News today shows Israel will have to attack Iran-Another 6.3 earthquake! The last world empire-Major storms-Oct, 2, 2009


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Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct.1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct. 2, 2009

Prophecy Sign:  Get ready for the Word of the Lord to be fulfilled concerning the Ezekiel war found in Ezekiel chapters 38-39.   As you know the UN, the EU and the US have been trying to get Iran to halt their nuclear weapons program.  Israel has already stated that they are going to attack Iran if these nations can’t get Iran to stop their quest for the atom bomb.  News from Debka shows us Iran has no intention of stopping their nuclear weapons program.  If is today’s news we see other nations will come to Iran’s aid if any sanctions are made toward Iran.  I quote, “Iran has posted hundreds of agents in world ports to organize clandestine supplies through third countries of items subject to UN or US sanctions present or future. These items range from nuclear components to refined petroleum products. Dubai and the Ras al-Khaimah of the United Arab Emirates are two such ports. Malaysia, Hong Kong and Venezuela are willing helpers. So too is China. Canada has been targeted as a sanction-busting hub, albeit against its will. Customs officials in Ottawa told the Canadian National Post of Oct. 1 that they have seized everything from centrifuge parts to programmable logic controllers suspected of being en route for Iran although addressed to third parties. Microchips identified as "navigational chips" from the US, Denmark and Japan were marked for the UAE but believed to be destined for Iran. Ras al-Khaiman is a useful address because its large port for container ships and big airport are controlled by Iran; the small emirate is situated opposite the big Iranian Gulf port of Bandar Abbas. Tehran has pressed China, India, Malaysia, Venezuela and Syria into service for beating possible sanctions on gasoline and refined oils – even before the Obama administration has decided if a ban on these items is feasible. Some of these countries are more than willing to oblige Tehran. On Sept. 24, Iran and Venezuela signed a contract for the construction of huge oil refineries in Syria to produce 140,000 barrels a day of refined oil products. Iran is short of refinery capacity. Venezuela holds 33 percent of the $1.5 bn project, Iran and Syria 26 percent each and Malaysia 15 percent. China, which imports 17 percent of its crude from Iran, has increased its gasoline sales to the Islamic Republic. Beijing has instructed small, unknown Chinese firms to buy up large amounts of gasoline and related products on the Singapore market and ship the goods to Iran.”  I’m not sure if you realize the message that was sent to Israel via this news?  What this tells the Israeli Government is that no matter what, Iran will continue their nuclear weapons program.  This has forced Israel’s hand to act soon to bring Iran’s nuclear program to an abrupt end.  I can assure you all these are the events that will lead to the Ezekiel war.  Once Israel attacks Iran, there will be a counter attack against Israel.  Of course God told us that this counter attack would be lead by Russia, and yes, Iran will come down against Israel as well.  Are you seeing what the Holy Spirit is trying to show you?

This Tuesday morning at 6am in the morning I was in a prayer meeting with 6 other men.  During that meeting I told the men that we needed to pray for the people because of all the earthquakes that were coming.   As you can see from the news Wednesday started a round of huge earthquakes and as of Friday morning these huge quakes have continued.  I quote, “A fresh, smaller quake at magnitude 6.3 rattled the region south of Tonga on Friday, said the U.S. Geological Service. Tonga is west of the international dateline and a day ahead of Samoa.”  Now is the time to trust what Christ is revealing to you.  Get your head out of the sand, these signs are not going to go away because you are scared!  If you know Jesus as Lord you have nothing to be afraid of.

Since 3am on Oct. 2, 2009 there have already been 33 more earthquakes reported, and these are only some of the medeium ones.  You can click to the link below to see where these quakes have reported.


The latest news concerning the Indonesian quake is "As the death toll climbed Thursday – to 1,100 by one UN estimate – others looked for survivors, with thousands of people missing and feared trapped in the wreckage of shattered buildings.  This may be your first time to my site so let me issue you another warning about earthquakes.  Watch the news because more earthquakes are coming and many of them are going to be huge, bigger than the once we just witnessed this past few days.

Prophecy Sign:  In Daniel chapter 2 God shows us the rise and fall of empires all the way from when Daniel was alive up until the first of Jesus Christ returns.  Many of you who are new to my site may not even realize the last world empire to stand when Jesus comes back is already here and growing in power.   This is one of the reasons why America is declining in power.  When you read the entire book of Daneil you will find out America is never meantioned at all.   Why would the a nation once considered to be the strongest superpower in the world not show up in prophecy?  We believe it is because just before Jesus comes back America would have already fallen away as a power.  As you can see from the news the Americans are headed down the path for another depression, but the U.S. Government isn't  going to tell you this.  For the past four days the earth has been shaking from all the earthquakes, but there is another shaking going on only this one has to do with the American economy and her rapid decline from power.   While the European Union is getting ready to pick their first full time EU President which is huge in the scope of Bible prophecy the American President is watching the life blood of America, (JOBS), slip away.  Today's news showed us, "The unemployment rate rose to 9.8 percent in September, the highest since June 1983, as employers cut far more jobs than expected. The report is evidence that the worst recession since the 1930s is still inflicting widespread pain and underscores one of the biggest threats to the nascent economic recovery: that consumers, worried about job losses and stagnant wages, will restrain spending. Consumer spending accounts for about 70 percent of the nation's economy."   What you are witnessing is all part of prophecy.  One nation goes down to make way for the last world empire.  God showed us this picture for a very good reason, to prove to everyone that what He says comes to pass.  He wants you all to believe in HIs Words so you will turn to HIm to be saved.

