Frank, please put my family in your prayers. I lost my job Wednesday and am seeking either another job in the field I’ve been in for 30 years or for the Lord to open up doors to a new career path. I have a new granddaughter, born June, but my son and daughter-in-law have severed ties with us and blocked facebook so that we can no longer see our grandbaby’s pictures. My health is not good and I suffer from chronic pain in addition to my other ailments. Thank you. Dale and Janis Morris
FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 26, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora
Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8All these are the beginning of sorrows.
There were 3 strong earthquakes in the past 3 days. Also below are the quakes 5.0 and higher for the past 7 days.
Shortly before his trip, Netanyahu issued an open letter to Israelis marking the end of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the most sacred holiday in the Jewish calendar, where he vowed to stop Iran developing nuclear weapons. Netanyahu added that he will act in any way possible in order to make sure that ‘the tyrannical regime of Iran which seeks at every opportunity to sentence us to death’ will not have nuclear weapons.
In Netanyahu's speech yesterday it was recorded Netanyahu meantioned the Book of Life. Today's report tells you what Netanyahu meant when he used those words. "Jews believe that between Rosh Hashana (the Jewish new year) and Yom Kippur, God decides who will be inscribed in the Book of Life, meaning who will not die in the coming year." Christians take the meaning of the Book of Life from the Book of Revelation where we see anyone who has taken Christ as their Savior will have their name entered into the Book of Life. Although Christians and Jews see the meaning different I want to show you what the Jews believe has some truth to it and here is why I say this. When you read the Psalm 83 war and the Ezekiel war you will come to learn that Israel will not be destroyed by the invading armies in those prophecies. God is not going to allow the bordering nations around Israel to wipe Israel off the map when they attack soon, nor is God going to allow the nations listed in the Ezekiel war which include Iran to wipe Israel off the map. Fact is, Israel will win both these coming wars. So, when we read in the report about the Book of Life meaning, you can be assured by God it will not be the nation of Israel who will not die in the coming year." If there is anyone who is reading this post today who thinks other wise, all I can tell you is just watch the news and when you see these wars remember the outcome I just gave you because this world is shortly going to see both these wars come to pass soon. The report today shows us two important things. Here they are, lets see if you can pick them out.
I quote, "On Tuesday, U.S. President Barack Obama told the U.N. Assembly that time was running out to find a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear issue. “The United States will do what we must to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon,” he said. That statement went no further than his previously stated position, appearing to ignore calls from Netanyahu urging that Washington must now set clear red lines for Iran, beyond which military action would be taken. Relations between the men are strained. Netanyahu’s office said Obama had declined a request to meet this week, but the two leaders were expected to speak by telephone." What are the two thing? First we see timing is running out on a diplomatic solution. Netanyahu knows this and this is why in his speech yesterday he wanted red lines to be draw on Iran. Netanyahu knows he is going to have to move on Iran shortly to stop them from getting their hands on a nuclear bomb. The second important thing in the report is where we see the "Relations between the men are strained". Why is this important? Because this leads us to the Zechariah Prophecy Sign. Zechariah 12:3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth are gathered together against it."
At no time in US history has an American President been at such odds with Israel. There is no doubt that President Obama's stance has shown favor with the PLO and Iran when it comes to the Middle East peace talks and the nuclear problem with Iran where Obama refuses to draw red lines against Iran. These two events are splitting friendly relations between the US and Israel. The United States is on the road to joining the rest of the world in coming against Israel just as the Prophet Zechariah has written.The two wars I meantioned above are seen in the pictures above. The one on the left will be fought first and then the Ezekiel war will follow that war. Now let's get to the matter of Obama's refusal of drawing red lines on Iran.
Meanwhile, officials in Washington quoted in the Israeli media praised Netanyahu for the conciliatory approach he took towards Obama but made it clear that the United States still opposes placing a red line for Iran. The officials noted that Obama had been making his way from a campaign stop in Virginia as Netanyahu was making his speech and as such had no time to watch the speech live. While Obama has declined a request for a meeting by Netanyahu, the two are expected to speak over the phone on Friday. Obama rejected the idea of placing “red lines” for Iran during a phone conversation with Netanyahu several weeks ago, and received backing from Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who said that red lines “are kind of political arguments that are used to try to put people in a corner.” Earlier this week, Obama likened Israeli pressure on him to draw a clear “red line” over Iran's nuclear ambitions to "noise" he tries to ignore."
