Author's posts

Psalm 83 war signs/Mark of the beast news/Forming of the last world empire & decline of America/Another Earthquake & quakes increasing/Water shortages/Peace and safety signs/April 19, 2010

I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will. I know I have people waiting for a printed copy. I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please …

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Revived Roman Empire signs/Turkey in the EU?/Warning signs of the Psalm 83 war/ Peace and safety talks stalled/Fearful sights and Major 6.3 quake/April 18, 2010ke/

HELGA Kent I tried your email but it does not work. Send me your mailing address for a book. I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will. I know …

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Earthquakes/Fearful signts/signs from the sky/War signs/Signs of U.S. decline/Russian warships in Syria/April 17, 2010

  I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will. I know I have people waiting for a printed copy. I will be bringing the book in to get printed. …

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Listen to Jesus’ warnings! Another major earthquake in China.

I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will. I know I have people waiting for a printed copy. I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please …

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The Final peaces and Obama/Frank needs your prayers. God’s blessings to Frank. April 13, 2010

Frank is still very weak and in a lot of pain. He will not be able to write until the doctors can pin point the exact problems, which they have not been able to do yet. Frank is asking for your prayers to give the doctors wisdom in finding out what is causing these health …

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Last days signs April 9, 2010

Everyone should be getting my up-dates now as the problem was corrected. If you aren't getting my daily prophecy up-dates it could be because you did not subscribe for them. If this is the case you may want to subscribe by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears on the upper left …

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Acts of war against Israel sign of Palm 83 war/

 Did I not quote God’s Word to prove to you a war is coming against Israel and the Palestinian’s will play a major role in this next war?  I keep telling you the PLO will not stop these types of attacks until they get Jerusalem back. Watch for Israel to respond to these recent attacks …

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Civil unrest/Fearful sights/6.0 quake/Recorded breaking storm hits Brazil/Psalm 83 war news/EU and U.S under curse/America’s decline/

Everyone should be getting my up-dates now as the problem was corrected. If you aren't getting my daily prophecy up-dates it could be because you did not subscribe for them. If this is the case you may want to subscribe by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears on the upper left …

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Special Report massive earthquake strikes April 6, 2010

Last week I warned you to expect more of the hugh earthquakes. News just in from CNN confirms my warning.  Let everyone know that I am repeating Jesus warning found in Luke 21:11 where He tells us these types of quakes what happen at the same time all the other prophecies were taking place. (CNN) …

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Peace and safety/ Third Temple tension/Israel prepares for war/Iran prepares for war/Rumours of war/Daniel vision of last world empire/Decline of U.S./Antichrist a man?April 6, 2010

      Everyone should be getting my up-dates now as the problem was corrected. If you aren't getting my daily prophecy up-dates it could be because you did not subscribe for them. If this is the case you may want to subscribe by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears on …

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