April 8, 2015-ISIS: First We Take Libya, Then We Take Tunisia



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 1, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


Headline:  Two Israeli soldiers wounded in West Bank stabbing

Two Israeli soldiers were wounded on Wednesday morning in a stabbing attack at the Shiloh Junction in the northern West Bank. One of the victims was seriously wounded in his upper body and the other sustained light injuries to his back. The assailant was shot and killed on the spot. The soldiers, both around 20 years old, were attacked on Route 60, near the entrance to the Ma’ale Levona settlement and the Palestinian village of Sinjil, just after 10 A.M. They were initially treated by medics on site and then transferred to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem. The two soldiers both serve in the Tavor Battalion of the Home Front Command. They were sitting in an ambulance at the time of the attack, called to the area to reinforce the security guards manning the Shiloh area roads over the Passover holiday. The assailant approached the ambulance and stabbed one of the soldiers, a medic, lightly wounding him. The assailant then stabbed a paramedic in his neck, inflicting serious wounds.
April 8, 2015


Headline:  Qatar lends Palestinians $100 million to pay salaries: Palestinians

The Palestinian Authority said on Wednesday it had received a $100 million loan from Qatar to help pay civil servants salaries and alleviate an economic crisis triggered by a row with Israel over taxes. President Mahmoud Abbas, who is visiting the Gulf state, issued a statement thanking Qatar for the loan. There was no immediate confirmation or comment from Qatari officials.Israel collects taxes on behalf of Abbas’s Palestinian Authority but suspended payments of some $130 million a month in January to protest at moves by the Palestinians to join the International Criminal Court (ICC). Palestinian membership of the ICC started on April 1, opening the way for possible law suits against Israel for alleged war crimes tied to its lengthy occupation of territory the Palestinians want for an independent state. Following widespread criticism by Western allies, Israel earlier this month released some of the frozen tax revenue, but withheld a portion of the cash, saying it was money Palestinians owed for utilities and health care supplied by Israel. Abbas said the deductions amounted to a third of the total sum that Israel owed and refused to accept any of the money, threatening to go to the ICC over the issue.
April 8, 2015


Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83) 


Headline:  Lebanese army says it killed 3 militants in raid near border with Syria

The Lebanese army says it has killed three militants and wounded four others in a raid near the border with Syria. In a statement issued on Tuesday, the military says it carried out the raid in the hills of Mkhairmeh based on information that “terrorist groups” were preparing logistics for combat operations there. It says the army attack was in the context of “preventive military operations” to eradicate militant groups and prevent them from infiltrating Lebanon to target army outposts and civilians. The Lebanese military occasionally clashes with Syria-based militants from the Islamic State group and the Nusra Front.
April 7, 2015


Saudi-ArabiaSaudi Arabia

Headline:  Two Saudi policemen shot dead in Riyadh

Two Saudi policemen were killed in the capital Riyadh in the early hours of Wednesday morning, state media reported, citing an unnamed police spokesman. The policemen were patrolling in their vehicle at 1:30 a.m. when shots were fired from an unidentified vehicle, killing Thamer Amran al-Mutairi and Abdulmohsen Khalaf al-Mutairi. Last month two policemen were shot and injured in a similar attack in Riyadh, Reuters reported. SPA says an investigation is underway. No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack.
April 8, 2015



Headline:  Hellfire missiles approved for Egypt

Egypt has been approved by the U.S. State Department for purchase of more than 300 Hellfire missiles through the Foreign Military Sales program. The 356 AGM-114K/R3 Hellfire II Air-to-Ground missiles, together with associated equipment and support, would be worth an estimated $57 million, according to the U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency, which notified Congress of the possible sale. “Egypt will use the enhanced capability as a deterrent to regional threats and to strengthen its homeland defense,” the agency said. “While this potential sale would be the first transfer of the R variant of this missile to Egypt, Egypt already has the F and K variants in its inventory and will have no difficulty absorbing these additional missiles.”
April 8, 2015





Headline:  Yemen war: Saudis prevented Russian evacuations by air, bombed Moscow’s spy center in Aden

