August 19, 2020- Palestinians Issue Fatwa Against UAE Citizens



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Palestinians Issue Fatwa Against UAE Citizens: STAY OFF TEMPLE MOUNT

There have been many different reactions to the announcement of negotiations on a peace agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel but perhaps the most strident came from the Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, who issued a fatwa (religious proclamation) declaring that Muslim citizens of the UAE will not be permitted to pray at al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Palestinian response to the announcement on Thursday was almost immediate. At the regular Muslim prayers on Friday morning, posters of Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the ruler of the UAE, were burned in protest. Palestinians also held protests against the deal in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In Shechem (Nablus), in northern Samaria, protesters burned posters of bin Zayed, US President Donald Trump, and Prime Minister Netanyahu. Sheikh Hussein pushed this hatred into action, issuing a fatwa forbidding the citizens of the UAE from praying in the silver-domed al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount.
Aug. 17, 2020

Sudan Foreign Ministry says it looks forward to peace with Israel – report

Sudan fires foreign ministry spokesman for Israel comments

Saudi FM says no ties with Israel until peace with Palestinians

Sudan looks forward to a peace agreement with Israel, its Foreign Ministry spokesperson told Sky News Arabia. His words followed the announcement last week of a pending peace deal between the Israel and the United Arab Emirates. “There is no reason for the continuation of hostility between Sudan and Israel,” the Sudanese Foreign Ministry spokesman said. “We do not deny the existence of contacts between the two countries.” Both Israel and Sudan would benefit from such an agreement, the spokesman said. The Sudanese Foreign Ministry looks forward to talks to that effect with its Israeli counterparts so that an agreement can be signed, he said. Meanwhile, Sudan’s foreign ministry spokesman was fired on Wednesday, after making these allegedly unauthorized comments.
Aug. 19, 2020

Incendiary balloons continue to land in Israel

Gaza militants renew rocket fire as Israel rejects Hamas’ demands

Incendiary balloons landed throughout southern Israel on Wednesday, as tensions continue to rise between Israel and terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip. One balloon was located in the town of Ofakim, while a number of other balloons were found in fields near Kibbutz Sa’ad, Sdot Negev, Beit Hagedi and Sde Teiman, according to Channel 12. No injuries or damage have been reported. Fires were reported near a neighborhood in Sderot and in the Be’eri forest on Wednesday morning. According to Army Radio, an Egyptian envoy that is working to prevent an escalation stated on Wednesday that there are difficulties in talks to calm the situation as both Israel and Hamas are refusing to budge. Meanwhile, Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday renewed its rocket attacks on Israeli citizens after Israel reportedly rejected the demands put forward by Hamas for cessation of cross-border hostilities.
Aug. 19, 2020


Belarusian Opposition Reaches out to Kremlin

Embattled Lukashenko Says He’s Deployed ‘Combat Ready’ Troops To Western Border

Kremlin Begins Security Forces Support for Lukashenko Following Regional Security Service Defection

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned European leaders to stay out of the Belarus crisis on August 18 to consolidate Russian management of the situation. French President Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel discussed Belarus with Putin in separate calls the morning of August 18. Putin warned both leaders that Russia would not accept any “external attempts” to interfere in Belarus or pressure Lukashenko. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov additionally called German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and reiterated similar talking points. The Kremlin will attempt to dominate likely negotiations over a potential transition government in Belarus and block any European involvement. An opposition leader speaking on behalf of Sviatlana Tikhanouskaya (a Belarusian human rights activist and politician who ran for the 2020 Belarusian presidential election) softened anti-Russian rhetoric and offered to work with the Kremlin on August 18.
Aug. 19, 2020

Mali president resigns after being arrested in military coup

Mali’s President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita resigned late Tuesday after he and Prime Minister Boubou Cisse were arrested by the military in a coup that followed months of protests. In a state-televised address, Keita said the national assembly and the government are dissolved with his resignation. Keita’s resignation came hours after the mutineers captured an army base near Bamako from where they marched into the capital to cheering crowds calling for Keita to resign before storming the president’s residence and arresting the pair, the BBC reported. The coup followed months of unrest and protests in the country calling for Keita to resign due to insecurity, a faltering economy, allegations of corruption and that he rigged legislative elections held in the spring. The United Nations said in a late July report that at least 11 protesters were killed and 150 others were injured in Bamako last month when security forces used live ammunition on demonstrators who besieged parliament, the national broadcaster’s office and the offices of the ruling party. The U.N. Security Council said it will meet Wednesday to discuss the matter, it said via Twitter.
Aug. 19, 2020

