the tribulation to convince you. For your sake I pray that is not the case.  If you are a unbeliever the fulfillment of Ezekiel just may convince you that you need to repent right away and come to Christ Jesus for Salvation. One again in the news today Iran’s President has lashed out at Israel. This is what he stated, “Islamic world must unite to defend Palestine: Ahmadinejad” This news is out of Tehran. “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called on Islamic states to unite in their efforts to prevent the Zionist regime from committing more crimes against the Palestinians.” “Is the United Nations… so weak that it is not able to make a swift and binding decision for breaking the siege of a small territory… How is it that a unilateral strike to disarm (a country) or (as part of) a campaign against terrorism, which is outside of the framework of the United Nations Charter, is accepted, but there is no determination to end the siege of innocent Gazans?”


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:6 warns the reader that in the last days you will hear of war and rumors of war. I want to give you a challenge. For one week while reading the newspaper, watching the news on TV or, on the radio try to go just one week without hearing about wars or the rumors of war.  Fact is, today it is almost impossible not to hear about some conflict or threats of another one coming. There is no question that Jesus Words are ringing loud and clear for all to hear.  While reading the Tehran Times today they gave just one example of what I am speaking about. I quote,” COLOMBO (AP) – Tens of thousands of civilians trapped in Sri Lanka's northern war zone face a “catastrophic” situation, the Red Cross said Tuesday, amid fears a final assault against the Tamil Tiger rebels would lead to a dramatic rise in casualties. The United Nations and others have called for a negotiated truce to allow civilians to leave the rebel-held coastal strip — and the government says more than 52,000 had escaped since Monday. But it has refused to heed the international pleas to halt the fighting, saying it is on the verge of crushing the separatists and putting an end to the 25-year-old war. The UN estimated more than 4,500 civilians have been killed in the past three months. “  The ironic part about this is the Tehran Times comes out of Iran and Iran is one of the nations that is currently sending out threats to Israel telling them Israel is going to be wiped off the face of the map.   If you haven’t taken Jesus Christ as your Savior yet I am asking you not to judge what Christ has warned us by one prophecy.  Anyone can read one prophecy like war and rumors of war and say we have always seen this.  Yes, your statement would be true however, Jesus said when you shall see all these things you will know your redemption is near.  Take the prophecy of war and rumors of war and add them with all the other prophecies and then make your judgment.  Never before in the history of man have we seen all these things take place in the same generation. We were supposed to see all these things when Israel was still a young nation and still growing. If you tell me you have seen all these things take place all at the same time in history I want to know about it.  Even if that we possible you better limit the time frame because Jesus made it very clear that Israel had to be reborn as a nation again in order for this prophecy concerning all these things to be fulfilled.  Not only that but you had better limit your time frame to this generation because of what Daniel said in Daniel 12:4.  God showed Daniel that the last generation the one who would see (all these things as Christ warned), would be known as the generation of knowledge and the people would travel back and forth.  It just so happens that the generation the scientists who recognize as being the generation of knowledge is the same generation who saw the rebirth of the nation Israel.  I am trying to show you from the Word of God that we are that generation.  Next time you hear about wars or rumors of war remember the rest of the signs of the times. They are your guide to how much time you have left to receive Jesus as your Savior before He removes His Church.


Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel chapter 38 prepares the reader to watch for the last days attack against Israel. Those who read chaper 38 know Russia will lead this attack.  As you know Ezekiel 38:5 informs us Iran will be a major player in this attack against Israel.  What you may not know is what the Prophet Zechariah told us what was going to happen when Israel is attacked. I quote fro God’s Word in Zechariah 14:12: “This is the plague with which the LORD will strike all the nations that fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths.”  Do you know what this is?  Zechariah is describing a nuclear blast. Anyone near a nuclear blast like this will have their flesh just rot right off so fast that it will happen even while they are still standing. The affects of the blast will be exactly as Zechariah describes to us in verse 12, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths!  Zechariah did not know anything about future warfare but what God showed him was what we know today as symptoms of a nuclear blast.  Now take a look at Ezekiel 38:6 where we are told how the enemies of Israel will be destroyed when they attack Israel.  I will send fire on Magog and on those who live in safety in the coastlands, and they will know that I am the LORD.”  Do you remember the prophecy Daniel was given about the last generation being known as the generation of knowledge?  Well our generation has fulfilled that prophecy and part of that fulfillment can be seen in the invention on a nuclear bomb!  