Saudi Arabia has gone head to head with Russia as Iran’s ally in Yemen. Moscow claims to have evacuated hundreds of Russian nationals from Yemen by an air lift running out of Sanaa airport, but debkafile’s exclusive intelligence and military sources reveal that not a single Russian plane has taken off from any Yemeni airport since March 27, when Saudi Arabia launched its military offensive against the pro-Iranian Houthi rebels. The Saudiis warned Russia that they would not be responsible for the safety of any flights landing at a Yemeni airport or the passengers assembled there for evacuation, while their air force conducted strikes against the rebels. Having achieved control of Yemen’s skies in the early stages of their intervention, the Saudis declared its air space a no-fly zone. This warning gained substance when, on April 1, Saudi F-15 warplanes bombed the Russian consulate in the second largest Yemeni city, Aden. A Russian witness said that not a single window was left in the building and all Russian citizens would have to leave the town. According to debkafile’s sources, the building was in fact completely demolished in order to dismantle Russia’s regional intelligence-gathering center which operated out of the consulate building and fed Iranian intelligence with data on military movements in the neighborhood. It functioned according to the same system as Russian spy stations in Syria, which routinely keep their Iranian colleagues au fait with military activities, including Israeli army movements. The intelligence gathered by the Aden facility was no doubt passed on by Iranian agents to the Houthi commanders, certainly after Al Qods Brigades chief Gen. Qassem Soleimani arrived in Sanaa to direct the rebel offensive after the Saudi offensive was launched.
April 7, 2015


Headline:    Iran reportedly sends navy vessels near Yemen amid airstrikes

Headline:  Iranian ships ‘not allowed’ in Yemeni waters says Saudi General

A state-run broadcaster in Iran is reporting that the Islamic Republic has sent a navy destroyer and another vessel to waters near Yemen amid a Saudi-led airstrike campaign. Iran’s English-language Press TV on Wednesday quoted Rear Adm. Habibollah Sayyari saying that the vessels would be part of an anti-piracy campaign “safeguarding naval routes for vessels in the region.” However, the maneuver comes as a coalition of Saudi-led countries is launching airstrikes targeting Shiite rebels in Yemen known as Houthis. Critics say Shiite power Iran backs the Houthis, though both the Islamic Republic and the rebels deny any direct military assistance.
April 8, 2015



Headline:   Fighting in central Aden, mosques call for jihad

Headline:  Yemen’s Qaeda offers gold bounties for Huthi, Saleh

Headline:  WHO Revises Death Toll in Yemen Fighting to 643

Dozens of Yemeni Houthi fighters clashed with local militiamen in the central Aden district of Crater on Wednesday and mosques broadcast calls for jihad to combat the Houthi forces trying to take over the southern Yemeni port city, residents said. They said several houses were on fire after being hit by rockets, and families stayed indoors as fighting raged from street to street. The Houthis, who are allied to soldiers loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, advanced into Crater on Wednesday morning with a tank and two armoured vehicles, one resident said. Mosques in Crater called on the population to wage holy war against the Houthis, their loudspeakers, usually reserved for sermons and the call to prayer, broadcasting: “God is the greatest! Rise for jihad!” The battle in the old centre of Aden came a day after fighters from the city said they had pushed the Houthis and allied troops from positions in northern Aden neighbourhoods, which they said cut Houthi supply lines into the centre.
April 8, 2015




Headline:   U.S. expands military involvement in Yemen’s proxy war between Iran, Saudis

U.S. military officials said the Pentagon has expanded weapons shipments to the Saudi-led Arab coalition now conducting an air campaign against Iran-backed Shiite Houthi rebels in Yemen. By taking an active interest, the United States is deepening its involvement in the Yemen conflict which is being viewed in the region as a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The McClatchy news agency reported that the weapons are likely precision-guided weapons as the Saudi alliance has no troops on the ground to provide targeting coordinates. “It’s a combination of pre-existing orders to our partners and some new requirements,” said Army Col. Steve Warren, describing the arms shipments. In another indication of increased U.S. involvement, an American military team headed by Marine Maj. Gen. Sam Bundy, deputy commander of the Marines at the U.S. Central Command, has joined a “joint fusion center” in Saudi Arabia that is conducting the air strikes in Yemen.
April 8, 2015


    Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:  2 deadly car bombs hit rebel bases in Syria