It is clear Obama does not like Netanyahu. During a past meeting in Nov. of 2011 between French President Sarkozy, and Obama where there was an opened microphone "Obama said he had to deal regularly with Netanyahu even if Sarkozy was fed up with the Israeli leader, according to the translation of a French interpreter during their Cannes exchange. Obama's remarks came right after Sarkozy said, "I cannot bear Netanyahu, he's a liar,". You can read the entire report this exchange took place by clicking to the red link below.
So what is the bottom line to all this? War is coming and Israel will have to deal with their enemies alone. Iran will continue on the path Obama and the UN has allowed them to travel until Israel is forced to take out the necular plants. The Psalm 83 war and Ezekiel war are not far off!
Let me show you how the main stream media has also coming against Israel. This report entitled: "Leading News Agencies Comparing Netanyahu to Hitler?" will show you what I mean.
A disturbing thing happened in the course of Binyamin Netanyahu's speech at the United Nations General Assembly Thursday. The world's two largest news agencies, Associated Press and Reuters, both selected photos of the same infinitesimal moment in Netanyahu's speech to send to their subscribers worldwide.
That moment was one in which Netanyahu raised his left hand, his arm straight, inadvertently assuming a position that immediately calls to mind Adolf Hitler giving a Nazi salute in the course of a speech – even though he did not hold the position or symbolize anything by it.
Netanyahu was not saluting, of course. Rather, he was saying this: "Recently, I was deeply moved when I visited Technion, one of our technological institutes in Haifa, and I saw a man paralyzed from the waist down climb up a flight of stairs, quite easily, with the aid of an Israeli invention."
The average consumer of news would have a hard time realizing that AP and Reuters had done something wrong. The news agencies sell their reports and photos to newspapers, websites and television stations, which are the ones who pass the materials on to the end consumer. The agencies essentially serve as reporters-for-hire, for news outlets that rely on them to cover the events in a purely professional manner. Therefore, it takes a journalist to fully recognize the apparently base and
manipulative nature of what the agencies did. The news agencies could not help but realize the visceral reaction to that position, which remains frozen in a photograph"
When I saw the picture the main stream media had tried to paint Netanyahu it made my stomach up set. Look, it is clear to anyone who loves Jesus that Bible prophecy is coming faster and faster each day and signs like the ones I just showed you point to the Lord's return soon.
By the way, there was another report out today that shows Obama's true feelings for Israel and shows the Zechariah prophecy is coming to pass. The headline to this report is, "White House irked by Netanyahu’s “red line” speech, reverts to Iran diplomacy"
"Barack Obama blew off Netanyahu this week. He refused to meet with the Israeli Prime Minister while he’s visiting the US. He said he was too busy but took the afternoon off on Thursday according to his schedule. He’s going to call Netanyahu between campaign stops today.Meanwhile… Obama’s ambassador to the UN Susan Rice also blew off Netanyahu’s speech.She went to lunch with Hillary and some other officials instead."
If after you watch this video below you don't see the road to Israel being on their own in the last days I'm not sure what it would take for you to see God's warnings on this matter is coming to pass?
More news pointing to the Psalm 83 war of which Egypt is included. (see #4 in the above photo).
Headline: “Once peaceful, the Israel-Egypt border has become the IDF’s most volatile frontier”
"Friday's deadly attack further illustrates how unstable the Sinai region has become, a situation that endangers not only the recent calm between Israel and Gaza, but also the already strained relations between Jerusalem and Cairo."
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Pastor Fiaz is helping these orphan children on monthly basis. Please keep us in your prayers.
What has The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Mission be up to in Haiti? Take a look for yourself.
It blesses my heart to see the children get their brand new shoes. Many of the kids we have been supporting were getting infections from walking around with no shoes. This was becoming a major health concern. We prayed about this matter and Jesus has answered our prayers. We are still in need but I will take what Jesus hands us! Below are some pictures of the kids with their shoes. In all we took care of the needs of 60 children. I want to thank my staff for helping my dream of giving come true. Frank