Author's posts

America in decline-Ezekiel 38-Drugs and crime-The world’s economy and where we are headed-Oct. 16, 2008

My newest interview on the International radio show The Edge can now be Listened. clicking to link below.    If you would like to be placed on my prophecy update list please email me your address. I do not share anyone’s e-mails and I will never ever contact you asking you for any money …

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Frank DiMora interviews with Gina Romano, Host of the International Radio show The Edge-Will U.S. turn from Israel?-New storms-Who is the Roman Empire in the last days & how can we know for sure?-Oct. 15, 2008

Frank Dimora, the Author of The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Awakening has returned to The Edge for his third interview. In this interview, Frank talks about the escalating problems between Russia and Georgia and eventually how Russia, Iran, Turkey, Iraq and other Arab nations will join forces to attack Israel. He gives the listeners …

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More good size earthquakes-Is Antichrist here? EU’s global role & what it means- Christians in India being killed-Oct. 14, 2008

 If you would like to be placed on my prophecy update list please email me your address. I do not share anyone’s e-mails and I will never ever contact you asking you for any money to support this ministry.  My e-mail address can be found in the top left hand corner of my post. —————————————————————————– …

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Noah’s generation signs-Famines-6.2 earthquake-Nations take over banks-Peace and Safety warning-More news about America’s decline-Anitichrist signs-

If you would like to be placed on my prophecy update list please email me your address. I do not share anyone’s e-mails and I will never ever contact you asking you for any money to support this ministry.  My e-mail address can be found in the top left hand corner of my post. —————————————————————————– …

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Hurricane slams Baja Mexico-Famines-Farrakhan’s church speach on Oboma and the Messiah-Big earthquakes-Frank DiMora thanks supports with video update-DiMora’s radio interview on The Edge.-Today’s post date is Oct 11, 2008

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24: 22-23 "Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets”.  We months the main stream media has portrayed Obama like a Messiah.  The way they put him on the front cover of their magazines …

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Steps to one world government-Berlusconi and global economy!-More Noah signs, gay marriages in Conn.–Bird flu-America decline-Famines- Oct. 10, 2008

If you would like to be placed on my prophecy update list please email me your address. I do not share anyone’s e-mails and I will never ever contact you asking you for any money to support this ministry.  My e-mail address can be found in the top left hand corner of my post. —————————————————————————– …

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Syria, Russia, Hamas, and Hezbollah are moving into position to fulfull prophecy-Noah’s signs a key to last days-Oct. 9, 2008

If you would like to be placed on my prophecy update list please email me your address. I do not share anyone’s e-mails and I will never ever contact you asking you for any money to support this ministry.  My e-mail address can be found in the top left hand corner of my post. —————————————————————————– …

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Deadly disease warning-Calls for new global economic police like system-Jesus warns of power shift in the last days- America’s decline-Peace and Safety- Attack on Israel-Iran to wipe Israel off the map-Oct. 8, 2008

If you would like to be placed on my prophecy update list please email me your address. I do not share anyone’s e-mails and I will never ever contact you asking you for any money to support this ministry.  My e-mail address can be found in the top left hand corner of my post. —————————————————————————– …

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Global meltdown cont.-Peace and Safety talks-Signs of Ezekiel’s prophecy-Oct. 7, 2008

If you e-mailed me in the last two days I may have missed your e-mail. I had to change my e-mail address.  If you use the e-mail address given at my site today, you will be able to contact me.  Sorry for the trouble. If you would like to be placed on my prophecy update …

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Global economic meltdown today. What this is leading to-‘Peace & Safety’ -Coming attack on Israel- Big Earthquake-Warning, Antichrist will control failing economy-Oct. 6, 2008

If you e-mailed me in the last two days I may have missed your e-mail. I had to change my e-mail address.  If you use the e-mail address given at my site today, you will be able to contact me.  Sorry for the trouble. If you would like to be placed on my prophecy update …

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