Police declare riot as Portland protesters set fires, attack government building

Protesters lit fires, threw rocks and smashed windows at county government offices in the U.S. city of Portland on Tuesday, prompting police to declare a riot, after weeks of mostly peaceful anti-racism demonstrations. The protesters, some wearing gas masks and carrying shields, lit fires in dumpsters and used lighter fuel to start a fire inside the Multnomah Building big enough to set off the sprinkler system, police said. TV footage showed debris on the street in flames and people throwing stones at the building. The fire in the building was put out by police, media said. “Portland Police has declared the gathering near the Multnomah Building a riot after individuals vandalized, repeatedly smashed first floor windows with rocks and threw burning material into an office,” the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office said on Twitter.
Aug. 19, 2020


   Bank of England Joins Key Roundtable on Central Bank Digital Currency Design

The next shape of money: From banknotes to blockchain-based digital currency

Congress Launched 35 ‘Blockchain’ Payments

Why Shoppers Want a Cashless Society

The Bank of England will take part in a key meeting tomorrow to discuss central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and their possible infrastructural designs. Hosted by global central banking think tank, the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF), on Aug. 19, the roundtable will involve the BoE’s senior fintech specialist, Simon Scorer, alongside delegates from the Swiss National Bank, ING Nederland and the Hungarian National Bank (Magyar Nemzeti Bank). The CEO of enterprise-focused blockchain platform Cypherium, Sky Guo, will also join the discussion. A key focus of the meeting will be to tackle the ways in which blockchain technology can benefit various models for CBDCs. This includes the use of smart contracts — e.g., as with designs for “programmable money” — and models for interoperable blockchain networks both within and beyond national borders.
Aug. 19, 2020


Appeals Court Overturns Injunction That Allowed California Church to Hold Indoor Services

A California appeals court on Saturday overturned a temporary injunction that prohibited Los Angeles County from enforcing an order prohibiting indoor church services, a day after a trial judge allowed renowned pastor John MacArthur and Grace Community Church to hold gatherings in the building’s sanctuary. The church proceeded with services as usual despite the order. “Given the preliminary state of the evidentiary record as well as the weight of precedent favoring the enforcement of COVID-19-related restrictions, the presumption that the health order’s ‘indoor religious services’ provision is valid has yet to be rebutted,” they stated. The court said that while the church may not hold services indoors under the County order, it is free to hold them outside.
Aug. 18, 2020


W.H.O. Issues Directive on Global Distribution for Coronavirus Vaccine

The director-general of the World Health Organization (W.H.O.), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, hit out Tuesday at what he calls “vaccine nationalism” and outlined those he wants vaccinated first against the coronavirus. Tedros said “no one is safe until everyone is safe” from the virus and vaccines – not matter their country of origin – must be first sent to those the U.N. body declares are most in need. “No one is safe until everyone is safe,” he said, before outlining what he claimed was the exemplary success of the W.H.O. in confronting the challenge of the virus first detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan last December. Exactly how the W.H.O. intends to police vaccine distribution is still to be determined, however it’s generally assumed frontline healthcare workers and those with pre-existing conditions that make them vulnerable to the virus will be first in line.
Aug. 19, 2020


 Small asteroid becomes closest ever seen passing Earth: NASA

An asteroid the size of an SUV passed 1,830 miles (2,950 kilometers) above Earth, the closest asteroid ever observed passing by our planet, NASA said Tuesday. If it had been on a collision course with Earth, the asteroid — named 2020 QG — would likely not have caused any damage, instead disintegrating in the atmosphere, creating a fireball in the sky, or a meteor, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) said in a statement. The asteroid, which was about 10 to 20 feet (three to six meters) long, passed above the southern Indian Ocean on Sunday at 0408 GMT.
Aug. 18, 2020

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