A pair of car bombs targeted two rebel bases north of the Syrian city of Aleppo on Tuesday, killing and wounding dozens, two activist groups said. The attacks targeted compounds belonging to Islamic opposition groups in the countryside north of Aleppo, a strategic stretch of territory because of its proximity to neighboring Turkey. Long a stronghold for Syrian rebels, the area has been a flash point since the Islamic State group advanced into the region several months ago. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the first bombing hit the town of Marea, killing at least seven people, including two rebel leaders, and wounding dozens more. It said a second explosion in the Hur Kilis area killed and wounded up to 40 people, although the Observatory did not have exact figures. The Aleppo Media Center activist group put the toll in the first blast at 12 killed and more than 15 wounded. It reported at least 30 casualties in the second attack in Hur Kilis.
April 7, 2015


Syria Headline:   Assad looses ISIS against Palestinians trapped in Yarmouk camp – a sinister new partnership

Syria Headline:   Syrian minister calls for military op in Yarmouk

Syria Headline:   Syria set to offer Palestinians firepower

Obama’s rapprochement with Iran and its Middle East allies has produced an incredibly sinister new twist in the Syrian war as it enters its fifth year. The atrocity-ridden conflict finds 16,000 Palestinians trapped in horrible conditions in the Yarmouk refugee camp of Damascus and beset by two enemies: the Islamic State and the President Bashar Assad’s army.
The world has been shown three players in the vicious Yarmouk contest: The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, whose jihadis are slashing through the refugee camp and massacring its Palestinian inmates, the second player, and the Syrian army, the third, which appears to be fighting to keep the Islamists from reaching central Damascus. The camp lies 8.5 km from Assad’s presidential palace. The Islamists are usually presented as fighting to settle a score with the camp’s inmates, because the Hamas majority is aligned with Iran and Hizballah, ISIS’s deadliest foes. But even this evil scenario is not crazy enough to cover the new patchwork of alliances revealed here by debkafile’s military and intelligence sources. Syrian troops were actually directed by Assad to open the roads to Damascus and give the Islamists a free path to their Palestinian victims. This saved ISIS the need to detach substantial strength from other fronts for its Yarmouk operation. ISIS is winning its cheapest victory yet as a result of a secret understanding reached by the Syrian president with the Islamists’ leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, which evolved from their covert partnership in the oil and gas fields of eastern Syria.
April 8, 2015





Syria Headline:   Syrian rebels report new gains in Daraa

Subsequent to fierce battles with the Syrian regime’s forces, factions of the armed opposition forces reportedly seized control of the town of Kafr Shams in the northern countryside of Daraa, southern Syria, on Tuesday. According to military sources, the opposition fighters launched an offensive on a major checkpoint held by the regime’s forces in the vicinity of the town of Kafr Shams. Jassim Mutawe, a fighter in the ranks of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in Daraa’s countryside, stated to ARA News that the town of Kafr Shams has a great importance “as it opens the path for the rebels to control the strategic village of Qita”, which is the gateway to the city of Sanamayn, the second largest city in the countryside of Daraa after Nawa. Mutawe added that the Syrian regime brought in large military reinforcements “including Iraqi and Iranian Shiite militias” to Qita following the withdrawal of its soldiers from the town of Kafr Shams. Daraa witnesses fierce battles between pro-Assad army forces –Shiite militias– and the opposition forces, who were able last week to control the Nasib crossing, the last crossing held by the regime on the Jordanian border. Seizing control of Nasib border crossing and the city of Bosra Sham (in the eastern countryside of Daraa) are considered as the most prominent gains by the armed opposition forces in Southern Syria.
April 8, 2015


Deir al Zor

Syria Headline:   Islamic State opens new military camp in Deir ez-Zor

On Tuesday, the Islamic State group (IS/ISIS) opened a new military training camp in the town of al-Sour in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor province, eastern Syria. Activists in Deir ez-Zor reported that IS is trying to attract youngsters in Deir ez-Zor to join the newly opened camp, which is expected to provide qualitative training about tactical military operations as well as street fighting to its members and new recruits. Taim Ali, a civil rights activist based in Deir ez-Zor, told ARA News that the group transferred dozens of its fighters to the battlefront in northern Syria and Iraq, after suffering heavy losses during battles against the Kurdish forces and while under airstrikes by the U.S.-led international coalition. “IS pays salaries to the youth who recently enrolled in the camp in an attempt to attract more recruits to and encourage them to engage in battles,” Ali said.
April 8, 2015


