Antichrist signs traits in the news and DiMora’s warning comingto pass. Special Report Julyl 11, 2008


To all my readers who are keeping on the watch with me.  I want to show you some very important news that I warned you all about.  What I did in this post is to combine some very important facts concerning who the Antichrist may be.  I have been watching the current events and taking what the Word of God says we should watch for.  I think when you read this post you may be blown away.  This post may sound like something you read before but bare with me you will be floored.


One of the major signs of the end times is the rebirth of the Roman Empire, so watching the signs concerning the political climate within the EU should be taken with special interest.  Right now you should pay special attention to Silvio Berlusconi, and you will see why.   In April of 2008 Berlusconi was reelected as the Prime Minister of Italy.  Why is this so important?  Jesus said when the man of sin, (Antichrist), comes he would exalt himself?  Let me give you some quotes Berlusconi has stated about himself. Here they are.  1. “I am the Jesus Christ of Politics. I am a patient victim, I put up with everyone, I sacrifice myself for everyone” 2. “The best political leader in Europe and in the world.”  3.”There is no-one on the world stage who can compete with me” (BBC News May 2, 2006).  4. In the Guardian report Jan. 18, 2004 they reported that Berlusconi calls himself ‘monarchist’ which means (he being the king).  Now let me ask you a question, does this sound like the warning Jesus gave us about the personality of the Antichrist?  The things Berlusconi is saying about himself are exactly what Jesus told us to look for.  There is more.  “All hail Berlusconi” is the title to a report on Berlusconi by the Guardian news.  A Writer for the Guardian news profiles Berlusconi like this, “Silvio Berlusconi, a Roman emperor for the 21st century.” Jesus told us Rome would return and there would be one last emperor over all of the reborn Roman Empire.   All I know is a man from Rome will end up ruling this plant just as Jesus stated he would.  So far when you compare scripture and the signs of the Antichrist’s personality with Berlusconi they all run parallel.  Berlusconi already says he is the king!  Now that Berlusconi was reelected as Italy’s new Prime Minister on the 14th of April, this is what you should watch for.  The following quote comes from my May post when I warned you exactly what to watch for next.  Watch and see if he reenters the Middle East peace talks”. We know from Daniel chapter 9 that the Antichrist will confirm a covenant (peace and safety, or peace agreement) for Israel and the Arabs.  The agreement that will be signed will be for a 7-year period.  If Berlusconi is the man who confirms that 7-year agreement with many, then you will know he is the man Jesus warned us about and the tribulation is about to begin.  Pay attention to what I have stated.  I am not saying Berlusconi is the Antichrist but, so far he is fulfilling all the requirements of the Antichrist as laid down in scripture.  Today’ news was very interesting  because it talked about one of these traits which I had not mentioned before.  “The White House has apologized to Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi for a briefing describing him as a political “amateur” who is “hated by many”. The four-page description of Mr Berlusconi had been taken from the Encyclopedia of World Biography. It refers to the Italian prime minister as a man “hated by many but respected by all at least for his bella figura (personal style) and the sheer force of his will”.  Let me show you what the prophet Daniel said about the Antichrist when he shows up in the last days. Daniel 11:36.  “And the king shall do according to his will and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.”.  This is very interesting because Berlusconi keeps fitting the signs of the Antichrist.  Not only is he a man who has been using the force of his will but he is very prosperous.  He is amo
ng the richest men in the world and he has been magnifying himself for years.  You can read the quotes about himself in my Antichrist signs post.  I pray for Berlusconi that he is not the man of sin, I don’t wish that on any man!  However;  Jesus gave us this information on the Antichrist so that when he does take over you will recognize him for who he is.  Since Berlusconi is fitting the profile I need to point these traits out just in case.

Now for the current news today on July 11, 2008, My warning has again come to pass.  Silvo Berlusconi has jumped back into the peace talks and he has done it in a big way.  We heard nothing about him getting engaged in the peace talks, now all of a sudden Berlusconi, the man who calls himself the King is on the front pages of the news concerning the Middle East peace talks. Here are a few new reports I just pulled up. “Rome, 11 July (AKI) – Italy and its premier have a “very important role to play in the Middle East peace process,” Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said in Rome on Friday. “Italy has excellent relations with Israel, with the Arab states and with the Palestinian people,” Abbas said at a joint media conference with Berlusconi after their hour-long meeting. This makes Italy “able to play an extremely influential role in the peace process” in the Middle East, said Abbas”.

Here is another new report out today.  “Rome – Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is ‘deeply optimistic’ on chances for peace in the Middle East, according to Rome’s mayor who met the Palestinian leader on Friday. ‘Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) has confirmed a deep optimism on the possibility to carry forward the Road Map and the peace process,’ Mayor Gianni Alemanno said. Abbas who was in the Italian capital Friday was later scheduled to meet Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and attend a joint news conference.”  So this is what we have.  You have a man from Rome joining the peace talks just like Paul warned, you have this man from the city of 7 mountains just like Jesus said in Revelation 17:9 &18, you have this same man already exalting himself, as it is warned in 2nd Thessalonians 2: 4 and you have this same man showing his strong will as described in Daniel 11:36.  If I were a lawyer I think I may have won my case!  Now that Berlusconi is in the lime light again with the peace talks all you have to do is wait and she if he get Israel, his friend, to sign a 7 year peace agreement or as the bible says, a covenant.  I am watching these events like a eagle because we may be closer to the end than most believed we were.  I for one have been expecting these things for a long time now.  I have been warning people since Jesus first told me to go out and tell them what I gave you.  I carry Jesus message and his warning.


This is the message the Lord has laid on my heart for those who have not yet taken Jesus as their Savior and Lord.  Come to me for I am coming quickly, prey that you are accounted worthy to escape all these things and to stand before the son of man.  If you refuse the call you will stand before the son of perdition who even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.  And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie.   I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


I want to close this by repeating what Jesus said at the end of the book of Revelation.  “Surly I come quickly.  Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.” 


If the words in which Jesus has given me lead you to receive Christ as your savior, please e-mail me and share with me the good news.

Thank you all for coming.

A servant of Christ.

Frank DiMora

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