August 21, 2020- Explosive fire activity in California as National Debt Nears $27 Trillion



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 IDF carries out three waves of airstrikes as 12 rockets launched from Gaza

Hamas warns Israel of continued cross-border violence

Israel prepares for Gaza showdown after 7 rockets notch up Palestinian aggression

The IDF struck targets belonging to Hamas in the Gaza Strip during three rounds of airstrikes as 12 rockets were fired towards southern Israel from the coastal enclave on Thursday night. Of the 12 projectiles fired from the Strip, 9 were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system and others landed in open fields or within Gaza. In response to the rocket fire, Israeli military said that Israeli Airforce jets and helicopters struck sites belonging to Hamas in three waves, including underground facilities, a rocket-building site, and a cement facility used to provide materials to build tunnels used by the group. As a result of the major uptick in violence, Gantz warned Hamas that the IDF would strongly retaliate. Hamas has demanded a new ceasefire agreement, which would guarantee it additional aid from Qatar, along with other funding for infrastructure projects in the Strip. The terror group’s precise list of demands has not been released. In order to pressure Israel to acquiesce, the terror group has been ratcheting up the violence along the border, according to its own officials.
Aug. 21, 2020

Why the PA is so angry at the Israel-UAE deal

The Palestinian Authority is fuming, incensed at the agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. Ostensibly this should have been a wonderful week for the PA. Its number one goal in recent months – thwarting Israeli annexation of parts of the West Bank – was achieved, with the help of none other than Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu himself, backed by the Trump administration. Moreover, canceling annexation should have led to a resumption of security cooperation between the PA and Israel, which was halted by the PA, to pressure Israel into calling off the annexation, which lo and behold, it did.  There are two main reasons why the Israel-UAE agreement has caused such furious reactions in Ramallah. The first is political and well-known – the loss of prestige for the Israel-Palestinian conflict: Suddenly, the UAE, which is a primary player in the Sunni Arab field, is putting its own interests before those of the Palestinians. The second reason, which may carry more psychological weight, is related to Mohammad Dahlan, advisor to Mohammed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of the United Arab Emirates, also known by his acronym MBZ. Dahlan is viewed by many as the nemesis of PA President Mahmoud Abbas. The Old Man, as Abbas is known among his men, views this agreement as an especially conspiratorial attempt by Dahlan to once again oust him from the presidency and, this time, also to harm the Palestinian Authority itself. The hatred between Abbas and his former Gaza security chief and key adviser runs deep.
Aug. 21, 2020

Ancient Species of Grapes Used in First Temple Have Just Been Revived in Hebron

The wine used 3,000 years ago in the Temple service was made from a rare species of grape that no longer exists…until now, That’s because one farmer nestled in the vineyards near the ancient city of Hebron is recreating that particular species of grape which could be used for the third Temple. The grapes – Gurdali and Chardali are two species of grapes mentioned in the Talmud. Those two species of grapes are indigenous to the Hebron area according to the site’s vinter, Amichai Ariel, King David originally discovered the grapes in Hebron and the vineyard that he is reviving them is in the adjacent town of Kiryat Arba.
Aug. 20, 2020


Hundreds of Houthis killed in fighting in central Yemen, officials say

Almost 1,000 Houthi fighters have been killed over the past four days in fierce clashes with government forces, which include allied tribesmen, in various contested areas of the central province of Marib, with hundreds more wounded or captured, local media and government officials said on Thursday. The Iran-backed Houthis have stepped up their attacks on Marib’s Serwah and Helan areas in an attempt to capture the oil- and gas-rich city of Marib. The escalation in fighting comes as the United Nations Security Council and the UN Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths called upon warring factions to halt all military operations in Marib in order not to jeopardize peace in a city that is currently home to hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people who have taken shelter their over the last 5 years after fleeing their homes in the north.
Aug. 20, 2020 

Iraqi Demonstrators Set Parliament Building Afire in City of Basra, Reports Say

On Friday, the country’s security forces resorted to firing live rounds in the air to disperse protesters who were demanding that a local governor be sacked following a string of killings in the region over the past week. Reuters reported on Friday citing its witnesses that Iraqi protesters have set afire a parliament building in the southern city of Basra, where protests against the regional governor took place. The security personnel fired live rounds in the air in order to disperse the demonstrators who were hurlin the petrol bombs at the law enforcement officers.
Aug. 21, 2020