Syria Headline:   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights



Iraq Headline:  Iraqi forces move against Islamic State in Sunni heartland Anbar

Iraqi security forces launched a new offensive against Islamic State insurgents in the Sunni Muslim heartland of Anbar on Wednesday, seeking to build on a victory over the jihadist group last week in the city of Tikrit. Fighting began in the western province’s desert terrain as Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi was touring Anbar, visiting Iraqi army units and pro-government Sunnis, his office said. Abadi was expected to address the nation from Anbar later in the day. “Our next stand and battle will be from Anbar to liberate it entirely,” Abadi said in a post on his official Facebook page. “We will prevail in Anbar as we prevailed in Tikrit.” Army officers said Islamic State militants were driven back on Wednesday in the Sijariya area east of the Anbar capital Ramadi and Falluja — the region’s two key cities, where the ultra-radical Sunni group has been dominant. Islamic State was retreating from Sijariya, trading mortar fire with government forces, military sources said. A senior Iraqi officer in Ramadi said the purpose of clearing Sijariya was to secure supply routes to the nearby Habbaniya air base and to weaken the jihadists’ grip on territory connecting Ramadi and Falluja.
April 8, 2015


Iraq Headline:    ISW Iraq Situation Report April 4-6, 2015


Psalm 83Ezekiel

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 

RussiaRussia   war_thumb_thumb.jpg

Headline:  Ukraine agrees military-technical cooperation with NATO

Ukraine will sign a set of agreements with NATO on military-technical cooperation in intelligence, surveillance and other areas, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk told his Cabinet. Kiev and NATO will sign a memorandum on cooperation in “control, communications, intelligence and surveillance” under NATO’s Partnership for Peace program, Yatsenyuk was cited as saying by Tass news agency. Another document will see the implementation of four trust projects, including military-technical cooperation, communications and new information technologies, the PM added. “Ukraine must restore its armed forces exclusively following the example of the strongest armies and strongest alliances that fight for peace in the world. In the first place, these are the standards of NATO, and we are moving in this direction,” Yatsenyuk said. Ukraine is intensifying its ties with NATO in hopes of becoming a full member of the military alliance in five years’ time.
April 8, 2015



Headline: 8 Iranian guards killed at Pakistan border

Eight Iranian border guards were killed by militants in a cross-border raid on the frontier with Pakistan on Monday, according to reports in the Iranian media. Sistan-Baluchistan province in southeast Iran has long been plagued by unrest from both drug smuggling gangs and separatist militants. “The armed terrorists entered Iranian soil from Pakistani soil and clashed with the guards,” Ali Asghar Mirshekari, the deputy governor of the province, told the IRNA news agency. “They killed eight members of the border guards and fled to Pakistani soil.” The attack happened only two days before Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was scheduled to visit Pakistan. Tasnim Aslam, a spokeswoman for the Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs, condemned the attack and noted that a militant group called Jaish Al-Adl had claimed responsibility, according to Iranian state media. “It’s necessary that the two countries work together on this issue in order to maintain security in the border areas,” she said. Jaish Al-Adl is a Sunni militant group that has carried out attacks against Iranian security forces with the aim of highlighting what they say is discrimination against Sunni Muslims and the ethnic Baluch in the province.
April 8, 2015


Headline:  Iran: We’ll Start Using Advanced Centrifuges After Deal Signed

Iran’s negotiator in the nuclear negotiations and its nuclear chief revealed on Tuesday that after a final deal is signed by a June 30 deadline on the framework reached last week, Iran will unleash its most advanced centrifuges for uranium enrichment, threatening a quick turnover in producing a nuclear weapon. Iran’s semi-official FARS news agency reported on a closed meeting held Tuesday by Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) chief Ali Akbar Salehi, in which they briefed members of Iran’s parliament on the deal being finalized. In their statements, they said Iran’s most advanced IR-8 centrifuges will be used as soon as the deal removing world sanctions against Iran begins. The report noted the two said the advanced centrifuges enrich uranium 20 times faster than the current IR-1 models, meaning they would radically reduce the breakout time needed for Iran to obtain a nuclear arsenal.
April 8, 2015






