ABCNews-End of the World in 2012? July 4, 2008 What you don’t know!


ABCNews is in the process of making a film and is asking the publics help.  ABC is asking the public to produce videos showing what they think the year 2015 is going to look like.  I have watched some of the sample films people have already sent to ABC and I want to tell you something, these videos although good do not convey the rule truth.  What ABC will soon show in their 2 hour special are examples what they think it will be like 4 years from now, but I am going to tell you exactly what will happen and prove that what I am saying has already begun to take place.  I want to send out my own challenge to the world.  Watch the news for 2 weeks, make a note of the main stores you see on the National and International news then come to my site.  You give me the stories you have noted and I will give you the quotes from God that the very things you watched have already been given to us as signs of the end of the age.  I am not going to make up a story how the world will look like in 2015 I am going to tell you what you will see based on the warnings that were given to me.  Some of the videos sent to ABC show global warming affects, some show major floods, some show crime, some show war, some show famine, some show extreme heat and drought, and one video shows what a person thinks the price of food will be like in 2015.  I’m not going to tell you here now how I obtained documents in 1977 that outlined every event we are seeing in the news currently, instead I will let my free book explain all the proof of what I was given.  If you are not afraid to see Truth read my free book with every detail concerning these times.  I will also give you the news which has not yet taken place but is about to be shown on the global news networks. 


I have been asked why am I not selling this book to let everyone know what I was given?  Let me answer this question right now.  I made a commitment to the person who gave me this information never ever charge anyone to read these warnings. Unlike most writing who make money from their work, I make nothing.  I want nothing from you except to plead with you to read this book and the evidence telling you what is going to take place soon.  I will tell you this up front, every sample video that was sent to ABC looked like the people who made the videos took the pages from my book.  


Yesterday ABCNews ran a report entitled, “Will the World End in 2012?”.  ABC gives us a story about Patrick Geryl who quit his job after saving enough money to survive the end of the world which he believes is coming in 2012.  Patrick isn’t the only one who thinks the world will end in 4 years from now.  Patrick you had better read my book because the end is not coming in 2012 and my book will prove that.  However, I promise you this,  you will think the world is coming to an end by 2012.  My book is based solely on facts and evidence and I can assure you when you start to read this book you are going to recognize many of the past news stories you have already seen on the news, only this time you will understand what is going on and where we are going to end up!


If you think this is a joke, download my book for free and read the first 2 chapters.  It will scare the hell out of you but at least you will come to know the Truth as to what is going on and why it is happening. I promise you if you read these chapters you will finish the book!  My message to Patrick Geryl is this, save all the seeds you want, store all the food and water you want but, it is not going to help you.  It may make you feel better because your scared and you see danger coming but everything you save, everything you do to try and survive will not help you through what is coming!  There is only one way to escape what is about to take place on planet Earth. Read my book to understand the way.


This is a big file and may take time to download but it will come up depending on the speed of your computer.  I have a slow computer and it took me 5 minutes to download. I am in the process of putting small print book on to cut the download time down so bare with me. It will be worth the wait to read this!





Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf


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