Aug. 26, 2020- Distress of nations, the sea and the waves roaring…Luke 21:25



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  IDF strikes targets in southern Gaza Strip

Israeli warplanes and tanks attacked Hamas targets in southern Gaza early Wednesday after terrorists in Gaza sent dozens of incendiary balloons toward Israel, sparking several fires. The Israel Defense Forces said it hit Hamas military posts and underground infrastructure in response to the balloon attacks. The 29 fires caused by airborne arson attacks in southern Israel on Tuesday followed 36 on Monday, 28 on Sunday and 35 the day before, according to the fire department. The strikes came hours after a Qatari envoy arrived in the Gaza Strip bringing $30 million in cash, seeking to ease the Israel-Hamas tensions that have led to daily arson balloon and rocket attacks on Israel and IDF reprisal strikes. The uptick in violence along the border is thought to be linked to demands for increased cash transfers from Qatar to the Strip, where around 60 percent of the population is unemployed. In recent days the IDF has responded to dozens of daily arson balloons and intermittent rocket fire with near-nightly reprisal strikes on Hamas targets in the Strip, including underground infrastructure, weapons production facilities, cement factories used to make parts for tunnels, and observation posts along the border.
Aug. 26, 2020

Israel strikes Hezbollah posts in Lebanon after firing at troops, military says

Netanyahu Threatens ‘Crushing Force’ Against Hezbollah After Shots Fired at Israeli Soldiers

Israeli aircraft struck posts belonging to the Lebanese Shi’ite group Hezbollah early on Wednesday after shots were fired from Lebanon towards its troops, Israel’s military said. No Israeli troops were wounded in the firing, the military said. Soldiers deployed illumination flares, smoke shells and live fire after the shots from the Lebanese side of the frontier, it said. “In response, overnight, IDF attack helicopters and aircraft struck observation posts belonging to the Hezbollah terror organization in the border area,” the military said in a statement, referring to the Israel Defense Forces.
Aug. 26, 2020


Jordan, Egypt, Iraq summit stresses coordination, Palestinian issues

Jordan’s King Abdullah II, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi and Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi “reaffirmed the centrality of the Palestinian cause,” at the summit, stressing that the conflict must be resolved according to international law, UN resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative. The three added that Israel must stop efforts to annex territory and any measures that “undermine prospects to achieve just peace, or seek to alter the historical and legal status quo in Jerusalem and its Islamic and Christian holy sites.” Kadhimi added that Iraq’s vision for the Palestinians is based on avoiding conflict and developing joint economic zones with Jordan and Egypt to enhance economic cooperation and integration. The summit stressed Jordan’s “important role” in safeguarding Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, according to Petra news. The trilateral mechanism between Jordan, Egypt and Iraq will be institutionalized with an executive secretariat that will be headquartered at Jordan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates for a year starting on August 25. The secretariat will rotate between the three countries. The mechanism was originally launched in 2019.
Aug. 26, 2020

Netanyahu, Putin agree to continue coordination in Syria

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed to continue coordinating to allow for Israeli airstrikes in Syria, in a phone conversation on Monday. The leaders “noted a mutual interest in continuing coordination in the Syrian sector to counter international terrorism,” the Kremlin readout of Monday’s call states. Israel has maintained a policy of airstrikes on Iranian targets in Syria, to prevent their entrenchment along Israel’s northern border. Israeli and Russian officials have been in continual contact about the situation in Syria, where Russia has a significant military presence. Netanyahu and Putin also agreed to have their countries cooperate in research and production of a coronavirus vaccine.
Aug. 26, 2020


Turkey-Greece rival military exercises due as oil tensions rise

Turkey announces historic Black Sea natural gas find

Are Turkey and Greece Heading for War?

Turkey and Greece have announced they will conduct rival naval exercises off the Greek island of Crete on Tuesday amid rising tension over claims to gas and oil in the Eastern Mediterranean. Turkey sent out an official warning to other vessels to avoid the area. Greece announced its exercises after Turkey said it would extend a mission by a seismic research ship. Turkey and Greece – both Nato members – are at loggerheads over the discovery of oil and gas deposits off Crete and Cyprus in disputed waters. Greece is in the European Union, which has called for dialogue. But France appears to side with Greece – it has been involved in a recent naval exercise with Greece. Turkey announced on Monday that exploration by its Oruc Reis research vessel in contentious waters would be extended for four days till 27 August. That appears to have spurred Greece, which sees the survey as unlawful, to signal naval exercises. Further complicating matters, Greek officials said on Friday that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) would dispatch F-16 fighter jets to Crete for joint training this week.
Aug. 25, 2020

UN Security Council rejects US demand to ‘snapback’ sanctions on Iran

The UN on Tuesday dismissed a controversial bid by the United States to reimpose all international sanctions against Iran, laying bare the differences between Washington and other members of the Security Council on Iran policy. The council presidency, held by Indonesia since in August, said it was “not in a position to take further action” on Washington’s request citing a lack of consensus in the 15-member body. The Trump administration had demanded on August 20 that the Security Council restore UN sanctions against Iran accusing it of failing to comply with the terms of the historic 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Washington pulled out of the deal two years ago but insists on its legal right to trigger a return of sanctions, using the disputed procedure called “snapback.” All members, except the Dominican Republic, expressed their opposition to the US move, according to Indonesia’s UN ambassador Dian Triansyah Djani. The US ambassador to the UN, Kelly Craft issued a strong rebuke to the announcement. She reiterated Washington’s position on the issue while accusing other members of the UN’s most powerful body showing a lack of courage and moral clarity.
Aug. 26, 2020


  Protesters rounded up in Belarus

Belarusian police have rounded up dozens of protesters heading home from peaceful demonstrations, rights groups said on Wednesday, after days in which the authorities exercised comparative restraint towards mass anti-government rallies. The country’s most celebrated writer, Nobel Prize-winner Svetlana Alexievich, was expected to appear for questioning later on Wednesday in a criminal investigation into an opposition council, two of whose leaders were jailed this week. President Alexander Lukashenko has faced more than two weeks of mass demonstrations against his 26-year rule since an election which his opponents say was rigged. He denies electoral fraud and says the protests are funded from abroad.
Aug. 26, 2020

Two Killed and One Injured on Third Night of Unrest in Kenosha, Wis.