If you are new to my site today I request that you turn to chapter two of my free prophecy book.  In chapter two  you will find out that the last days world empire, which is a revived Roman Empire  has been standing for years ,and since the year 2000 they have started to expand and are fulfilling the position of the empire that will be ruling when Jesus comes back.  While you are reading this post today Ireland is voting on what they call the Lisbon Treaty.  Please read my post from yesterday to fully understand what the Lisbon Treaty is.  Read this news report just out and I will fill in the blanks for you.  "DUBLIN – The future of the European Union hung in the balance Friday as Ireland's voters decided once again whether to ratify a treaty aimed at making the 27-nation body more decisive and effective.  A second Irish "no" would doom the Lisbon Treaty, a painstakingly negotiated blueprint for sharpening EU institutions following the bloc's rapid eastward expansion since 2004.  EU chiefs say new voting rules are needed to promote stronger policies in combating cross-border crime, terrorism and ecological threats. But the treaty can't become EU law unless every member ratifies it — and Irelandis the only EU member requiring the treaty to win majority approval from voters. Twenty-four nations already have ratified it, while the Euro-skeptic heads of state in Poland and the Czech Republic are withholding their assent until Irish voters have spoken"  When Jesus came to Earth the first time Rome was in power and ceasear ruled all of the Roman Empire.  Jesus Christ told us that when He comes back the second time the Roman Empire will again be in power and yes, one man will again control not only the Roman Empire but he will try to conquer the entire world.  Those of us who know Bible prophecy and the Lord's warnings know this one man is called the Antichrist.  The first Roman Empire tried to kill off all the Christians and the same thing is going to happen when the Antichrist comes into power.  A yes vote in Ireland will show us the seat of the Antichrist has now been set in place.  This is how close you are to seeing the beginning of the tribulation!

Update on Irelanding voting on Lisbon Treaty:  Just in "Ireland's second referendum on the Lisbon Treaty is set to see a majority for the Yes side, according to an exit poll carried out by the country's opposition party, Fine Gael."  Voting is still going on and soon we will know the results.  Stay tuned.


News just released from the UK gives us the direction this Irish vote seems to be headed.  I quote, "Irish voters are heading to the polls in a second referendum on the EU's Lisbon Treaty – a vote that may decide the future of long-delayed EU changes.

They previously rejected the treaty in a June 2008 referendum, by a margin of almost 7%. This time opinion polls suggest the Yes camp will win. "  I called the producer of my Internation radio show at The Edge a few minutes ago.  My producer lives in the UK and he is going to call me later and give me update on this Irish vote.  You may want to return later in the day to read the breaking news.

Prophecy Sign:  Jesus in Luke 21:25 told us to watch for the roaring seas and waves.   Some months ago I posted a warning that those who have been regular readers will remember.  I warned you to watch for bigger and stronger storms to begin to cause many problems for nations around the world. I also I told you that if you watch you will see that these mega storms will destroy many of the world’s crops.  I said this because this is what we see in Jesus warning.    During the time of the end Jesus also warned us in Luke chapter 21 that the world would face famine.  Part of the reason why the world will go hungry will be from the result of huge storms that wipe out much of the world’s food supply.  We are seeing the shadow of things to come already.  I quote, “About 22,500 houses have been damaged in rains blamed by weather experts on the cyclone in the Bay of Bengal. The authorities say incessant rains have not only damaged crops but also disrupted communication and transport links in many areas of Karnataka and neighbouring Andhra Pradesh.  "So many people are dying… thousands of livestock have perished in the floods and standing crops have been washed away.”  For those of you in the world you will not see these events as warnings coming from Christ Jesus.  You will only think this is just another storm and go about your life thinking Jesus isn’t coming back anytime soon.  You say these things because you have not the Holy Spirit in your heart and therefore you eyes are still blind to the Lord’s truth.  The sad part about this is that even the majority of the Lord’s Church doesn’t recognize these signs because pastors teaching them are to busy giving sermons instead of teaching the entire Bible.  Ask yourself this question?  Why is it that not many people can tell someone else what Jesus’ signs of the last days are?  People attending churches for years are clueless that they were even  told they need to stand at the door and watch for the Lord’s coming.  Why?  Because most pastors don’t teach Bible prophecy as part of the Bible, and as a result their flocks are about to become road kill.  I am not saying that pastors only teach prophecy.  What I am saying is, don’t cut it out from your teaching.  If you do, how can you call yourself a true pastor and shepard?  A good shepard will protect his flock at all costs, and if you are not warning them of the dangers coming,  they will fine themselves standing in the middle of road when the storm comes.

