Are you still on Frank DiMora’s Global Prayer team? One day left.

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Anyone who is on my prayer team pay attention to this! If you do not contact me by Friday I will assume you are no longer on this prayer team. I have asked several times for those on the team to contact me, but only Angela Falcon has. I want to make sure you still are praying with us! I know for a fact that Angela and myself are praying and the Lord is answering those prayers. The number of people praying isn't what counts, it is the heart that Jesus sees! If you are still with us please let me know? I will be taking the names off the list on Friday that do not show up in blue.  Email me at to have your name kept on the list.  Thanks and God Bless.

People I need to hear from by Friday Feb. 12, 2010 are:

Richard Simonetti, Michael Ralph,Jason Calhoun, Trudie Van Heerden, Mr. Lynn, Diane Coon, Carl Rodriques, Ita Sirait, Kay Mardesich, Stephanie Beardemphl, Karen Hauenstein, and Gina Romano.

Is your name in blue? Check my Feb. 11, 2010 post.

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