Portland police declare riot after protesters enter City Hall

Three people were shot early Wednesday, two fatally, law enforcement officials said, during a chaotic night of demonstrations over the shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black resident whose children were nearby as their father was shot this week by a white police officer. In Kenosha, a third night of protests over the shooting of Mr. Blake stretched into the early morning hours of Wednesday, after demonstrators clashed with law enforcement officials near the county courthouse downtown. Tuesday evening was spent in a shifting, hourslong standoff between the police and protesters. Protesters assembled outside a newly erected metal barrier protecting the courthouse and threw water bottles, rocks and fireworks at the police. The police responded with tear gas and rubber bullets, repeatedly warning the crowd through a bullhorn that they were violating the city curfew of 8 p.m. and risking arrest. The crowd was eventually forced out of the park with tear gas and onto city streets, where the standoff continued.
Aug. 26, 2020


Battle looms in Mozambique over extremists’ control of port

The stinging success of Mozambique’s Islamic extremist rebels in seizing and holding a northern port city signals to the government, neighboring countries and the world that Africa has yet another insurgency hotspot. A battle looms as the government is expected to launch its forces to regain control of Mocimboa da Praia, a strategic port in northeastern Mozambique that was captured by the extremists earlier this month. The Islamic State Central African Province showed new levels of organization, strategy, manpower and weaponry in the days-long battle to win control of the port earlier this month. The extremists have held the port city for nearly two weeks, setting up what will likely be a bruising battle. “The Mozambican military will recapture Mocímboa da Praia. The question is when and how,” said expert Morier-Genoud. “Once they do, the question will also be how will the army hold onto the town. The present organization and logistics of the army clearly failed to secure the town this time round.”
Aug. 25, 2020

China Fires Two Missiles Into Sea As “Warning To US” In Huge Escalation Following Spy Plane Breach

China Gains Seat on Law of the Sea Tribunal

Chinese media and regional sources are reporting what appears to be the biggest provocation yet amid the months-long US-China ratcheting tensions in the South China Sea. “China launched two medium-range missiles into the South China Sea on Wednesday morning, a source close to the Chinese military said, sending a warning to the United States,” The South China Post reports in a major breaking development. The launch is said to be in response to the major incident from Tuesday, wherein China’s PLA military angrily denounced that a US U-2 spy plane allegedly entered a ‘no-fly zone’ off China’s coast while the PLA conducted live-fire military drills.  Reports suggested the spy plane was caught seeking to observe PLA drills in the Bohai Sea off China’s north coast.
Aug. 26, 2020 


 Senators Demand FDA Explain Hydroxychloroquine Stance Amid Positive Studies And Physician Advocates

The debate over hydroxychloroquine has faded from the forefront as big tech has worked to suppress information and silence the voices of doctors and researchers promoting it. However, it appears the controversy over the drug has encouraged some senators to take a closer look, and it seems they are asking the FDA the right questions. Doctors and researchers advocating for hydroxychloroquine are recommending it be used in high-risk outpatients. In the letter to Hahn, the senators are asking about specific actions the agency has taken regarding hydroxychloroquine. The current FDA guidance is that it should not be used outside the hospital setting for COVID-19, and the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) has been withdrawn. Given the safety profile of the medication and the fact it is used daily on an outpatient basis around the world for malaria prevention, malaria treatment, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus, this guidance is ridiculous on its face. The recommended duration of hydroxychloroquine treatment for COVID-19 is between five and seven days at FDA approved dosages. In a sane world, a doctor may prescribe drugs off-label at approved dosages if they think a medication may be useful for a patient’s symptoms. However, 2020 is not sane, and now the FDA interference has led to medical boards, hospital systems, and politicians banning the use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19. These actions are unprecedented in the doctor-patient relationship.
Aug. 26, 2020


  Laura forecast to rapidly strengthen into Category 4 hurricane before making landfall, U.S.

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Hurricane “Laura” is expected to rapidly strengthen to a Category 4 hurricane before it approaches Upper Texas and southwest Louisiana coasts and moves island near those areas tonight, August 26 or Thursday morning (LT), August 27, 2020. Potentially catastrophic storm surge, extreme winds, and flash floods are expected along the northwest Gulf Coast tonight (LT). At 12:00 UTC on August 26, Laura’s center was located about 450 km (280 miles) SSE of Lake Charles, Louisiana, and 465 km (290 miles) SE of Galveston, Texas. The storm had maximum sustained winds of 185 km/h (115 mph) and minimum central pressure of 963 hPa. This makes it a Category 3 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. It was moving NW at 24 km/h (15 mph) and this general motion should continue today, followed by NNW motion tonight (LT). On the forecast track, Laura should approach Upper Texas and southwest Louisiana coasts this evening and move inland near those areas tonight or Thursday morning.
Aug. 26, 2020

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