Author's posts

China in prophecy-Pastors not teaching the entire Word of God!-Ezekiel war and Pslams war signs-Peace process breaking down-Famine, drought, water shortages, disease, earthquakes-Do you know what the Feasts of Trumpets is, if not why not?-Sept. 18, 2009

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 17, 2009 Edition – You can view my radio/video show by clicking to the link below. My next show has been set …

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You are being tracked by Obama, is how-Ezekiel war coming-America declines-Mark of the beast-Noah’s signs- The Lie-Sept. 17, 2009

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 17, 2009 Edition – You can view my radio/video show by clicking to the link below. My next show has been set …

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Breaking News Israel to be divided! Three day to Rosh Hashanah! We just never know, so be ready just in case. 2,748 DiMora has answer for Christ-Volcanoes erupting all over the world!-Question, is swine flu chip the mark of the beast?-Sept. 15, 2009

Because Rosh Hashanah is going to begin on September 18 I wanted to add this special post today. It is my prayer that every Christian who reads this will not be afraid to pass this information on to your loved ones and friends.  Don't worry if they think you are nuts or not, we are …

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Forced Swine flu shots coming by Oct. ?-The days of Noah are here!-EU becomes richest in the world-UN says Israeli forces and Palestinian militants committed war crimes, what could this mean? Sept. 16, 2009

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth FREE BOOK –  You can view my radio/video show by clicking to the link below. My next show is has been set for …

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Soldier fighting in Iraq needs our help! Brother in Saipan asks for prayer-special post for Sept. 15, 2009

SPECIAL NEWS REQUEST. Today this letter made its way to my site.  If you know Jesus Christ as your Savior please join with me in answering this request.  The message came to me via Bobby S. Briggs, MSgt, USAF, 823 ESFS/SFOC, Flight Sergeant, BAGHDAD AB , IRAQ, and this is the message below: – “My …

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Israel ready to hit Iran-New World Order news-Why is Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Lebanon important to prophecy? War & rumors of wars-Timothy’s warning about our kids-U.S. is declining in power-Coming storm!- Sept. 15, 2009

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth FREE BOOK –  You can view my radio/video show by clicking to the link below. My next show is has been set for …

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Ezekiel war-Sudden destruction-Antichrist-Peace and Safety signs-Daniel and Zechariah signs-Sept. 14, 2009

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth FREE BOOK –   You can view my radio/video show by clicking to the link below. My next show is has been set …

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My responce to Joe about his comment left at my post. Sept. 13, 2009

After I put up a post about what will happen to the people who refuse to receive Jesus as their their Lord, and will be left behind when the Church is taken,  I received this comment from a person by the name of Joe.  This is what he wrote me. " FRANK, YOU SAY THOSE LEFT BEHIND …

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Is there a meaning behind Venezuela’s major earthquake today? Signs of Middle East war in the news-Peace and Safety-The curse-Disease in water-Rapture, what it will cause?-Sept. 13, 2009

  Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth FREE BOOK Download Microsoft Word – The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth-September 9, 2009 Edition – You can view my radio/video show …

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Birth pains in the Middle East-Rapture of the Church- Peace and safety-Sign Ezekiel’s war is coming-Sept. 12, 2009

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up. Download Microsoft Word – The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth-September 9, 2009 Edition – You can view my radio/video show by clicking to the link below. My next show is …

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