Prophecy Sign: Did you know that Jesus told us this generation would become a copy of Noah's generation?  This is a key sign that tells us we are at the end of the road and all hell is about to break out.  One of the things that was known in Noah's generation was people had become evil.  Today we are witnessing the same things.   Let me show you a good example of just how bad things have become.  "DETROIT —  The Rev. Lawrence Adams teaches his flock at the Westside Bible Church to turn the other cheek. Just in case, though, the 54-year-old retired police lieutenant also wears a handgun under his robe. Adams is one of several Detroit clergymen who have taken to packing heat in the pulpit. They have committed their lives to a man who preached nonviolence and told followers to love their enemies. But they also say it's up to them to protect their parishioners in church. "As a pastor, I'm referred to as a shepherd," Adams said. "Shepherds have the responsibility of watching over their flock. Do I want to hurt somebody? Absolutely not!"  Has our society gotten that bad that a man of God has to resort to fire arms to keep his flock safe?  I am not taking a position to say this is right or wrong, I am just stating a fact.  In my heart I am asking myself which is worse, kill off you flock by not preparing them for the second coming of Christ, or let the evil people at them?  While it is true one shot can stop a man from harming the flock, silence can destroy the entire heard!  I therefore plead with you who are pastors, preach the entire Word of God.,2933,558804,00.html


Here is the most recent news concerning the sign of roaring seas and waves.  "Oct. 2 (Bloomberg) — The Philippines declared a national “state of calamity” as Typhoon Parma headed for Luzon, where recovery efforts continue six days after Tropical Storm Ketsana devastated Manila and its surroundings, leaving 293 people dead. Authorities began moving people from provinces north and southeast of Manila into shelters, Philippine Defense Secretary Gilbert Teodoro said in an interview on ABS-CBN television. The nationwide state of calamity gives the government the power to peg the price of basic goods. Parma’s eye was 254 kilometers (158 miles) northeast of the city of Daet on Luzon at 2 p.m. Manila time today, the U.S. Navy Joint Typhoon Warning Center said. The typhoon is forecast to make landfall after 8 a.m. tomorrow. The typhoon will bring more rain to areas already devastated by Ketsana, which earlier this week left more than 100 people dead in Vietnam and Cambodia. In Indonesia, rescue workers are searching for survivors in Padang in Sumatra, where an earthquake two days ago left 230 people dead. In the South Pacific, a recovery operation is under way after a tsunami killed more than 150. “It is almost unprecedented for any region to experience so many disasters over such a short period of time,” United Nations Under-Secretary-General Noeleen Heyzer said in a statement. “The disasters of the past week remind us that the Asia Pacific is the worlds’ disaster hot spot.”  Did you notice what was stated in red?  The Christians who are standing on the watch for these signs know that this may seem like  unprecedented events, but we know different, we know them for what they really are. birth pains of the last days.  These events are being witnessed just as Jesus said they would and this my friends is only the beginning.  You think these storms were bad, if you are left behind once the Lord removes the true believers these present storms will seem small compared to what is coming.  The good news is that you can get out of the way by receiving Jesus as your Savior.  It is your call what will you do?

Asia isn't the only ones who have dealing with record breaks storms and flooding, or what Jesus called roaring seas and waves.  Last week it was America who had huge storms that killed off crops and wiped out many homes.  Also in the news today we read that Italy has been affected by these types of storms.  I quote, "At least 13 people are now confirmed dead and more are missing after heavy rain triggered mudslides in the Italian city of Messina in northern Sicily. The violent mudslides and flooding destroyed several buildings, swept away cars and blocked road and rail links. Some of the victims were trapped when mud and debris engulfed their homes following the overnight storm.


I want to share a blessing I received today from a person in Africa. This is the message I received just a few minutes ago.

Dear Pastor,

My name is Ira and I come from Kenya, Africa. You have changed my life in a way I can not explain on email. For one, I never used to follow news of any kind. Picking up a newspaper or watching news in the TV was torture for me. But last week i asked God to change my life and to revel the mystery of Daniels dreams and the end times. And God directed me to you. I have read your Book the last chronicles of planet earth September 17th 2009 the whole book in less than 10 days!!! My husband says I‘ve really changed cause instead of watching movies and soaps I am either reading your book or watching news…or praying. Thank you very much. i believe am taking out my candle under my bed!


If i talked my pastor into it…. would you consider coming to talk to us as a church? God bless   I wanted you all to read this letter so you will see that if you preach Jesus Christ and do not hold back from any part of the Word of God, Jesus will save the people He has given you to speak to.  There is no amount of money that could replace this kind of blessing.  If the Lord allows I will go to Africa.  Those of you who come to this site know I do not charge anyone to hear the Word God has given me to preach.  I have a 0 budget and it will have to be a miracle to get me the funds to make a trip such as this.  All I can do is trust in Christ and ask you all to pray that the Lord will make this trip happen.


It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has lead you accept Christ as your Savior.

If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begin your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to a lukewarm Christian.

“Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for  adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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