Author's posts

Antichrist signs/ One world interfaith church/ Cashless society/Dollar fall to Euro/rise of EU & U.S. decline/ Gold prices/ famines/ Ezekiel and Psalms war signs in the news/ Increased knowledge/ Oct. 22, 2009

  I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer.  Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct, 12, …

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Ezekiel 38 Signs/Roaring Seas and waves again!/ Diseases/The fall of America/Oct. 21, 2009

  You can subscribe for all my prophecy updates by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears near the top left hand side of my prophecy site.  An email will be sent to you for you to confirm you want to subscribe. When you get the email just click the link and …

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Please pray for our Sister in Christ Jeannine Roberts.

  Jeannine Roberts Jeannine was just diagnoced with stage 3 adrenal cancer last week. She is a sister in Christ with two young daughters, and wants to live. She starts kemotherapy  this morning at 10am. Please everyone that reads this pray for her to be healed. Pray for a miracle. Jesus Christ is God and we can …

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Confirmed speaking engagement: Important infomation concerning the next two Middle East wars/Oct. 20, 2009

    – You can subscribe for all my prophecy updates by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears near the top left hand side of my prophecy site.  An email will be sent to you for you to confirm you want to subscribe. When you get the email just click the …

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Getting ready for the dollar crash?/ America’s decline/ Roaring seas and waves/ Middle East wars to be fought/ Peace and safety calls/ Gold & silver prices/ Antichrist’s seat on the way/Many earthquakes/ Oct. 20, 2009

    – You can subscribe for all my prophecy updates by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears near the top left hand side of my prophecy site.  An email will be sent to you for you to confirm you want to subscribe. When you get the email just click the …

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Signs America is declining/Signs of the Psalms 83 war/ Peace and safety/Oct. 19, 2009

  I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer.  Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct, 12, …

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Major Earthquakes strikes/ Rev. 13:16-17/ Oct. 16, 2009

Prophecy Sign: In my warning yesterday I wrote to you concerning huge earthquakes that we on their way.  I told you that in Luke 21:11 Jesus told us “great” earthquakes were coming.  If you didn’t read my post dated Oct. 15, 2009 please read it so you will understand the message concerning the great quakes. …

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Major Earthquakes strikes/ Rev. 13:16-17/ Oct. 16, 2009

Prophecy Sign: In my warning yesterday I wrote to you concerning huge earthquakes that we on their way.  I told you that in Luke 21:11 Jesus told us “great” earthquakes were coming.  If you didn’t read my post dated Oct. 15, 2009 please read it so you will understand the message concerning the great quakes. …

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When is the “Great” earthqakes going to strike?/War signs that are leading to Psalms 83 and Ezekiel 38/ Oct. 14,2009

I am will taking off from writing to spend time with my family. I will be writng agian on Monday 19, 2009.  – I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may …

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Signs of the last days power shift/Warning of gold & silver/Message to Church/ Rockets launched at Israel again/Earthquake update/Hunger growing as Christ warned/Oct. 14, 2009

    I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer.  Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct, …

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