Answer to a recent comment from one of my readers. Sept. 20, 2008




Yesterday I received this comment from a Mr. J. Williams. I quote, “You suggest that Israel is seeking peace, at the same time they are planning a war with Iran. Do you know the 10 commandments? Do you believe in them? 


I would like to respond to this comment.  Jesus teaches us to pray for our enemies. He also teaches us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.  Christ also said the 2nd commandment is to love one another. I quote, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.' "This is the great and foremost commandment. "And a second is like it, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets." ( Matthew 22:37).  Do I believe in God’s Word? With my life!  Do I believe in the 10 Commandments?  Every word.  Mr. Williams I also believe we must trust God’s plan whether we like what it says or not.  Do I like the fact that nations war against each other, no, not at all.  Do I believe in Jesus’ Words when He tells us one of the end times signs will be “nations will fight against nation”, yes I do because that is out of the month of Christ.  Do I believe in Christ’ Words when He tells us in 1 Thess. That Israel will be talking peace and safety in the end time?  Not only do I as a true believer believe everything Jesus says but, I expect it to happen and I am on the watch for it!  Do I believe in God’s Word when He tells us Iran will join Russia and attack His people in Israel in the last days?  Of course, and I expect it to take place because this warning comes from the mouth of God!  Do I like the thought of people dying in war?  No, I do not but the fact is Mr. Williams, I except what God has revealed to us.   In your comment you stated, “You suggest that Israel is seeking peace.  What I have stated comes from God, I didn’t make this up.  My question to you is this, do you believe what Jesus told us?  If you don’t believe in Jesus’ own Words when he warned us Israel would call for (PEACE) in the end times then what or who do you believe in?  Are you picking and choosing parts of God’s Word to believe in and, parts not to believe?   In my post I have repeated exactly what Jesus has warned, and you took offence to it.  Your anger is not directed to me, it is really directed at God because He is the one who wrote what I have quoted.  Another warning Jesus left us in His Word is that in the end times people would hate those who love and teach God Word.  You have tried to punch holes in my testimony for Christ because I teach Christ’s Words and I except that to happen because, I believe in what Jesus teaches.  My prayer for you is this, I pray you will find peace in Jesus’ Words and you have faith in everything He teaches.  If you do not trust in Jesus Words you are ready to meet Him and this is a dangerous place to be.  Thank you for coming to my site, and yes, I love you in Christ Jesus.

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