Iran seizes UAE ship as tensions mount in Gulf

Iran announced Thursday it had seized a UAE-flagged ship after claiming the UAE coastguard had opened fire on Iranian fishing boats earlier this week, killing two fisherman and arresting a third, Iranian media reported. The Foreign Ministry in Tehran issued a statement saying it summoned the United Arab Emirates envoy and filed a formal complaint, claiming Emirati Coast Guard vessels on Monday fired at several Iranian fishing boats. The UAE provided no other information on the incident. Tensions between the two countries have been rising since the announcement last week that the UAE, which faces Iran across the strategic waterway leading into the oil-rich Gulf region, was establishing diplomatic relations with Israel.
Aug. 20, 2020

Afghanistan: Bomb Attacks Leave 13 Dead, Four Wounded

Four people were killed and a further 13 wounded following a series of explosions targeting government agencies in Afghanistan on Wednesday, local authorities have confirmed. In one of the attacks, which coincided with Afghanistan’s Independence Day, two sticky bombs reportedly intended for civil servants in capital Kabul killed two people, including a police officer, while injuring two others. The other attack took place in Puli Khumri, the capital of northern Baghlan province, with a bomb exploding on a vehicle belonging to local intelligence officials. Two service members died, while 11 others were wounded, confirmed Nazir Najem, the provincial governor’s spokesman. One of those killed in the attack was high-ranking Education Ministry employee Abdul Baqi Amin, director of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education, after an explosive was placed inside his car. His death took place less than a week after Fawzia Koofi, a member of the government’s negotiating team, was injured in an assassination attempt in the north of Kabul.
Aug. 20, 2020


 Portland protesters begin assailing ICE building as clashes with cops continue; more than 80 nights

Black Lives Matter protesters angrily take to Portland neighborhood in dead of night

Protesters in Oregon’s largest city have clashed again with federal agents outside a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement building that has become a new focus of the demonstrations that have gripped Portland for months, officials said Friday. People in a group of about 100 late Thursday and before dawn Friday sprayed the building with graffiti, hurled rocks and bottles at agents and shined laser lights at them, Portland police said in a statement. The violence came a day after protesters clashed with federal agents for the first time since July in a demonstration that also targeted the ICE building. Two people were arrested and several officers suffered minor injuries.
Aug. 21, 2020 

Kenyan police teargas anti-corruption protesters in Nairobi

Kenya’s police have teargassed protesters holding peaceful demonstrations against alleged corruption including the theft of supplies for the fight against COVID-19. At least 12 demonstrators from a group of 100 protesting in different parts of Nairobi, the capital, were arrested by police, said central business district police chief Mark Wanjala. Picketing and protesting are rights guaranteed by the Kenyan constitution but police argue that they dispersed Friday’s demonstrations because of concerns that large gatherings could lead to the spread of the coronavirus. Kenyans have expressed outrage throughout the week on social media platforms over the announcement that the anti-corruption agency is investigating the theft of millions of dollars of supplies from the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority.Officials are investigating the alleged theft of supplies of personal protective equipment worth millions of dollars donated by Chinese billionaire Jack Ma, according to the announcement reports.
Aug. 21, 2020


  Pakistani Minister Threatens India With Nuclear Retaliation

Boasting of the compact and calculative capabilities of its nuclear arsenal, Pakistani Railway Minister Sheikh Rasheed has threatened India that, if provoked, Islamabad will not hesitate to wage a war and that it will be the “last war”. “If India attacks Pakistan, there is no room for a conventional war. It would be a bloody and last war, a nuclear war. Our weapons are compact, calculative, and perfect to hit the target. It would target areas avoiding Muslim clusters”, Rasheed replied to a question during an interview with Pakistan television channel Saama TV on Thursday. Rashid, who “predicted” a “likely” date for a full-blown war last year, also claimed that Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal can reach the northeastern Indian state of Assam which is 1,860 kilometres from the border of the two countries.
Aug. 21, 2020


