Author's posts

Signs of Ezekiel 38 April 2, 2008

The future can be seen in signs today.  If you go to chapter 10 of my book there is a list of nations that God warned us would join together and attack Israel. This attack has not taken place yet. Three of the nations on that list are Libya, Sudan, and Iran.  If you have …

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Free Book-Prophecy and Current Events

Download prophecy book for free, "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth" by Frank DiMora  2008 edition. Download final_complete_book_on_disc_2008.pdf


Everyone is worried about what will happen to Israel. Yes we are reading in the news that the Iranian President keeps saying he is going to wipe out Israel. Every night we watch the nightly news warning us that Hamas, the PLO, and others Islamic groups are bringing in arms to attack and defeat Israel. …

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America and coming depression- Timothy’s prophecy in the news, April 1, 2008

USA headed for a Depression?  April 1, 2008 –Kids fulfilled the Apostle Timothy’s warning for the last days. If you aren’t new to my site you know I have been encouraging you to get your financial affairs in order. Read my posts from Feb. and March if you are new.  I explain there must be …

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Why should we watch the peace talks in the Middle East? March 31, 2008

What you are about to read may take place in the very near future. It is possible future events will be played out this way, but only time will tell. What we do know is the timeing in which we are suppose to watch for these events to occur.  According to Bible prophecy we are …

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Australia to remain in the Middleeast-Why this is important in prophecy! March 28, 2008

What is the big deal about Australia remaining in the Middleeast? In chapter 10 of my book on p. 146 I note who are the nations in the MiddleEast at the time Israel is attacked. This attack on Israel is a major prophecy, and when it takes place all who know God’s Word will realize …

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Jesus is coming-get ready- If you don’t believe watch this!

Below are 2 links.  These are links to videos concerning Bible prophecy and what is taking place in our world today.  Watch these videos and then take my advice, (please), read my book "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth."  The book is free to you and you can download it here at this site. In …

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Special Report: March 26, 2008-DiMora’s warnings continue to be fulfilled.

I am blessed that more people are reading my posts.  I know why the numbers have increased. The people who have been reading my posts know that I have been telling them what will happen before it happens.  One woman wrote me and said, "reading your post is like reading tomorrows newspaper today".  She said …

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March 18, 2008 DiMora warns, PREPARE FOR HARD TIMES.

Experts have been warning America every year that a collapse of the U.S. economy is going to take place, it is no longer if it will happen, but when it will happen.  In 1982 Fialka wrote a fictitious scenario but I believe he may have seen the handwriting on the wall for our future.  In …

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March 20, 2008 DiMora’s relates Jesus signs-what to look for in 2008.

What to watch for in 2008.  Lately most of my posts have dealt with the coming attack on Israel, the decline of the U.S. dollar, the rise of the (EU) European Union, and what will happen to the price of Gold, Silver and so on.  There are other signs Jesus listed that we need to …

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