Headline:  U.S., Afghan soldiers killed in firefight between Afghan, NATO forces

An American and an Afghan soldier were killed on Wednesday when a firefight broke out between Afghan and NATO coalition forces at a compound where a senior U.S. diplomat met a provincial governor in eastern Afghanistan, police and U.S. sources said. Soldiers from both sides were wounded in the shooting, which erupted shortly after the diplomat left the compound aboard a helicopter, according to U.S. and Afghan sources. A U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, estimated that around six American personnel were wounded, but the Pentagon said only that “several” were injured in the attack. “I can confirm that one American soldier was killed today,” Colonel Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman, told reporters. Asked whether this was an insider attack by an Afghan soldier turning his weapon against NATO forces, Warren said: “It’s a little early to tell. Indications are leaning that way.”
April 8, 2015






Headline:  ISIS: First We Take Libya, Then We Take Tunisia

Headline:  Tunisian IS Fighter in Libya Calls Countrymen to Join Him in Video, Threatens Tunisian Government

The Islamic State’s “Tripoli province” released a new video calling for Tunisian supporters to help ISIS conquer Libya, as a strategic step towards conquering Tunisia. In the video, a masked ISIS gunman from Tripoli threatens to slaughter Tunisia’s leaders and avenge the imprisonment of ISIS supporters there. Local reports say that Tunisian prisons currently hold at least 150 jihadists who returned from fighting in Syria. “The Islamic State is only a few kilometers from you [Tunisia], we are coming”, he says. “Brothers, come to Libya. Don’t be humiliated by the [Tunisian] dictators. Muslims have their own state now.” The video ends with old footage from the ISIS attack against the Iranian embassy in Tripoli, which took place on Feb. 22, 2015. Tunisia is considered to be the largest exporter of ISIS fighters, and the group is also steadily gaining domestic influence there, with ISIS claiming responsibility for last month’s terrorist attack in Tunis. The Islamic State’s English propaganda magazine, Dabiq, dedicated their last issue to ISIS expansion across Africa, and the cover image was a picture of Tunisia’s landmark Mosque of Kairouan.
April 8, 2015




Headline:    4 Tunisian soldiers perish in ambush

Headline:    Fifth Tunisian soldier dies after ambush

Four Tunisian soldiers were killed and six wounded Tuesday in an ambush in the Kasserine region where the military is battling militants, state television reported. “Four soldiers have died as martyrs and six were wounded in an ambush against a military patrol,” the Wataniya 1 channel reported, quoting the defense ministry. The channel had earlier given a toll of two dead and three wounded. It gave no further details and officials at the defense ministry could not be immediately reached. A military source told AFP that the attack took place not far from the city of Sbeitla. Several Tunisian media reported that the soldiers came under fire with a rocket-propelled grenade.
April 8, 2015




Headline:    Italy, Egypt and Algeria to intensify collaboration over Libya

Italy, Egypt and Algeria have agreed to “intensify” joint efforts to fight the growth of terrorist forces in Libya and to pool information as part of the move. The decision was taken at a meeting in Rome this afternoon of the three countries’ ministers dealing with Libya. They also agreed to continue backing the UN bid to create a Libyan national unity government. “We have decided to intensify our efforts and our work together to promote the activities of UN envoy Bernardino Leon trying to stabilise the situation in Libya,” Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni said at a press conference attended by his Egyptian counterpart, Sameh Shoukri, and Algeria’s Minister for Maghreb and African Affairs, Abdelkader Messahel. Algeria’s Messahel said that it made sense to coordinate policy and strategy on the terrorist threat from Libya, warning that the situation in Libya had to be brought under control otherwise it would impact on his own country’s security.
April 8, 2015






Headline:  Iran and Turkey ‘agree to stop war in Yemen’