 We Just Crossed the Line Debt Analysts Warned Us About for Decades


U.S. weekly jobless claims jump back above 1 million

British Debt Breaks £2 Trillion Mark for First Time

Economists and deficit hawks have warned for decades that the United States was borrowing too much money. The federal debt was ballooning so fast, they said, that economic ruin was inevitable: Interest rates would skyrocket, taxes would rise and inflation would probably run wild. At the end of last year, the United States was about $17 trillion in debt — roughly 80 percent of the gross domestic product. In January, government analysts predicted that debt would approach 100 percent of the G.D.P. around 2030. But by the end of June, the debt stood at $20.53 trillion, or roughly 106 percent of G.D.P., which shrank amid widespread stay-at-home orders. (These numbers don’t count trillions more the government owes itself in bonds held by the Social Security and Medicare trust funds.)
Aug. 21, 2020


 Renowned EU Scientist: COVID-19 Was Engineered In China Lab, Effective Vaccine “Unlikely”

Sweden’s Lead Epidemiologist: Wearing Face Masks Is “Very Dangerous”

Not only is he an internationally known expert in biotechnology and nanotechnology who has had a stellar academic career, but he is also the president of the World Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies (WABT), an institution founded under the aegis of UNESCO in 1997. In other words, he is a man of considerable stature in the global scientific community.  Equally important, one of the goals of WABT is to analyze the effect of biotechnologies – like genetic engineering – on humanity. In his new book, this world-class scientist does exactly that.  And what he says is that the China Virus definitely wasn’t a freak of nature that happened to cross the species barrier from bat to man.  It was genetically engineered in the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s P4 (high-containment) lab in a program supervised by the Chinese military. What sets Prof. Tritto’s book apart is the fact that it demonstrates – conclusively, in my view – the pathway by which a PLA-owned coronavirus was genetically modified to become the China Virus now ravaging the world.  His account leaves no doubt that it is a “chimera”, an organism created in a lab.
Aug. 21, 2020


Firestorm in Bay Area grows quickly to 124,000 acres, now threatening 25,000 structures

Explosive fire activity in California – at least 5 people killed, more than 690 000 acres scorched and 770 structures destroyed

A series of fires raging through five North Bay counties grew to more than 124,000 acres by Wednesday night, destroying more than 100 structures and threatening 25,000 others. The firestorm was the largest of several fast-moving blazes in the San Francisco Bay Area and elsewhere in Northern California — many caused by intense lightning storms — that spread quickly overnight, burning homes and forcing thousands to flee. Over the last 72 hours, there have been some 10,849 lightning strikes throughout California, state officials said. As of Wednesday afternoon, 367 major fires were burning statewide, according to Gov. Gavin Newsom.
Aug. 21, 2020


  Two dead as Hurricane Genevieve approaches Baja-California peninsula

Tropical Storm Laura and Tropical Depression Fourteen: Track the Storms

Packing sustained winds of 115 miles per hour (185 km/hour), with even higher gusts, Hurricane Genevieve was set to brush the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula on Wednesday, as two people drowned in heavy seas, authorities said. A tropical storm warning is in effect for the west coast of the Baja California peninsula from north of Todos Santos to Cabo San Lazaro. The NHC warned that heavy rainfall from Genevieve may lead to life-threatening flash flooding and mudslides across portions of the far southern end of Baja California Sur through Thursday. Meanwhile, For the first time since the Great Depression, it’s possible that two tropical systems could make landfall in the mainland United States at virtually the same time. Tropical Storm Laura will affect the Leeward Islands, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands as a tropical storm with rain and gusty winds by this weekend. This system may then head toward Florida and the Gulf of Mexico early next week, possibly as a hurricane. Tropical Depression Fourteen has formed in the Caribbean Sea and is expected to first impact parts of Central America and Mexico as a tropical storm or hurricane before emerging into the western Gulf of Mexico. This system faces an uncertain future in the western Gulf of Mexico, but it could affect parts of the U.S. Gulf Coast next week as a hurricane.
Aug. 20, 2020

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