April 26, 2023





Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 19 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora



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WATCH: Israel Facing a Multi-Front War Thanks to Iran







6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70 Daniel 12 verse 4 reveals that people will be traveling back-and-forth in the last days at the same time. Knowledge increased, take a look at the migration around the world and you’ll understand this prophecy is being fulfilled right now.




Daniel 12:4

The prophet Daniel did not understand what this prophecy meant because it was for the last generation to understand it and, the meaning would be sealed until that last generation came along. Then would we know when the time of the end was? By the mire fact that the last generation would advance in knowledge more than any other generation while at the same time millions upon millions of people would be traveling back and forth daily. Our generation has advanced more than all the generations before it and it is still advancing at hyper speed because of computers and now artificial intelligence. No other generation can make a claim to this end time prophecy except ours! God does give a major sign when the last days would be known. Look what Daniel 12:11 says, 11 “From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. 12 Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days. 13 “As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.  In a nutshell God is showing us that there would be a Third Temple built in the end times that the Jews would be doing daily sacrifices but, the Antichrist would stop those sacrifices.  Why do you think there is so much trouble on the Temple Mount right now? Before the Jews are pushing to pray on the Mount and rebuild that Third Temple. The Jews are already practicing sacrificing animals and soon they will be doing it for real at the rebuilt Temple just as Jesus warned us.

World Bank: Global migration to grow, needs better management

Rapid aging of both wealthy and middle-income countries will make their economies increasingly dependent on migration from poorer countries, and the process needs to be better managed, the World Bank said on Tuesday.

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