In a joint press conference with visiting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the war in Yemen was high on the agenda during his talks with the Turkish leader. “We talked about Iraq, Syria, Palestine … We had a long discussion about Yemen. We both think that war and bloodshed must stop in this area immediately, and a complete ceasefire must be established,” Rouhani said, adding that the Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen must halt. The Iranian president said he hoped that Turkey and Iran could end the Yemen war “with the help of other countries in the region” and bring “peace, stability” to the Middle Eastern country. Turkey has joined the Saudi-led coalition conducting airstrikes against Shiite Houthi rebels in Yemen, who have captured several key Yemeni cities including the capital Sanaa and the southern port city of Aden. Riyadh accuses Tehran of supporting Houthis in toppling President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi’s government. Iran denies the allegations. For his part, Erdogan chose not to comment directly on Yemen’s conflict in the press conference, but talked in detail about his country’s relations with Iran, and civil wars in Syria and Iraq. “We discussed Iraq. A hundred thousand people have been killed there. So far, more than 300 thousand have been killed in Syria. All were Muslims. We do not know who is killing who,” Erdogan said. “We have to get united and stop the killing and bloodshed. We have to bring together those who are fighting,” the Turkish leader added.
April 8, 2015



Headline:    Armenian soldier killed in Karabakh clashes

An Armenian soldier has been killed in clashes between Azerbaijani and Armenian border forces in the disputed mountainous region of Nagorno-Karabakh.   The Defense Ministry of the breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region said in a statement on Wednesday that the soldier was shot dead by an Azerbaijani sniper at the frontline. “On April 7 (Tuesday), a soldier was shot dead on the Karabakh frontline by an Azerbaijani sniper,” the statement read. The Armenian Defense Ministry spokesman also said on Tuesday that another Armenian officer was killed in fierce fighting on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan. “Azerbaijani armed forces violated the ceasefire at the north-eastern sector of the state border,” the Armenian spokesman, Artsrun Hovannisyan, said, adding that an Armenian army officer was killed in the clashes. Some 25 people from both sides reportedly lost their lives and several others were wounded this year in clashes in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.
April 8, 2015


nation against nation 3CooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: Fifteen Mexican police officers killed in deadly ambush in Jalisco state

Fifteen Mexican police officers have been killed and five seriously wounded in the deadliest single attack on the country’s security forces in recent memory. The officers’ convoy was ambushed as it drove along a winding mountain road in the western state of Jalisco on Monday afternoon. The gunmen, believed to belong to the New Generation Jalisco cartel, reportedly used burning vehicles to block the road while they openend fire with machine guns and grenade launchers from the mountainsides. Monday’s ambush produced the biggest death toll since 2010, when 12 federal officers were killed in the neighbouring state of Michoacán in an attack blamed on the La Familia cartel. It has also drawn attention to the security crisis in Jalisco, in which orchestrated attacks on the security forces and public officials have been escalating in recent months, mostly blamed on the New Generation Jalisco cartel. Over 70 public officials, including police, have reportedly been killed in Jalisco since 2013.
April 7, 2015


WarsAndRumorsOfWarsCooltextprophecysignWars & Rumors of Wars Matthew 24:6 , Revelation 6:3-4 & Revelation 6:8 “ And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword. Prophecy Sign: Weapons of Mass Destruction Zechariah 14:12 “And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.”

Headline:  Northcom: China’s Three Missile Submarines a ‘Concern’

The Chinese Navy has deployed three ballistic missile submarines at sea capable of striking the United States with nuclear missiles, the commander of the U.S. Northern Command said Tuesday. Adm. William Gortney, the commander, said the submarines are a “concern” and will be able to strike the United States when fully deployed with missiles and warheads.
The missile submarines are deployed in the South China Sea at a base on Hainan Island, according to a defense official. They’ve not loaded their missiles or begun strategic patrols,” the official said. “But we believe they are likely to begin this year.” Gortney also stated explicitly that U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that North Korea is capable of mounting a small nuclear warhead on its new road-mobile KN-08 intercontinental missiles.
April 7, 2015


Headline:  US aerospace command moving comms gear back to Cold War bunker

The US military command that scans North America’s skies for enemy missiles and aircraft plans to move its communications gear to a Cold War-era mountain bunker, officers said. The shift to the Cheyenne Mountain base in Colorado is designed to safeguard the command’s sensitive sensors and servers from a potential electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack, military officers said. The Pentagon last week announced a $700 million contract with Raytheon Corporation to oversee the work for North American Aerospace Command (NORAD) and US Northern Command. Admiral William Gortney, head of NORAD and Northern Command, said that “because of the very nature of the way that Cheyenne Mountain’s built, it’s EMP-hardened.” “And so, there’s a lot of movement to put capability into Cheyenne Mountain and to be able to communicate in there,” Gortney told reporters. “My primary concern was… are we going to have the space inside the mountain for everybody who wants to move in there, and I’m not at liberty to discuss who’s moving in there,” he said.
April 8, 2015


