April 25, 2023 Step by Step the Status Quo on the Temple Mount is changing in favor for the Jews

April 25, 2023 Step by Step the Status Quo on the Temple Mount is changing in favor for the Jews




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For years I have been warning that the status quo on the Temple Mount was going to change so that the Jews would have full access to the Temple Mount to pray and worship just as the Muslims do right now. While the Muslims are doing whatever they can to stop the Jews from going up to the Temple Mount, what do we see? We see record number of Jews going up to the Mount and this has caused the Muslims to riot and become lawless on the Mount even when the Jews aren’t on the Mount. The status quo will change so watch and see what happens in the news concerning the Temple Mount and the Jews!

The scriptures below will show you where the Lord gives us information about the Jewish Third Temple of the last days. Below the scriptures showing a Third Temple is coming, I put up a Youube video which breaks down what has happened over the years which prove the status quo is in fact changing. The changes made be slow however, in the past few years those changes have begun to accelerate. What does this mean? It means the Antichrist is already here. He has not taken power yet but he is alive and at the right time he will step into his last days role that will only last for 7 years. At the end of the 7 years Jesus will return to Jerusalem as promised and begin his reign at King of Kings from Jerusalem.


More news showing Jews keep going up to the Temple Mount.

A breakJews ascend Temple Mount for first time since Ramadan ban

Jews on Monday morning were permitted to ascend the Temple Mount for the first time in 12 days.

The Israeli government had barred Jews from visiting their holiest site for the last 10 days of the monthlong Muslim holiday of Ramadan, which ended on Thursday.

During 2022, 51,483 Jews visited the Temple Mount, up from 34,651 in 2021 and 20,684 in 2020, according to statistics compiled by Beyadenu, an NGO dedicated to strengthening the Jewish connection to the site.






The news below is from May 2022, but what the Israeli court did still has enraged the Muslims to this day. People who tell me the status quo will not change in favor for the Jews are blind to the Lord’s warnings concerning the rebuilding of another Jewish Temple and the Antichrist sitting in that Temple.


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Israeli Judge Overturns Controversial Ruling on Temple Mount Status Quo

Lower court had canceled Jewish minors’ ban from Old City for praying at holy site
May 27, 2022
A Jewish man prostrates in prayer after visiting the Temple Mount, known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif, in Jerusalem’s Old City, April 20, 2022. (Menahem Kahana/AFP via Getty Images)

For more articles from The Media Line, click here.

The Jerusalem District Court late on Wednesday overturned a lower court ruling that reignited hostilities over the Temple Mount, known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif, after appearing to permit non-Muslim worship at the site in violation of the status quo.

Hostilities escalated after a ruling of the Jerusalem Magistrates’ Court on Sunday overturned a police order barring three Jewish minors from the capital’s Old City for praying on the Temple Mount.

The teenagers, who were visiting the Temple Mount, prostrated themselves and recited the Shema prayer, in violation of the “status quo,” which does not permit non-Muslims to pray at the site. In turn, a police order banned the minors from the Old City for 15 days on the grounds that they had disturbed the peace and behaved provocatively.

Judge Zion Saharay on Sunday argued that the boys had not “raise[d] worry of harm befalling national security, public safety, or individual security.”

This provoked a strong backlash from the Palestinian Authority and Jordan, whose religious trust, the Islamic Waqf, acts as custodian of the site.

PA President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the Magistrates’ Court decision as “a grave assault against the historic status quo … and a flagrant challenge to international law.” https://jewishjournal.com/israel/348885/israeli-judge-overturns-controversial-ruling-on-temple-mount-status-quo/

A more recent report concerning the Temple Mount issue shows even the Muslims realize there hold on the Mount is eroding.

A break

Inside Al-Aqsa, Muslims say they’re losing control of the holy site

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