I can assure you all, the handwriting is on the wall and soon you are going to see the earth shake in the Middle East.  Remember Russia may think they are going to destroy Israel but God is going to turn this battle around and, we will see some type of nuclear blast.  For all I know God may even use a nuclear weapon Russia tries to hit Israel with.  It could be the Lord may just make sure that this weapon falls on themselves.  Russia has already warned they will use nukes if threatened.  If Israel strikes at Iran’s nuclear power plant soon Russia may feel threatened and move on Israel.  Let me quote for you what was said out of Russia.  “Russia's military chief of staff said Saturday that Moscow could use nuclear weapons in preventive strikes in case of a major threat, the latest aggressive remarks from increasingly assertive Russian authorities. "We have no plans to attack anyone, but we consider it necessary for all our partners in the world community to clearly understand … that to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia and its allies, military forces will be used, including preventively, including with the use of nuclear weapons," Gen. Yuri Baluyevsky said.”  I hope you know what that means.  Who is one of Russia’s closest allies?  It is Iran, notice Russia said they would use a nuke if one of their allies was threatened.   I am sure if Israel does wipe out Iran’s nuclear site that Russia will take this as a security threat.  All I know for sure is this, the Ezekiel war is about to take place so please keep your eyes focused on the Middle East.

Russia isn’t the only one Israel has to be concerned with. It is a well known fact that the Iranians have at least 600 missiles pointed directly at Israel. I quote,  “Six hundred Iranian Shihab-3 missiles are pointed at targets throughout Israel, and will be launched if either Iran or Syria are attacked, an Iranian website affiliated with the regime reported on Monday. "Iran will shoot at Israel 600 missiles if it is attacked," the Iranian news website, Assar Iran, reported. "600 missiles will only be the first reaction."  As you know Iran is working with Russia to uptain a nuclear weapon.  The Iranians would love to mount one of these nukes on one of their missiles and try to finally wipe Israel off the map.  I say the say thing could happen to Iran that will happen to Russia if they launch a nuclear attack on Israel.  God will turn their own weapon on them.  Look, all the signs are here that this war is about to take place.  


We are living in a time when only this generation could have fulfilled this prophecy.  Knowing this, I want to introduce you to the only one who can save you. His name is Jesus Christ.  Take a look around you and if you are honest you will say the world has taken a drastic turn for the worse.  Nations are in conflict with one another, millions upon millions are losing their jobs around the world and riots are beginning to erupt over it. Crime is increasing because people are beginning to go hungry and in the past month we have seen more violence and shooting in churches, schools, hospitals and in the work places then we care to see.  Starvation is increasing all over this globe, famines and droughts are increasing, more people are being effected by diseases and now many crops are being destroyed by news diseases, or weird weather.  The storms, tornadoes and earthquakes are popping up every where, can’t you see what is happening?

This is the end that Jesus promised would come!  Are you ready to meet Jesus Christ?  Dear Father in heaven, I am pouring my heart out for anyone who is readying the work you have set me out to do. I pray Holy Father that by your love and in guidance by the Holy Spirit that you would draw the person who is reading this post to yourself and save them from what is about to come to pass.  I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that the person who is reading this message understand today that the message may have been typed and posted by Frank DiMora but that is was you by your love that they are reading it.  I pray that today anyone who has had a hardened heart to Christ that Father today would be the day it melts for Christ Jesus.  Save them Father for as your Son said, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”  Let it be that today that the words of Salvation will roll off their tongues and they will confess that you are the one True Lord, and that you died for them and by your strength and love you rose again to set all man kind free from the grips of Hell.  Lord Jesus I ask you now to open all of their eyes to the two roads before them.  I pray you will come out today and set them on the narrow road that leads to eternal life.  Thank you Christ for allowing me to be your servant and to prepare the way for the one True Master.  In closing dear Lord, I pray by your own Words, I pray that I may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that are coming to pass and stand before the son of man.  I stand on your promise to bring us home soon and I pray you will encourage anyone reading your message today that they to will pray to escape all the things that are coming to pass. In Christ’s name I give you thanks and praise. Amen

If you want to take the first step in asking Jesus to be your savior today please watch this last video. Then scroll down and say these words to Jesus Christ. Today is your day to become reborn again.


Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life.

May the Lord renew your Spirit and give you all peace!

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe  and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change their the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studing the Word of God. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.


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