This 26 October, 2003 NASA Solar and Hel     Cooltextprophecysign Scorching Sun Isaiah30:26 , Revelation 16:8-9 & Revelation 7:16, Malachi 4:1 “Moreover the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, And the light of the sun will be sevenfold, As the light of seven days, In the day that the Lord binds up the bruise of His people And heals the stroke of their wound.” (Isaiah 30:26) “Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory.” (Revelation 16:8-9) “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.” ( Revelation 7: 16) “For behold, the day is coming,Burning like an oven, And all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble. And the day which is coming shall burn them up,” Says the Lord of hosts, “That will leave them neither root nor branch” (Malachi 4:1) Prophecy Sign: Drought Jeremiah 50:38 & Isaiah 42:15 “A drought is against her waters, and they will be dried up. For it is the land of carved images, And they are insane with their idols.” (Jeremiah)“I will lay waste the mountains and hills, And dry up all their vegetation; I will make the rivers coastlands, And I will dry up the pools.”(Isaiah)

Headline:  Southern California reportedly faces cut in water deliveries this summer

Headline:  Smart Meters: Enforcement Of Mandatory Water Restrictions Is Only Just The Beginning

Southern California’s water wholesaler reportedly is planning to cut deliveries of imported water to 26 cities and districts in response to the state’s ongoing drought. According to The Los Angeles Times, the rationing measure by the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) will take effect July 1 and was in the works before California Gov. Jerry Brown mandated a 25 percent cut in water use by the state’s cities and towns last week. The size of the cutback has not been revealed, but the Times reports that the MWD could reduce deliveries by between 10 and 20 percent, which would amount to between 200,000 and 400,000 fewer acre-feet of water. An acre-foot of water is enough to supply two households for one year. If a local agency needs more water than their allocation, they will be required to pay a surcharge of up to $2,690 per acre-foot for extra deliveries. That could raise the cost of water by roughly fourfold for agencies and, possibly, residents.
April 7, 2015



Headline:   Taiwan rations water amid drought

Taiwan has begun rationing water supplies to more than one million households as it tackles the island’s worst drought in years. Water supplies will be cut off entirely for two days each week, on a rotating basis, in several northern cities. The shortage is due to reduced rainfall, leaving water levels in reservoirs far below capacity. But a leaky delivery system, silt build-up in reservoirs and wastage are also being blamed. Late last month, the government said the dry spell was forecast to continue. “The water supply situation is urgent as Taiwan had the lowest rainfall last autumn and winter since 1947,” the economics affairs ministry said. “We may have delayed or no monsoon rains at all… We urge the public to co-operate during this difficult time.” The rationing is affecting New Taipei City, neighbouring Taoyuan City and Hsinchu County all in the north of the island. New Taipei surrounds the capital, Taipei, which remains unaffected.
April 8, 2015

    Luke 21-25 signs in heavenCooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

Headline:   37 killed in Bangladesh storms

At least 37 people were killed when powerful storms swept Bangladesh at the weekend and left a trail of devastation in the northwest, officials said Monday. Rescuers and villagers recovered the bodies of victims after the storms flattened thousands of houses, uprooted trees and electricity poles and damaged paddy fields across a large area on Saturday night and Sunday. Nineteen people died in the northern district of Bogra, government administrator of the district Shafiqur Reza Biswas told AFP, adding that more than 100 people were injured. “They died mostly after they were hit by falling trees or collapsed houses and walls,” he said, adding that authorities have sent emergency relief to thousands of villagers. In neighbouring Rajshahi district, at least five people were killed and 27 injured as the storm hit a large stretch of low-lying land, another administrator said. “At least 6,960 mud and tin-built houses were completely damaged by the storm,” said Mejbah Uddin Chowdhury. In the western district of Kushtia two people died and around 100 houses were flattened on Sunday. Two died from lightning strikes as the storm hit the southern port city of Chittagong on Monday, government officials told AFP. There were also fatalities in at least nine other districts, officials told local media, bringing the death toll to 37.
April 6, 2015


Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes


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