America and coming depression- Timothy’s prophecy in the news, April 1, 2008

Img_3403_2USA headed for a Depression?  April 1, 2008 –Kids fulfilled the Apostle Timothy’s warning for the last days.

If you aren’t new to my site you know I have been encouraging you to get your financial affairs in order. Read my posts from Feb. and March if you are new.  I explain there must be a shift in world powers. America must fall away as a major superpower and the European Union will take the lead headed by the man who Jesus warned us about.  This man, (Anitchrist) will arise in a time of trouble and seem to have all the answers to the world’s problems. In my book I give several scenarios how this Antichrist may appear on the scene to take control of the World.  At the present time America is in a resseccion and it now appears we are headed for even harder times. Many news agencies are now warning that the USA may be heading into another depression.  If America goes down she will start the dominio affect and  cause major problems for most of the world.  Signs of the last Great Depression are already showing up. For example The Independent covering World news just released these facts, “Food stamps are the symbol of poverty in the US.  In the era of the credit crunch, a record 28 million Americans are now relying on them to survive-a sure sign the world’s richest country faces economic crisis”  April 1, 2008.  We are also told that feeding a low-income family of four has risen 6 per cent in 12 months.  Just about every news agency is now reporting prices of everything is going to continue during 2008.  Don’t believe me, watch the National news tonight on TV and see what they report.  Our country (USA) is struggling to stay afloat.  When you read the the message  Jesus gave John in the book of Revelation you see a picture of the world with food prices so high most of the world will go hungry.  Jesus even names off the items the world will cry over during the end times.  It just so happens that most of the items in that list (Rev. chapter 18:11-14) are now sky rocketing.  What’s ahead for us?  Click to the link below and you will see a vision of what is coming.  There only way you will have peace in a trouble time is through Christ.  Go and vote this December for a new president, it won’t matter who gets the office, America  is in for a bad ride.  There are 2 groups of people who are facing the future as it is currently being reported.  Group one dosen’t know Christ, they have no hope, they are stressed out, they don’t understand what to do, they have no direction, they aren’t prepared from what Jesus said would come, and they are looking to a  new politician to solve their problems. Group two are those people who have already taken Christ as their Savior, they have read God’s Word, they know from prophecy what is coming, and they know why it is coming, they have hope, they are excited to be living in a time when all prophecy is being fulfilled because they know Jesus said He would return when all these things begin to take place. Group two is preparing themselves by joining with other Christians in prayer asking Christ for strength during these times.  This group is fulfilling the Word’s of Christ as He said, Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together , as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25). This group is fully aware that hard times are on the way just as was warned, and they are going to the Rock (Christ) for strength and protection.  And finally, this second group is on the WATCH for the 2nd coming of Christ, and they have the peace that Christ said he would give us.  This group exstead of saying “My God what do we do” are saying bring it on.  Question to ask yourself in these times is this, what group do you see yourself in?

USA 2008: The Great Depression  April 1, 2008

Example of how Timothy’s warning is being fulfilled. This is what He wrote in 2nd Timothy: 3 1-5 “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God-having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.”11 Students Plotted To Kill Third-Grade Teacher” Our society is falling apart mainly because our society is abandoning God and His teaching.  The break down of the family is worse than it has ever been and still getting worse.  What the children learn in their homes they carry out in society. Signs of what parents are teaching their kids are exactly what was warned in the bible. Below are only two examples of what I am talking about.  Click to see for yourself.  Question is, what are you teaching your kids?

Child stabs President Bush to death and turn the White House into a mosque.

A Group of Georgia Third Graders Plot To Attack Teacher-March 31, 2008

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