
For years I have been warning people to get right with God and to walk in the way Jesus wants you to walk. I have shared my concerns with many people over the course of many years, that what we see in so called Christians is a far cry from what we see how the members of the early church walked in Christ.  People’s mouths are saying they are a Christian but their actions are the exact opposite from what Jesus wants from them, and the fruit of their life is dead.  So this brings us to the question, are you a real Christian or are you going to be one of those people who the Lord says get away from me I do not know you?  Today I was sent a video that has a person explaining this issue far better then I, but what he talks about is what has been in my heart for years. I wanted to post his message because theree is no doubt that these are the last days and many of you are not right with God.  I have examined my oen life as well, so I am not telling you to do something I haven’t done myself.  Many of you who are Christians are not right with God and may not even know this to be true. So, take this test, let the Holy Spirit speak to you through this man’s message and see what path you really are on. I think it wise to examine yourselves to make sure the path we are walking will lead us to heaven and not yell.  I don’t care If you are a Christian, you need to see this.  I have no other message today, because this one is the most important message we all need to hear. Thank you for you time. Have a safe week end.

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