April 24, 2008 News and Bible prophecy-Signs you must watch for.


Thank you for coming to my prophecy site.  There are many sites the talk about prophecy but they don’t give you enough details to connect current events with the actual word of God.  Sure they give you news but what good is the news without making the connection to what the Bible foretold.  I would like your input.  Please e-mail and let me know if I am putting to much material up at one time.  I want to make sure you are well informed but I don’t want to overload you.  If you are new to my site I want to tell you the method I use here. First you will read the Bible scriptures, which talk about the certain prophecy.  Second, I will discuss the current news and show you how the news and prophecy are connected. Third, at the bottom of my post you will find all the headlines to the news and their links.  It is very important that you check out for yourselves this information.  Some links are links to videos and some take you directly to the report.  At the very end of my post you will see a link that says (free download).  When you click this link you will receive a free copy of my newest up-to-date prophecy book called, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth”.  This is my gift to you with no strings attached.  If you ever desire a hard copy of my book, all I ask is just pay for cost of printing and postage and I will mail you a book.  I make no money off my book!  My new book is 200 pages long and, it is 8 1/2 by 11”.  The book cost me close to $11.00 a copy, and I send these books out by media mail to keep your cost down.  I love Christ with all my heart and I tell you the truth, why spend the money on a hard copy when I can get it to you for free?  I will assure you, if you read this text you will be blown away.  I have been told many times from the people who have already read my book that they have never seen so much proof and documents in one book, that prove we have entered the last days.   Now down to business.

“BUT of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-6) “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: On that day thoughts will come into your mind and you will devise an evil scheme. You will say, ‘I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people—all of them living without walls and without gates and bars’” (Ezekiel 38:10-11).  What you just read was a warning that in the end times when Israel was calling for peace and safety they would be attacked.  Ezekiel tells us they will be attacked when Israel is a peaceful and unsuspecting people.  We see a picture of Israel living in some kind of false peace, because the attack comes when they think they have peace.  We know from Daniel Chapter 9:27 that there will be an agreement signed in the end times which will give the impression to Israel that they finally have some peace.  This agreement will be for a period of 7 years.  However, God told Ezekiel that in the middle of the 7 years the covenant that was confirmed would be broken.  Go back and read my past posts, you will read I have been warning you to watch the news because, you would begin to see more talk about this peace agreement.   That is actually what is happening!  Not only is that happening but, now they are talking about an agreement with timetables.  Yesterday’s post I showed you that the Hamas leaders talked about a 10-year timetable for peace.  Today’s news now says there needs to be a fixed timetable.  What we may be witnessing is the drawing up of the covenant mentioned in Daniel chapter 9.  If in the near future you see in the news that Israel and the PLO have agreed on a 7-year time frame, or timetable, take my advice, except Jesus Christ and repent of your sins as fast as you can!!  I cannot stress the importance of this.  Once this 7-year agreement is signed, the people of plant Earth will be visited by Satan incarnate in the man who will be called the Antichrist, or beast.  Anyone who has not received Jesus before this agreement is signed is playing Russian roulette with their eternal life.  Here is a short section from the report dealing with this issue. “Jordan’s King Abdullah II told U.S. President George W. Bush on Wednesday that stalled negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis should be based on clear grounds and fixed timetables as the United States pushes for reaching a Mideast peace agreement by next January”.

“Abdullah to Bush: Israel-PA talks must be based on fixed timetable” April 23, 2008


“Hamas offers Gaza truce with Israel” April 24, 2008


Luke 21:10, Matthew 24:6-8 and Revelation 6: 8 all give a picture of wars coming, hunger, and famines. Rev. 6:8 says, “And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that followed with him. And Power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.  Matthew 24:6-8 says, “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.  For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.”  Jesus also warned the end would come in the way a women has birth pains.  This generation is seeing those prophecy birth pains intensify.  Right now 37 nations are in deep trouble in a food famine.  This time it isn’t just the droughts that are the cause but lack of food for other reasons, such as farmers planting corn for gas instead of corn to eat.

The shortages in wheat and corn and especially rice have how hit American stores.  Here is a section from a report telling us how this issue has hit Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club. “NEW YORK, April 23 (Reuters) – Wal-Mart Stores Inc’s Sam’s Club warehouse division said on Wednesday it is limiting sales of Jasmine, Basmati and long grain white rice "due to recent supply and demand trends." “Sam’s Club, the No. 2 U.S. warehouse club operator, is limiting sales of rice to four bags per customer per visit, and is working with suppliers to ensure the products remain in stock.”  News from breitbart.com reported that, “Top retailer Wal-Mart’s Sam’s Club unit said Wednesday it is limiting the amount of rice individual shoppers could buy at one time, as rice prices hit new records around the world”.  Look what the New York Sun reported. “Many parts of America, long considered the breadbasket of the world, are now confronting a once unthinkable phenomenon: food rationing”.  This is a serious problem and if it has now affected the U.S. you know that the 3rd world nations are in desperate need.  People riot and wars break out when people start to starve.  This is the picture Jesus paints in his Word and He said these things are the beginnings of sorrows!  Below are 11 links that deal with this very issue.  Jesus’ Words are all coming to pass.  Notice what Christ said, “So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors”.  Why do you think we are seeing all these things in the news today?  Jesus is at the door!!!!!!  A very important fact is known in verse 34. “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled”Matthew 24:33). Do you know what this means? The generation who sees all these things will be alive to see Jesus return.  When you read my book you will read proof that everything, everyone of the prophecies Jesus warned us about is taking place now.  This has never happened to one generation before.  We are it!!

“Sam’s Club, Costco Limit Rice Purchases” April 23, 2008


“Wal-Mart unit limits rice purchases” April 23, 2008


“Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World” April 21, 2008


“Americans hoard food as industry seeks regs”  April 23, 2008


“Japan’s hunger becomes a dire warning for other nations” April 21, 2008


“Rice rationing hits nation’s largest warehouse stores”


India’s Growing Economy Doesn’t Help Poor


Please give these videos about 30 seconds to load, it will come up.

Global Food Crisis Rising

Global Crisis: Haiti Is Ground Zero

Global Food Crisis

Food Prices Spur Violence, Hunger Fears

Daniel the prophet showed us the last generation would see the Old Roman Empire come back to life.  It is too hard to explain in this short post. Please read chapter 2 of my book.  All I can tell you here is this.  We were to expect a change in World Superpowers in the end times.  The Superpower who will be in place and reigning as the number one power will be this reborn Roman Empire.  When you read chap. 2 you will see the European Union is that fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy.  I have been keeping you posted as to things that are going to help speed up this change in Superpowers.  The U.S. is losing ground as the number one Superpower and the war, and economy are all pieces to the puzzle that are helping bring about the shift in powers.  Today we got more bad news for the economy.  See link below.

“New home sales plunge to lowest level in 16 1/2 years” April 24, 2008


Daniel also told us in Daniel 12:4 that the generation who would see Jesus return would be known as the generation of increased knowledge.  Below is just one example of that knowledge.  Please read chapter 3 for all the details to this prophecy.

“US army develops robotic suits” April 16, 2008



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