Author's posts

Egypt in crisis, what it could mean to the Psalm 83 war/Feb. 2011

My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you …

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Birth pains! Is your light shining for Christ?/Feb. 1, 2011

My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you …

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A Muslim Brotherhood leader calls for war on Israel/Egypt in distress/The Babylon question is answered? Jan. 31, 2011

  My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Are you really searching to know the truth? (If …

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Will be back on Monday

I will be back writing on Monday. Had to take time off do to a death in the family.  Watch Egypt and their civil unrest as this is going to be important to the coming Psalm 83 war of which Egypt will one of the nations who come against Israel.   My newest up-dated book …

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How do we know the Antichrist is near, look to the rebuilding of Babylon/ Jan. 21, 2011

  DOWN THIS BOOK FOR FREE       My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Go …

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Still here/Jan. 20, 2011

Working on a special report that is taking time. Should  be up Jan. 21st. My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend …

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Huge earthquake and the red flag remains up! Jan. 18, 2011

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take …

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One world currency/A letter asking could this be the beginning of the end/Food riots coming? Jan. 17, 2010

My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you …

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(No title)

My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you …

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Another “great Earthquake hits/Lebanon in prophecy/ Signs of America’s decline/Massive flood/ 13, 2010

My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you …

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